Friday, March 4, 2011

Add Music Mount&blade

Taken from the blog of Paolo Franceschetti

Summary. 1. Abstract. 2. Two words about the tax system (partially published previously. 3. And here we return to the financial crisis. 4. How do you delete the pain in the ass (that means' one who does not adapt to the system).

1. Introduction.
Between September and October, despite the assurances of our chairman of the board, waiting for us, apparently, a resumption of the crisis, which will become increasingly important to have the highest peak in 2011-2012.

These days later the news is that schools have decreased dramatically, the chairs, and then seems to jump around 100,000 jobs throughout Italy. That is to say that there will be 100,000 people for a walk, in Italy, which will not work. People who have studied years, often have specialized by the famous SSIS (ie the specialized schools for teaching) paid a high price, will find themselves the same to twiddle their thumbs.

In our previous article on the crisis we had occupied the reasons which caused this situation, focusing on strictly economic dynamics, in other words, we identified who benefits, more immediately, the financial collapse of Western markets.

However there is another reason, less immediate and less visible but even more valid than the last.
Let us see what this is right, but not before he had made some observations.

We said that the financial crisis is used primarily to enrich the bankers, because the fact that money is not worth anything (in the aftermath of the Bretton Woods agreement of 1944), together with the phenomenon of the acquisition of real goods in exchange for fictitious goods ultimately benefited only the owners of the world's largest banks and multinationals. E 'describes a mechanism that had down and so now we will not return, which we define as "redistribution of wealth." In practice, following the crisis there will be a redistribution of wealth on the planet, because the money will be worth little more than paper, and who had based his life on the accumulation of money or products derived from it, you'll end up with a handful of flies in hand and in compensation instead retain the value of real assets (land, houses, gold, precious stones).
Finally, since our economy is based mainly on the debt, the ultimate effect of creating the financial crisis is that individuals have lost many of their possessions to the inability to cover the cost of mortgages, and then those who have earned by the whole operation will be those who find themselves the owners of land, homes, valuables, etc. ...
In a nutshell those avvantaggera'da this situation are the large groups of economic power.

However, the logic leads people to seek other reasons for this crisis.

Le grandi multinazionali e le grandi banche infatti, sono già, di fatto, proprietarie della maggior parte delle ricchezze del pianeta. Poche famiglie, non più di una ventina in tutto, controllano direttamente o indirettamente oltre la metà dei beni della terra e per acquisire l’altra metà non occorre provocare una crisi finanziaria; le grandi multinazionali sono già proprietarie, nella stragrande maggioranza dei casi, delle minierie di diamanti e pietre preziose dell’africa e dell’Asia; le cosiddette sette sorelle hanno il monopolio dell’energia del pianeta, non permettendo alle energie alternative di svilupparsi; controllano di fatto la maggior parte degli stati asiatici, africani, e dell’america latina, by compliant governments lined up, corrupt, or simply unable to react to the excessive power of the Western world and its diktat.
Major economic superpowers are so rich that could easily buy all rimamente so licit or illicit.
So .... Why cause a financial crisis of this magnitude?

only to buy other goods, following the failure of many individuals and many companies?

2. Two words about the tax system (the first part has already been published previously )
La ragione delle crisi è la stessa che regge il sistema fiscale dissennato che abbiamo. Un sistema fiscale assurdo, che però ha una ragione molto profonda. Ripeto qui quello che ho detto nell’articolo sul sistema in cui viviamo con alcuni correttivi.
Il sistema di tassazione deve essere vessatorio e non ci sarà mai un governo che ridurrà le tasse veramente. I soldi, infatti, in realtà ci sono, ma vengono dispersi decuplicando il costo delle opere pubbliche, finanziando società inesistenti grazie all’aiuto della CE, creando fondi neri, spendendo miliardi di euro per una sanità malata.
Il vero scopo del sistema di tassazione attuale, però, non è quello di reperire fondi da divide between the elite (not already have enough without having to steal even a few dollars to ordinary citizens) but to force a citizen to not ever raise his head, that is, the goal is to make it work twelve hours a day to survive. If you do not have too much free time, will not have time to think, learn and recover.
is therefore just the economic level of the population begins to rise, another economic crisis occurs, a new financial requirements for which the state calls for new sacrifices ... What they do not tell us anything, in fact, is that 99 percent of our money goes to the state, and is not a tax increase to improve the general living conditions, nor is it in this way that the state obtains a greater availability of resources. The fees are in fact not the 40 or 50 percent, depending on the rate. Fees cover instead of almost 100 percent of the earnings of citizens. If it seems absurd, let's make this argument. If a citizen earns 1000 €, 300 from the state immediately. There remain 700 who can spend as he wishes.
These 700 will be used to purchase goods, and will be given to other citizens. These citizens, on this 700 €, will pay another 30 per cent of taxes, then it will be 490. That will be used to purchase other goods from other citizens who will pay more taxes. We add that each object is burdened by VAT. A tax burden that is the origin of the goods more tax burdens.
make an example with a parcel delivered by a professional (doctor, lawyer, notary, etc. ..). The state tells you that your tax rate is 50 percent. But it is false. Because when I do a bill of 1000 euro, 50 percent goes to taxes, but 20 percent VAT, with the addition of IRAP (about 4 or 5 per cent) and the Fund (which Advocates for us is 10 per cent). This means that of those 1000 € there are about 200 or 300 in your pocket. So on the issue of taxes are two bales telling us:

1) it is false that the tax levy, both of 30, 40 or 50. Withdrawal (when calculating VAT, local taxes and funds) is still 70 to 80 percent, depending on the rates.
2) When the city purchases a good, buy it anyway down subject to VAT (which, remember, a few years ago for some goods was 40 per cent). And what is the state is much more even quell'ottanta.
It 's a sum very close to 100 percent.
Practically everything we produce goes into the pockets of the state, except the little that one can save and put aside without making any use. In essence, only the money not used to us and should not be left to the state. Those put into service sooner or later end up in state coffers.
short, then when the state increases taxes by 2 percent, not really that collects 2 percent. Because the city, gaining two percent less, buy fewer goods, and then the result is that an entrance on one side, the other is output.
It follows that what they tell us, the need to raise taxes to bring more money into the pockets of the state, is a colossal dance. At
is already almost everything. The increase in taxation serves only to harass the city so it can never enjoy a life of real wealth. Also
a well-designed system increases the areas of lawlessness and evasion, and results in a further economic loss to the state.

that the real reason of the tax system is not to raise funds, it is proved by the fact emblematic. Under the Prodi government came out of the scandal (and of course the media did not talk about it more) of € 98 billion that the state monopoly had to collect from operators of video games and slot machines. Has been found for 98 billion € of tax evasion amounting to almost 200,000 billion lire. The financial cost of several. A sum that could (and should) recover quickly, but the government is careful not to recover. Would take a simple operation coordinated by the financial police in a few weeks to get a sum that would allow the state to breathe for two or three more years without draining the public.
So much so that on 8 July this year the deputy of the Democratic Party has tabled a question to Alberto Fluvià immediate response in the House Finance Committee to hear from the Ministry of Economy and Finance "
the measures taken by or proposes to take on the presumed, of massive tax evasion in the field of slot machines, possibly evaluating the hypothesis, proposed in the abovementioned report of the ministerial committee, to reduce the rate of Preu, to introduce the prohibition for operators take the form of dealers, and to use the Sogei to carry out checks on the data of the game, therefore the tax due and that actually declared and paid, and whether, considering the scale of the problem, does not consider expedient correction of the organizational structure of the Autonomous State Monopolies, which provides, in the interests of the administration, the establishment of a central audit structure similar to that present in all tax agencies.

But we know full well what the government will mean measurements. NO. In conclusion
. Not the money it needs the government. The government needs to keep his head down slaves to work twelve hours a day and does not provide information, not think, do not evolve.

3. And we return to the financial crisis.
Therefore, the reasons for financial crisis are the same as for the tax system, ie the lower areas of well-being of the population.
With the increase of the areas of welfare, in fact, increase the people who are informed, have time to think, they can do dangerous links. And they have more 'time to organize themselves into associations that can contribute to democratic life of the country.
In contrast, in a crisis situation, people have less time to relax, think, grow .... Those who work twelve hours has no time to stop and think and then the television news, newspapers, etc ..., you have to watch them in passing, casually, and without reporting the facts in each bond is rather evident.
If people had time to think and reflect this happen:
- Crime of Bagno a Ripoli, Lapo Santiccioli kills his girlfriend and then committed suicide with three stab wounds on her neck. There are traces of the girl's blood on his body, because after killing her would be washed and then committed suicide. Three stabbed in the neck - you ask a citizen who has time to think -? But how does one commit suicide with three stab wounds on the neck? And why hanno archiviato subito la cosa anche se non c’erano tracce di sangue sul corpo del ragazzo?

- Tò… è stato realizzato in pieno il programma della P2. Lo trovate qui.
Controllo dei giornali, separazione delle carriere nella magistratura, controllo dei mass media, abolizione monopolio RAI, riforma dei rapporti stato-regione, ecc…. E, caso strano, coloro che erano nelle liste della P2 oggi sono ai vertici del ptoere statale. Ma non sarà che…

- How did the first act of the Prodi government, at the time of the settlement, was to appoint Secretary of the room a former terrorist who had spent years in prison for the murder of a police officer? It was - said Bertinotti, the leader of the poor - a citizen who had paid his debt to justice, and could easily be in a position of political power. It will not be that there is a connection between terrorism and institutions? Not sara'che the next Bertinotti had somehow facilitated, if not worse, that terrorism does not want to say words. Above all, the city asks, but how the hell draws may have elected a person like that? Non sara´che la legge elettorale e´una fregatura?

- Perché non recuperano i 98 miliardi dai gestori di slot-machine, ma in compenso se un barista non fa uno scontrino di due euro gli rifilano una multa che questo se la ricorda finchè campa?

- Come mai lo stato permette grandi illegalità a cielo aperto, ospedali iniziati e mai costruiti, strade iniziate e mai costruite ma poi se un cittadino qualunque cambia il tipo di fari montato sull’auto, o costruisce un garage abusivo, patisce conseguenze pesanti?

Queste are the questions that you would a citizen who had time to reflect, think, connect, without the compulsion to make ends meet.
This financial crisis could be avoided. Could be avoided in many ways. First of all because they were years that the "conspiracy" were saying that there would be a financial crisis.

When Misinformation in 2002 said that in 2006 there would be economic collapse, Pamio (the Director of Disinformation) was accused of being a paranoid conspiracy theorist.

But the truth was that the centers del potere economico e finanziario queste cose erano risapute.

Una persona che conosco, dirigente di banca, mi ha detto "certo che tutti noi sapevamo... gli esperti di finanza non potevano non accorgersi che i prodotti finanziari piazzati dalle banche erano un flop... un collage di nulla destinato a far saltare il sistema. Così come oggi, le rassicurazioni sulla ripresa sono ridicole, e chi è esperto lo sa, perchè un'economia che piazza prodotti finanziari pari a sei volte il prodotto interno lordo DEL MONDO INTERO, prima o poi è destinato a crollare, perchè vuol dire che le banche stanno piazzando è un prodotto vuoto, senza sostanza e che prima o poi ci sara´un bang of sensational proportions.

The crisis could thus be avoided with greater control of financial products by banks, with a re-appropriation by the state's ability to coin money (remember that today the money was not beating, because this is issued by central banks and the ECB, which are not under the control of governments, and be independent from governments, but by the big investment banks worldwide).

But it was not avoided.

Nor was announced by the government. Yet Prodi, to give just one example, was an economist ... could and should have known, and it was his duty to warn the public institution.

The point is - I repeat - that the true purpose of the financial crisis is preventing people will one day raise my head and realize they are thinking of slaves serving their masters. The banks and large industry. And this crisis, of course, will increase the state of subjection of citizens against the "owners" will increase because the people who will be advised by the politician, the administrator, the powers that be.

The financial crisis has no other purpose than to make us even more slaves.
4. How do you delete the pain in the ass (the one who does not adapt to the system).
This should not surprise piu'di much. E'dall'antichita'che ruler tries to maintain a state of awe in his subjects by piu'diversi systems. Bread and circuses, "said the poet Juvenal, meaning that to keep the population subjugated's enough to give him a bit of bread and make it fun with the circus.

In periodo Borbonico, a Napoli, l´espressione divenne "feste farina e forca", ma la sostanza era la stessa.
Attualmente i metodi usati per rendere la popolazione una massa di pecore fedeli al potere, sono gli stessi di un tempo; al posto del circo abbiamo la televisione, i media, il calcio, e tutti i miti creati dalla societa´consumistica.

Pochi si rendono conto pero´, che uno degli strumenti piu´formidabili per controllare le masse e´proprio il sistema fiscale e l´attuale crisi finanziaria. Perche´ l´ínformazione puo´essere manipolata quanto si vuole, ma ci sara´sempre qualcuno che capira´l´inganno; le leggi possono essere repressive quanto vogliono, ma per because they are hard, there will always be openings to allow people to react piu'intelligenti, and furthermore, when the laws are over a certain level of hardness and become intolerable, there sara'sempre someone willing to rise up and pay with their lives his rebellion.
The only thing to remedy It is the spreader is not a shortage of goods necessary for subsistence. If the person is deprived of essential goods, as it may be aware, informed, and intelligent, his main objective diventera'sopravvivere, and then becomes harmless to the system, even perche'spesso, just to survive, compromising scendera'a the powers that be, especially if she has children.
Increase cioe'le people who will be willing to make a political turn, which will accept inhumane conditions or covenants morally illicit, just to have a job.

In other words. We live in an illusion of democracy. A true democracy would mean the government of the people but instead we know that we have no power, not even choose our leaders. The best way to impose a dictatorship It is the force (perche'prima or later someone will rebel ') but give the people the illusion of being free, and then create a dictatorship in disguise, making people wonder exactly what si'che that the powerful want to impose.

There rebels to something that you do not suspect the existence and in this way to control population growth puo'andare on forever.

e'tempo And to realize that the means of control and piu'potente ', in fact, the tax system and financial integration, or can also be summed up':
1) the tax system to the limits tolerability ', so that each work twelve hours a day to survive;
2) fiscal laws and controls arranged so that it can not come into compliance, so that the tax contr0lli are intended to harass the citizen (who verra'controllato the issuance of a receipt of two euro) and encourage the powerful (will never requested a 98 billion euro to operators of video-games);
3) economic system that always guarantees a high percentage of unemployed, and a high proportion of workers live at subsistence level.

If, despite all efforts, the welfare increases (which e'inevitabile perche'ogni societa'tende course, in the long run to improve his living conditions) you create a better financial crisis ... and voila '... e'ristabilito balance.

In practice, during the dictatorial state in which the dictatorship e'conclamata using the mass killings to eliminate possible dissidents. In our
"Democracy" using taxes and financial crisis. Any dissenters who were not rendered harmless with this system, perche'troppo in sight, too powerful or too close to the system not to understand it in depth, will have a car accident as Rino Gaetano, a sudden illness as Berlinguer (which however, a few years before you salvo'per miracle just a car accident), or commit suicide, like Luigi Tenco. Or, when the theory of suicide or accident that would also cosi'ridicola Emilio Fede, Mentone, and Liguori refused to accept, and fara'fuoco arrivera'un crazy island, as happened with Gandhi, Martin Luther King, John Lennon , John Kennedy and Pope John Paul II.
sara'troppo people busy making ends meet at home to understand that these murders planned by the system.


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