Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Randall Terry Alan Colmes

misanthropy, but what in reality?

La persona che diviene misantropo, per quali motivi lo diventa?
Si nasce ? Non credo proprio. Si inizia casomai a notare atteggiamenti negli esseri umani che di umano hanno ben poco. I falsi miti della madonna e del signore, per esempio, who profess love and tolerance for everyone, but so rare to find in everyday behavior. You see that in the end the report with strangers is based essentially on a lie: "Let's be honest with every man and woman we meet and see how it will end up understanding, it will end soon, very soon, and even in the best way ". Then over the years you realize that any form of friendship that you found was based on the interest, gain on the mutual interests of various kinds, not necessarily just economic, even need company, needed an ally to feel stronger and more secure, but fact is that in the worst moments of life when you lose everything, when adverse conditions are put in line to play with your life, well, you're sure to what extent the "friends" are all gone, just like the mice before the ship sinks. I think they are very few men who can claim the exception to have known a true friend, what I described above is a standard situation, it does not take a lot of life experience to prove it. Devoto Oli on going to see misanthropy is the following description: "Feelings of hate against his fellows, mostly from provvocato inability to take part in active life and is accompanied by a sullen desire of loneliness. " as you can not be adverse against people who condemn the chicken thief, but revere the criminal who has been successful. Where is the difference? This inconsistency is not any chance in the light of people with whom it is pleasant to discuss, talk and live with them? I'm a little like the priests (ah, how I hate the pretame, the mass of parasites that exist only thanks to the inner poverty of the people themselves have made sterile from the first years of life * 1), these good men dressed in Blackrobes profess love, love and divine justice. They do it gives me a feeling of nausea, but that thousands of people every Sunday to listen to bear their altars, Well, this scares me. This scares me because these people as priests go continually to repeat words full of meaning, but do not want to remember the significance of the Inquisition, tortured heretics made the fire worse than what would be the cruelest of animals (but nature teaches that animals are not cruel, only meet their basic needs, enough). But they love you. They do it for love. I, as a perfect misanthrope, I love solitude (or rather the company of essays, essays that have existed on this planet and left the memories, books), I like to watch and observe this behavior at all consistent with the same symptoms I see in the masses that befit the schizophrenic. Always sul Devoto Oli vado a vedere la parola schizofrenia, viene detta in questi termini: “Malattia mentale caratterizzata dalla dissociazione della personalità e delle altre attività psichiche fondamentali: presenta delirio, allucinazioni, disordine percettivo, ideativo o del comportamento”. Quale descrizione migliore della nostra società? Parlare con gli altri e dire che bisogna amare, volersi bene, essere giusti e rispettare le leggi, per poi ritrovarsi da soli ed ammirare e imitare tentando di eguagliare il peggiore dei criminali. Vediamo l’esempio delle persone che ci governano, oppure delle persone diventate straricche. Sono esempi che dareste ai vostri figli, tenendo presente che il figlio si dovrebbe amare? I'm reading a wonderful book: The money at the top of Vittorino Andreoli, and the first part describes in our clinical practices with the money and says: "The clerk laborer survive for a very clear law, not to get rich is to work contrary, it is contraindicated. It raises examples of entrepreneurs become rich, very rich (among them there are priests of course) and a psychiatrist highlights the personality of entrepreneurs paragonadole the personality of the criminal. I recommend it, however, is one of the few books published last year that is worth reading. But back to the description of misanthropy, I now turn to the second part of the sentence: "... for mostly from provvocato invìcapacità to take part in active life ... ", then life would I want to participate? Should I take an active part to prop up the "system" (Saviano Gomorrah when he speaks in the appointment of the Camorra not ever, ever speak of the system, eg), a system based on lies, inequality and hurt those who already had little from life? Think about it, unless you are humanitarian volunteers, think about your own pet party given daily take up this system: it can be very proud of such an action? That is, let me explain better, they get rich scrubbing the common people and can do so ONLY because ordinary people allow it though. If no one has to work tomorrow and we all go to the streets with placards calling for what they were asking the Community: "We want everyone to have the essentials to live in dignity and equality that finally there is" nothing more ... but the brain-pulping on television in 40 years has made the community a monster that eats children. I repeat that I never voted communist because the communists have never existed except in the book Marx's Capital, the others are all bad imitations. Instead I am in the midst of a society that admires people who are fanatically create inequality and poverty. What strange reason I should integrate in such a pit? Chiaro che scelgo la migliore delle compagnie, quella di me stesso. Quelle poche volte che guardo la televisione, bene, li vedo davvero la schizofrenia che diventa norma di vita. Osservando blob, la sera alle 20 su rai tre mettono bene in evidenza queste frasi e comportamenti, dove uno dice bianco, ma poi dicono anche nero, insomma che bianco e nero sono parte della vita lo sappiamo, ma vanno ben separati. Io quando guardo il TG5 o TG1 (lo faccio solo per incazzarmi!) veramente ho l’impressione di vivere su un altro pianeta. Ma poi le notizie del giorno sono sempre morti, stupri, violenze…e così dovremo abituarci che è una cosa normale. Che schifo!
Da Repubblica
"My son is beaten by a pack
Saturday is the day of terror"
Sixteen years old, was attacked for 5 €. After a CAT scan did find that the broken jaw, a mass in the skull and operational needs Replace the head.
then more on a daily
Teen bewitched dall'alcolil first drink at 14 anniIndagine Doxa. Adults are more moderate and sober. Among the very young to drink "rocking" is a fashion that does not pass. The women make less than males, but their consumption is increasing
Then we see the TG, TG1 and TG5 holding the scepter of hypocrisy
1) They show a world where workers lack === looking for a job and can not find it
2) For hazardous === Arcore there were troublemakers who want an honest and democratic world
3) Women are "young" for ever, and accompanying products to be sold === women I know they are consumed by work and advertise the lifestyle of the mass, how do you transform your life in the factory or office
4) In mattina le famiglie si alzano, con il sorriso in viso, e tutti assieme consumano la colazione===mi alzo da solo, un caffè veloce per non perdere il bus delle 7.10
5)Ogni canale al pomeriggio o tarda sera (gli orari dei programmi di approffondimento) in questi giorni godono nel dare le mille versioni in cui la povera Yara sarebbe stata ammazzata, non sapendo nulla del caso, è pura speculazione psicopatologica, è delirio! ===In Italia quanti minori spariscono ogni anno? Andate a vedere e di certo troverete che bisognerebbe riempire i palinsesti di ragazzi scomparsi.
Potrei andare avanti in eterno con questi esempi.Questa è dissociazione of reality, that SCHIZOPHRENIA. So I am the misanthrope who does not adapt to society, or am I that I want to live good and peaceful but to do so I can not meddle in the pit of hell known as human beings? Watch Zeitgeist if you have not already done so.
misanthropy of you what do you think?

* Dateceli a hand in five years and will be our life. Sentence pronounced by a priest against children, can not remember the name on a book I read years ago ....


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