Saturday, March 5, 2011

Turbo Solitaire Shockwave

Why do we work? Do the math. . . The sense of crisis

believe to be free, that's who are the best slaves. As our society, we are free, even when we want to evade taxes.
talk that taxation on the people will not be increased. But if little money, often a salary is around 1000 € at best (we talk about the work that exists today, to go), though these soldi togliamo le trattenute iniziali, togliamo poi l’iva che viene applicata ad ogni prodotto che acquistiamo, togliamo il 74\75% di tassa che viene applicata sui tabacchi e sul carburante. Togliamo poi le imposte, per esempio quelle che ci ritroviamo sulle bollette di casa, a quanto è la percentuale tra il realmente consumato ed il realmente pagato? E poi che ci resta da togliere? Ah, le spese bancarie, perché oramai siamo arrivati al punto che diamo i nostri soldi alla banca (e questa li investe e guadagna), ma la dobbiamo pagare: Sembra un secolo fa quando ti davano l’8% sui bot se mettevi i soldi fermi un anno…ora dobbiamo pagare. Fate i conti di quanto vi costa il conto corrente e quanto guadagnate in interessi (buoni if you come to 2%). Then we must think of the various stamps, fees, insurance. I stop here with iol count, I think it is enough to understand that in the end it works to fully restore the money back to who you gave them. We can state that committed most of the time of our lives for a month in rent for the money, which will be returned after 30 days exactly. Returned to whom? Think about it ... ..
We had the economic boom, I really do in 37 years of life I've only seen a boom in debt, and among many other things I have not paid more. Now I'm counting on a small paycheck media skills
Total 1693
Trattenute CDEL
Trattenute INADEL
IRPEF addizionale
IRPEF addizionale comunale
Well, the state has taken 465 € , even before you start spending.
Money Net from work a month
650 see note 1
Rental inclusive of gas
450 see note 2
Food, counting breakfast and 2 meals consist of a first and a second at noon in the evening
117 See Note 3
167.75 see note 4
Monthly cost of the machine, excluding maintenance
€ 80 ENEL see note 6
I did not put the gas being included in the monthly rent of 650
21.99 see note 5
-258 see note 7
fees based medicines, hoping to be well

1) Rental € 650 for 50 square meters (including the cost of gas, to be added costs of € 200 Monthly).
2) Food 15 euro per day = 450 € \\ month (of course not dream of eating fresh fish or other foods every week (a lunch of fresh fish will cost you from only 15 €!), I keep count in 300 grams of bread, cheese and sausages, lots of pasta and a variety of products to make the sauce at home , a bottle of wine, fruit and vegetables, meat a few times a week)
4) Then we put the machine to a car, insurance 600 Euro \\ years (since sold it to me father and I went to a low level ...). 180 mark. I drive 12,000 km \\ years, power consumption: 15km \\ L: data from 12,000 (total km) / 15 (km \\ liter) = 800 gallons of fuel = 1233 € \\ anno.QUINDI MACHINE COST ME 1233 +180 +600 = 2013 Euro year, divided by 12 is 167.75 € per month.
3) Let us now cigarettes. Cost 3.90 per pack (3.90 * 74/100 = 2886 taxes ). Recall that the average smoker consumes a pack a day, then 3.90 * 30 = 117 (2886 * 30 = 86.58 taxes )
We have also shown that between tobacco and petrol we have these tax deductions:
Gasoline: cost € 1.54 liter (74% withholding tax), and 1:54 * 74 / 100 = € 1.1396 taxes on every liter
We have time to travel 1000 km, depending on the model, but less than 80 \\ 100 liters will be difficult to use them: So multiply 1.54 * 80 = 123.2 (1.1396 * 80 = 91,168 that taxes are )
5) Now put the voice medicines, since every time I go to the pharmacy find ladies who spend of € 50 a pop. We are in two and as many in northern Italy take benzodiazepines for sleep (if I leave the cannabis reduce anxiety and sleep better as well as having high morale throughout the day, but it's forbidden, do not you are neuroleptics or benzodiazepines that if you read the leaflet are certainly more harmful of cannabis!)
Get a tablet in the evening, in the box there are 20, do 10 days. Total 3 boxes per month. Cost Eurox3 Box 5 = 15 (in Austria, France and Germany, Spain, in short the rest of the continent come to cost as much as 500% less for you to browse the news on the net). We have then a toothpaste and mouthwash: 5:49 Mouthwash, 1.50 Toothpaste.
six) In the bill of 'ENEL, naturally in a small apartment do not use almost anything that uses electricity (such as oven, iron etc), but in those 80 how many taxes are there? And what is the true power consumption? Just look at the next bill and see that for most extra cost! And then, however, the average household is higher than 80 €, I know who pays 200
7) -258. That's our job a month, where the sole whim of cigarettes is taken away. With nothing, living the minimum each month. And keep in mind that I did not put the maintenance costs of the machine, medicine for various health, which sometimes lacks. I have not counted then go out for pizza. Also lack the money of account, because we already idiocy has become such che per dare i soldi alle banche che li investono, NOI paghiamo.   Noi lavoriamo per indebitarci, o meglio vista sotto un altro punto di vista si può dire che NOI paghiamo per lavorare.
La cosa che mi fa arrabbiare è che tutti vanno avanti come se questo fosse “normale”. Normale pagare per lavorare, normale pagare perché diamo i soldi agli sconosciuti.  
Ma la cosa ancora più assurda è che lo stato non è presente, non esistono sussidi di disoccupazione, invalidità ti danno 220 euro se te le danno. Costruiscono case ovunque, but the housing where they are finished? But why do people continue to work this way? That is, the slave board and lodging were included, they had. We do we get more of the slaves? Do we get that we can open up the debts? We buy a car to go to work, then it ends up working for the car? But it is better to live under a sky of stars, free all day to develop our being. I did, I read for hours and hours walking and talking with many people. I mean I was not at all bad, but then how many houses left uninhabited especially in the midst of campaigns could be employed?
Then, dico una cosa forte, ma se devo vivere in un modo di “merda”, ma vale veramente la pena di vivere? Io opterei per un bel suicidio, almeno non faccio arricchire nessuno e smetto di soffrire. Specifico che io non soffro, nella vita sto bene, molto bene, ma sono arrivato negli ultimi nove anni ad avere uno stile di vita molto spirituale, vivo di nulla e non sento bisogno di niente. Non ho la macchina, non guardo la televisione, spendo 15 euro al mese per internet, 5 euro a settimana per il tabacco, mangio una volta al giorno perché non faccio movimento per bruciare di più, ho vicino una persona che mi vuole bene, possiedo molti libri e leggo, leggo e mi informo. Se gli italiani leggessero il nostro paese non andrebbe avanti normalmente in a situation that is not normal!
Wake up because if you do not change, they will not do to secure their interests.
Add a piece taken from the blog of Paolo Franceschetti
... What they do not tell us anything, in fact, is that 99 percent of our money goes to the state, and therefore not is a tax increase to improve the general living conditions, nor is it in this way that the state obtains a greater availability of resources. The fees are in fact not the 40 or 50 percent, depending on the rate. Fees cover but almost 100 percent of the earnings of citizens. If it seems absurd, let's make this argument. If a citizen earns 1000 €, 300 from the state immediately. There remain 700 who can spend as he wishes.
These 700 will be used to purchase goods, and will be given to other citizens. These citizens, on this 700 euro, will pay another 30 per cent of taxes, then it will be 490. That will be used to purchase other goods from other citizens who will pay more taxes. We add that each object is burdened by VAT. A tax burden that is the origin of the goods more tax burdens.
make an example with a parcel delivered by a professional (doctor, lawyer, notary, etc. ..). The state tells you that your tax rate is 50 percent. But it is false. Because when I do a bill of 1000 euro, 50 percent goes to taxes, but 20 percent VAT, with the addition of IRAP (about 4 or 5 per cent) and the Fund (which Advocates for us is 10 per cent). This means that of those 1000 € there are about 200 or 300 in your pocket. So on the issue of taxes are two bales telling us:

1) is not true that the tax levy, both of 30, 40 or 50. Withdrawal (when calculating VAT, local taxes and fees) is still 70 to 80 percent, depending on the rates.
2) When the city purchases a good, buy it anyway down subject to VAT (which, remember, a few years ago for some goods was 40 per cent). And what is the state is much more even quell'ottanta.


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