Friday, March 4, 2011

Sulfur Lime Dip For Ringworm

Bologna Exhibition Paths of Noah in Pontedera

A exposição Parallel: In Search of the German artist Diaries Versus Crystal Girls do português será Noah SendAs open next Saturday, March 5 to 18 hours at Centrum Seven Suns Seven Moons in Pontedera.

This is the first monographic exhibition in Italy of one of the more interesting of the new generation of visual artists Portuguese.

Entrance is free.

This initiative is supported by the Instituto Camões.
Il Centrum Seven Suns Seven Moons di Pontedera in Press Nazionale presenta l'inglese artist Noé Sendas shows fotografica con la "PARALLEL, In search of The Crystal German Diaries Versus Girls." Sendas, Berlino stabilitosi the diversity of anni, ha studiato at AR.CO. (Center for Art and Visual Communications) in Lisbon, the Royal College of Arts in London, the Art Institute of Chicago and has created several residences including the largest in the Künstlerhaus Bethanien in Berlin. Since the beginning of his career in the early 90's, has developed a work based on the technique of collection. In his videos, sculptures and digital photo collage put together different components of Western culture and, as a DJ armed with a sampler, the mix up to give them new meanings. The quotations express or implied use various forms of expression: video, sculpture, sound, photography. In many of his works are recognizable influences from literature and dal cinema, per esempio da Joyce e Beckett, Hitchcock e Godard. Questi riferimenti diventano, inoltre, parte di un’esplorazione dell’annoso tema del Doppio, un’esplorazione in cui l’auto-rappresentazione spesso gioca un ruolo significativo. Indaga il corpo come un’entità allo stesso tempo teorica e materiale, indaga i meccanismi di percezione dell’osservatore o il potenziale discorsivo dei metodi di esposizione.

In Search of the German Diaries / Crystal Girls sono i due assi tematici e materiali su cui è organizzata l’esposizione Parallel.

German Diaries si riferisce ai diari di Samuel Beckett ai quali Noé Sendas ha avuto accesso e che qui mette in scena. Noé Sendas riesce con immagini e oggetti a ricreare l’atmosfera angusta tipica del Teatro dell’Assurdo. Guardando questi allestimenti di Noé Sendas ci sentiamo in attesa di qualcosa, in attesa di un Godot che non arriva mai.

In Crystal Girls rivisitiamo in versione fotografica alcuni dei temi sistematici dell’artista. Sono immagini raccolte da internet e poi lavorate come sculture. Molte di queste sono donne senza testa, non perché l’abbiano persa, ma perché l’autore usa la sua strategia di camuffamento dell’identità per creare ambienti anche questi assurdi. Ci sono alcuni casi radicali in cui la testa si insinua attraverso il sofà, o attraverso altri spazi, provocando un’atmosfera di grande inquietudine and discomfort.

The absurd is the unifying element that unites these two axes that intersect in the exhibition space.
In this exhibition, conceived on the theme of "Parallel", the viewer will involve a trip alienating made literary and cinematic references. The creative process of SendAs is based on an intellectual artifice based on a combination of materials of different origin. However, the underlying logic is not simply a logic of appropriation, but the definition of a new fatherhood. This approach shares affinities with the strategies used by DJs and a common tool in the current pop music, the sampler, since this constitutes appropriation of themes that will be used to build any new sounds and even collage.
SendAs Noah has already presented its work in prestigious spaces in Lisbon (Culturgest, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation), Berlin, London, gaining critical acclaim and is now exhibited for the first time in Italy at the Centrum Sete Sois Sete Luas in Pontedera. An exhibition not to be missed.

Centrum Sete Sois Sete Luas
Viale Rinaldo Piaggio, 82 (exit train station, side Piaggio)
Pontedera (Pi)
Opening: Saturday, March 5, 18:00
Exhibition hours: daily (except Sunday and holidays )
16-20 hours Other hours by appointment until 30 March

Input libero
Info: 0587.090493;;


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