Saturday, March 12, 2011

Manual Do Rbk Precision Xt

No basis for democracy in Italy

Five hundred Italians were illiterate, about one hundred thirty-read with difficulty writing a simple habit of reading books does not involve more than twenty per cent of the population. No basis to Italian democracy.
What level of education and culture of the Italians? He speaks little, and yet the answer to this question helps to understand many problems. Let's see some data from two international surveys whose results were published by the researcher Vittoria Gallina in the essays "The literacy in Italy. A research on the culture of the population "(Franco Angeli, 2000) and" Literacy and life skills. National survey on the Italian population 16-65 years "(Karnac Books, 2006).
Five hundred Italians between 14 and 65 can not distinguish a letter from another, a figure the other: they are total illiterates. Thirty-eight out of a hundred know how to do, but I can only read with difficulty writing a simple and decipher some figures. Thirty overcome this condition, but stop here: a written text that relates to acts of collective relief in everyday life, is beyond the scope of their reading and writing, a graphic icon with some percentage is indecipherable. Of these, 12 percent of graduates. Only 20 percent of the Italian adult population has the tools necessary minimum of reading, writing and arithmetic necessary to navigate in a contemporary society.
be clear: the decline of skills and return to illiteracy affects all Western societies. But in Italy the phenomenon has a greater impact. So much so that we are in the queue to Europe for reading books and newspapers. According to ISTAT, over 60 percent of Italians do not read even one book a year. Only 20 percent of households is the habit of reading, while 80 percent of Italians (World Bank data) is informed solely by television. This television. In return, the Italians have topped the charts for use of mobile phones. Needless to say that Homo videns, as Giovanni Sartori has called in his essay, is much more suggestible minority still loyal to the written word. Closer to the rank of the consumer (or subject) that the citizen.
Among the few intellectuals who denounce the risk of de-mass literacy and the consequences for the maintenance of democracy, there Tullio De Mauro, linguist and lexicographer, author inter alia on the Use of the Great Dictionary of the Italian language, published by UTET. "Democracy is alive if there is a good level of popular culture" , De Mauro says, "If this is not, democratic institutions, still preferable to totalitarianism and fascism, are empty forms. " Even before the information deficit, therefore, the root of the "Italian case" appears to be a problem of training, or rather of primary education. "How many of us have the ability to reason about the facts, documenting and participating in collective decisions on the meaning of those choices?" Asks de Mauro. Possible remedies? "Strengthening the public school, start a system of continuing education for adults, creating a dense network of public reading." And maybe a ten year program of mass education, with new teachers Manzi instead of Vespa and Maria De Filippi. Pure utopia ...

Manual Do Rbk Precision Xt

No basis for democracy in Italy

Five hundred Italians were illiterate, about one hundred thirty-read with difficulty writing a simple habit of reading books does not involve more than twenty per cent of the population. No basis to Italian democracy.
What level of education and culture of the Italians? He speaks little, and yet the answer to this question helps to understand many problems. Let's see some data from two international surveys whose results were published by the researcher Vittoria Gallina in the essays "The literacy in Italy. A research on the culture of the population "(Franco Angeli, 2000) and" Literacy and life skills. National survey on the Italian population 16-65 years "(Karnac Books, 2006).
Five hundred Italians between 14 and 65 can not distinguish a letter from another, a figure the other: they are total illiterates. Thirty-eight out of a hundred know how to do, but I can only read with difficulty writing a simple and decipher some figures. Thirty overcome this condition, but stop here: a written text that relates to acts of collective relief in everyday life, is beyond the scope of their reading and writing, a graphic icon with some percentage is indecipherable. Of these, 12 percent of graduates. Only 20 percent of the Italian adult population has the tools necessary minimum of reading, writing and arithmetic necessary to navigate in a contemporary society.
be clear: the decline of skills and return to illiteracy affects all Western societies. But in Italy the phenomenon has a greater impact. So much so that we are in the queue to Europe for reading books and newspapers. According to ISTAT, over 60 percent of Italians do not read even one book a year. Only 20 percent of households is the habit of reading, while 80 percent of Italians (World Bank data) is informed solely by television. This television. In return, the Italians have topped the charts for use of mobile phones. Needless to say that Homo videns, as Giovanni Sartori has called in his essay, is much more suggestible minority still loyal to the written word. Closer to the rank of the consumer (or subject) that the citizen.
Among the few intellectuals who denounce the risk of de-mass literacy and the consequences for the maintenance of democracy, there Tullio De Mauro, linguist and lexicographer, author inter alia on the Use of the Great Dictionary of the Italian language, published by UTET. "Democracy is alive if there is a good level of popular culture" , De Mauro says, "If this is not, democratic institutions, still preferable to totalitarianism and fascism, are empty forms. " Even before the information deficit, therefore, the root of the "Italian case" appears to be a problem of training, or rather of primary education. "How many of us have the ability to reason about the facts, documenting and participating in collective decisions on the meaning of those choices?" Asks de Mauro. Possible remedies? "Strengthening the public school, start a system of continuing education for adults, creating a dense network of public reading." And maybe a ten year program of mass education, with new teachers Manzi instead of Vespa and Maria De Filippi. Pure utopia ...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What Happens If Take Toomuch Benefiber

The pathology of earning money (Thoughts after reading the money into his head to Andreoli V.)

Who accumulates never accepts money to retire, as if they were immortal, it is so painful to stop making money. Remember, this behavior, other addictions: Sex, drugs, gambling, alcohol, all dependencies that lead the person to never be alone! So what sense suffer wrong to deprive the masses? We are faced with situations in which a man escapes from reality, we all do, the truth is hard to bear sometimes to look for an escape route to gratification, the gratification is not something really that strange. Certain actions such as reading and walking in the mountains or even better cover-stock, which fell into disuse, really give a sense of isolation in which you find yourself alone with yourself and why you're rewarded, in other words after you feel better. The dependencies instead give you a contract with an escape unsolvable: fails to pay enough and the action becomes so compulsive, like drugs, gambling and of course earn money. Nothing is meaningless (in our minds the accounts should be returned). Money can destroy any education system. A life in a moral able to regulate it. The moral is it not gone for this reason? The moral is it but an instrument of human body which contains us, provides rules on which we base our daily behavior: without rules the world, society as a mere coexistence of two situations that have become impossible, and the money that has been the effect on our morals? Money has become the only thing that truly worship, our new god, and to respect the commandments, not written but very clear and known by all, rules require that this new god in our daily actions. And if you want to earn money you have to turn off the moral, do not listen to that inner voice that tells you what is right and what is not! Here's an example on the money: we sell poison to men, we kill for the money directly or indirectly (that we realize it or not) our actions revolve around the god of money, killing pollution, selfishness, indifference, the scrub and sometimes ruin other people, not to mention the wars for what they are made if not for the money? And 'one of the major business of the weapons after the drug (the drug. My grandfather knew hemp and used it for everything, look, look documentaries from the U.S. started to blacken the joint, as if the wine was better!). Our every single action, without money for the criminal actions are: How you would call a man without morals? How many people locked up in prisons because they did not comply with these rules? The money is earned, but I intend to earn with hard work, respect of social rules and moral. is why those who became too rich, is comparable with a criminal, who just can not respect laws or ethics, has no form of respect towards society, towards his fellow men, it seems that even takes pleasure in doing of evil, otherwise why would finance the wars by creating to them (investors) of large profits and create the other side of the massacres of ordinary people, of defenseless people, how the data are clear, we all know that the greatest victims of war are women, children, the weak short . We are a society and whether we like it or not the rules for the quiet life there must be and must be adhered to. not because we dictate by force, but because it requires an ethic of conduct, on the grounds that if everyone does what they want the world becomes an uninhabitable place, as it becomes impossible to live a house where the boy up into a ball television all day, as in a single pair if there is no respect for coexistence non può andare avanti, e come pretendiamo noi di andare avanti in un mondo dove rispetto, etica e giusto comportamento hanno lasciato il posto al verbo “acquistare”? . Certo si può vivere, si vive anche in prigione d’altronde, ma come? Rispettando le regole e le leggi non è possibile divenire ricchi sfondati. Per farlo si deve rubare, evadere il fisco, imbrogliare, non rispettare le norme sociali. Ecco perché il comunismo non è mai stato attuato da nessun governo. Il comunismo IO lo intendo in questa massima:”Che ognuno possa avere le cose di cui necessita per una vita dignitosa”, non sfarzosa, dignitosa che sono due cose completamente differenti. La distribuzione dei beni come oggi è in Italia (ma Go and see the America that is the same thing) in the following way: 50% to 10% in the hands of the population, the remaining 50% if you must share the rest of the population, 90%. If there is a domestic product in a society is because everyone has helped to build it and then you divide 100% to 100%. But this, in a few but influential, have not wanted to have preferred to trick us, steal and disregard of proper moral behavior that you said, I repeat once again that Russia should not talk about when we talk about communism, the real equitable division of property has never happened in this world. At least the history we have known, that have taught us a scuola almeno non ne contiene traccia.
PS: Le parti in grassetto sono state copiate dal libro di Vittorino Andreoli, Il denaro in testa

PPS:Il libro di Vittorino Andreoli, il denaro in testa, credo che sia il secondo libro (dopo quello di Umberto Eco, il cimitero di praga, che negli ultimi sei mesi abbiano stampato e che valga la pena leggere prima di morire). Se non li avete letti ve li consiglio vivamente entrambi.