Friday, March 4, 2011

Kathryn Beich Katydids

plan in place ... in crisis, riots and dictators

Order from Chaos

Olive Farmer

time ago I wrote these words:

"The infamous global elite's plans were hatched for a long time. Their objective is to move the economy in countries with low costs of undertaking (executed), create from nothing a mountain of debt (executed), impose strict measures to return the fake debt through the IMF (running), then ignite the fuse of revolution (to execute).
Why the revolution? Because it is a revolution that will bring about a new world order. E 'due to a revolution that the West will be even more significantly reduced to slavery. E 'through a revolution that evil can be extended in a massive .

E 'own post-revolutionary regimes that derive the most pernicious Consequences for mankind, because the revolution always leads to totalitarianism , fear, making the game squad death and allowing the most evil to devote great sacrifices to the God of models of reality.

One of the fuses will be represented by the revolutions taking place inside the countries that have a history of civil unrest. " (...)

That's weird.

back well to read this blog from its first pages, and you will realize that there is the history all the events described above, piece by piece.

Open your eyes, because the deception that is consumed before the world was designed for a long time. The wave is not a revolutionary uprising spontaneous of angry people (for now only in Arab nations, but soon in countries closest to you), but one of the final acts of a long brood strategy by the ruling class.

This sudden escalation of chaos was ordered and planned in every detail in order to create the destruction of the existing paradigms of world society as a preparation for the new "world order " also known as the old world order, packaged in a different package.

What is happening can be briefly described.

are committed to the destruction of all the conceptual cornerstones of humanity.

Even the fake stuff themselves in the past that led us to believe.

Any change is scary, but a change in the paradigms of power is the most disturbing of all. As Shakespeare said: "Nature abhors a vacuum," and is in the power vacuum created by the revolution - as it has always been the story - which are manufactured by outside demagogues industria di Lucifero.

In primo luogo  hanno minato la fiducia nella "democrazia",  coadiuvati dal  'truth movement' che essi stessi hanno creato (l'ago della menzogna si nasconde meglio in un pagliaio di verità).

La maggioranza delle persone (compresi coloro i quali si sono bevuti tutte le bugie dei media  mainstream ) sta ora realizzando che  i politici sono bugiardi, che sono burattini e co-cospiratori, e che i governi sono impegnati in una politica di  tosatura del gregge.

Tutto ciò risulta più evidente per gli abitanti delle finte democrazie o degli stati controllati da demagoghi (come stiamo assistendo nelle nazioni arabe), ma molto rapidamente risulterà evidente anche in tutte le democrazie occidentali, in Europa e poi in Cina, negli Stati Uniti, ovunque.

Ma è ancora presto per eccitarsi, perchè questi avvenimenti  non hanno nulla a che fare con il tanto sospirato avvento di una nuova coscienza dell'umanità.  E' una deliberata creazione del caos dal quale dovrà scaturire un nuovo ordine.

In secondo luogo, the global banking scam has laid the groundwork for the destruction of faith in the current currency system, that made us suffer so because of financial affairs known to all.

The "money" - the stuff that keeps us separate so effectively creating jealousy and unhealthy desires, greed, destructive, unnatural disparity between all of us in the family of humanity - has been around so long that even longer imagine a system where it is absent.

Well, we'll do it, since they are going di distruggere il sistema valutario, aprendo la strada ad un caos sempre maggiore per far fronte al quale ci presenteranno la loro  soluzione . I loro agenti dello  aquarius truth movement  attendono dietro le quinte il momento giusto per tirare fuori una serie di pretesti che possano ridurre ciò che resterà di noi in perpetua prigionia e schiavitù scientifica. Tale evidenza è scritta a caratteri cubitali sul muro, visibile a  chiunque abbia occhi per vedere.

La fede nel governo, la fede nel denaro ... e adesso?

La terza fase sarà la distruzione della fede Security in . The loss of money will play a big role in this. The idea that we can plan their lives, buy a house for us and our families, work hard and earn a comfortable retirement within our family. faith in an orderly and peaceful world ... ..

If you already have no idea what a peaceful and orderly world, realize that you did not say anything.

Illusions dovrremo that permanently store, after the troubled waters have swept away those who have approached faster.

In the coming months will be swallowed up by this vortex even the rocks to which we cling to maintain a minimum level of security.

These rocks have been weakened by decades of erosion. is what lies behind the destruction of family and community, and implacable steady a weakening of the true power of humanity the union. This is the third phase.

expect to live in peace for the rest of your life? Well, that expectation is now under serious attack.

Revolutions brought about by military intervention and civil war will emerge that will fight against the children, fathers, brothers against brothers, neighbors against neighbors, nations against nations. They instilled the belief that citizens should arm themselves so that everyone can clash for food or to defend against marauders.

From such discord would rise a new leadership, leadership is stained with blood, the more cruel and less human that has ever existed.

Meanwhile are destroying their own religious beliefs when people he would need. This basic need of the human psyche, an instrument for those seeking peace, goodness and love, often manipulated by governments, has been transformed into hatred, killings, torture and perversion.

Even the big lies will be destroyed in the paradigm shift.
Thousands of eternal truths will remain buried in the rubble, even more disturbing.

From the family, security, government, law, money, and then religion, tutti i principi fondamentali della nostra vita sono in via di smantellamento ,  tirati via come un tappeto da sotto i piedi.

Tutto ciò è ormai inevitabile.

Il Nuovo Ordine Mondiale è un grande piano. La intenzione è quella di  distruggere tutto, cancellare la lavagna e disegnare un nuovo futuro su una tela bianca.

Hanno bisogno di questo crollo generale per poter ammodernare gli attuali strumenti autoritari e manipolativi, ormai desueti in questa era tecnologica. L'abilità del loro piano sta in questo.  Le loro intenzioni sono sempre state guidate dalla consapevolezza che prima o poi l'umanità avrebbe scoperto  la verità.  Per impedire questa   apocalisse  (dal greco, letteralmente: la caduta del velo, la rivelazione dei misteri), cercano di usare tutti i trucchi a loro disposizione.

Se il loro piano fallirà, una nuova umanità nascerà.

Le nuove idee, sistemi e leader apparentemente in opposizione al NWO sono - invece - agenti della stessa cabala luciferina.  Non credete a niente. Controllate qualsiasi cosa e poi continuate a non credere.

course, UFOs are part of this game.
As the new "Christ" Maitreya that I wrote many times.
And then the amazing variety of a technology that will change the world (products of human ingenuity stolen and stored to be used in propagandistically these days).
And, unfortunately, something will happen "biblical" in Israel, a place created by the elite, the people covered with disgrace from the same elite, a place where the spark that lights shine la grande conflagrazione  e dove apparirà, come previsto,  la falsa salvezza destinata a farci crollare sulle ginocchia in preda a una grande meraviglia.
Le cose antiche sono le migliori. Non è vero?

Per quanto sia certo che il grande piano proseguirà a dispiegarsi,  il suo esito  non è scontato.

Le reazioni dell'umanità non sono già scritte, sebbene possa sembrare vero il contrario.

support love.
That 's where we find our god.
in ourselves and in the awareness of love.
soul, true essence of humanity is the greatest truth that we can never discover.
The humans will eventually become part to the generosity and universal joy.
There is goodness out there, which is awaiting the rebirth of our species; a rebirth in most developed form, the chaos where evil is pushing.
We have had enough.
The spiritual evolution is much more desirable revolutions 'designed around a table.'
It 's time to shout: "Enough! Never Let' s start!"

Love to you all.
Olive Farmer

Through the shadows cast by the olive branches - here in Crete - leaked light rays that warm and nourish the soul. I hope all of you can share this warmth and nourishment. xxx xxx xxx

Article published in English at: Olive Farmer
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