Monday, March 7, 2011

Lighting Spandex Volleyball Shorts

care right?

years ho iniziato uno stile di vita alternativo. Ho staccato con il lavoro, poiché se lavoro tengo in piedi questo sistema marcio e se non lavoro non è vero che non mangio. Certo ci si deve accontentare, vivere del minimo indispensabile alla vita…il minimo, ma tutto il resto a cosa serve? A farci lavorare ed indebitare, su questo ho già scritto la settimana scorsa, una tabella con lo stipendio DIVORATO dal superfluo.
Ho viaggiato per anni, ho visto in Europa cose che nel nostro paese ci sognamo. Io al momento vivo ancora di poco, molto poco, per esempio tirato via il vitto alloggio mi bastano 100 euro per passare benissimo il mese. Ho molte passioni,prima tra tutte la lettura.
Io sono convinto che la ricetta medica per change the world exists, but must begin with us, we must provide the other. I believe that unity is strength, in fact we live in isolated studios and more than work relationships, nothing remains. How can you build something good in these conditions? There
list of steps to change your life:
1) Close the bank account after leaving work, and also withdrew the indemnities
2) Start looking for an abandoned house, maybe in the Florentine hills, but we are full all around Italy
3) Look for a group of civilians and loyal who really want to change the style of life, I've already tried a similar experience and I would say that the good number is between 20 \\ 30 for people at most, 20 better still, you can cover all the tasks and there are fewer needs.
4) Combine the money, buy a house with little land nearby and place (I'm floored and mason for example, a plumber friend is ... and with little you can)
5) In the meantime, start living than nature provides (nature has always given food to man, not the multinationals!). Chickens, ducks, cows, pigs, rabbits ... as you can only live as vegetarians, because killing an animal after you've looked after for months, in my opinion is difficult, I would opt to live on pasta, tomato, cheese, milk and vegetables, but this one has to give.
6) Working hours only neccessarie daily requirements, the rest of our time to socialize, read, study and maybe laugh. Certainly, life becomes serene, very peaceful. I lived seven months in a community such as depression and really did not know what it was.
But you have to join, is the union makes us strong, because the institutions do their best to separate us, they know that divided never combine anything, we should always and only abide by their laws.
Imagine if everyone started to join, withdraw money from banks and not to seek more money as a primary source for the existence, ma solo per le poche cose indispensabili. Chi dice che non si può vivere in questo modo? Lo dicono le persone a favore di questo sistema, persone dal basso livello etico, se non addirittura inesistente.
Io voglio essere un uomo, dalle mille sfaccettature, voglio che la mia natura artistica, ma soprattutto che la mia natura in simbiosi con la natura che mi circonda diventino la magia divina che abbiamo dimenticato. Cosa c’è di più bello di vivere in mezzo alla natura?
Naturalmente questa è solo una mia idea, ma sono convinto che curerebbe tanti mali, poiché i mali della nostra società arrivano TUTTI da come viene gestito il denaro.
Spero che un giorno il mondo sarà diverso…ma if I stay just hope nothing will change for the worse if not for our situation.
well worth working to enrich others and be able to buy all the products in the latest fashion? I really believe that the magic of life is reduced to this?
Of course we complain, we lost the mythic sense of life, but it takes no time to recover, it is in us, think again: "Each of us has a divine spark within," and that we move to this divine spark?
Come on now ... I try to change partners, if I find the network fine, otherwise I'll start my journey interrupted two years ago.
But remember that thoughts are creative, I am what I think, I am what I do: I have a thought that works. Energy ... I was in a coma once and right after that incident I became interested in quantum physics, astronomy and philosophy and my way of seeing the world has changed completely.


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