Thursday, May 27, 2010

Is Walnut Butcher Block Poisonous

Update June 29, 2010 Welcome to all!

Cos'è questo blog
Ho creato questo blog per sottoporre ad un dibattito pubblico un abbozzo di Disegno Di Legge (DDL) che ho elaborato contro i ciarlatani e le loro attività. Questi personaggi, non solo offendono quotidianamente l'Intelligenza umana, ma per di più umiliano le persone più deboli, danneggiandone spesso la salute e le finanze in modo grave. Attualmente, esiste una vecchia legge (un po' zoppa in realtà) che vieta di "esercitare" il mestiere di ciarlatano ma non che impedisca ai ciarlatani di propagandare e diffondere i loro deliri (o furbizie....), causando a mio avviso un grave danno social before they are realized in material damage, and then in other types of crime (fraud, plagiarism, complicity in murder, etc. ...). In addition, there are other forms of quackery that does not appeal to its "magic" (eg doctors practicing so-called forms of "medicine" field in the air) which are equally serious.

As part
The idea is to gather your opinions and suggestions to improve the text proposed here. I tried to do my best, but I'm not an expert in law and write a law is not easy, having a few lines to distinguish those who work honestly to those who commit crimes.

will so much appreciated the suggestions and opinions by legal experts (lawyers, jurists, judges, etc ...) and medical regarding the following topics:

  • terminology
  • this DDL overlapping with other existing laws and regulations (including misleading advertising and the business of charlatan)
  • any reasons of unconstitutionality (freedom of speech, etc. ....) or incompatibility with other laws
  • everything you think relevant
course, the text will never be perfect (As happens with all laws, even those already approved!), So here we will only give him a form that makes it at least formally acceptable for a concrete proposal for parliament.

The objective
Once "adjusted" the texts, the aim is to present the bill in Parliament effectively. The streets are two possibilities: either the popular initiative, with the collection of 50,000 signatures, or support of an MP who undertakes to submit the DDL to the rooms. Everyone is invited to contribute to this goal and we'll see which way to practice.

How is the blog
There are a few posts, each with a purpose precise
  • first, the most recent posts can be found at the bottom and top. This blog has more importance that the logical order chronologically. The publication dates of the posts are all manipulated to maintain the order desired
  • in the post titled "Discussion of ....." we discuss some issues considered essential in order to then enter into the details of individual articles. The instructions are in post "threaded discussions"
  • there is a post for each item of the bill. The proposals and recommendations to change the text of an article must be kept under form of comment to post on the article. Express your opinion on the individual articles of the bill through the survey at the bottom of this post
  • all the views and advice on the DDL as a whole, should be left as a comment to post "General Comments "
  • in the post" Do you want to officially support this initiative? " , I invite those responsible for websites and blogs of some importance to leave a comment in which they give me the willingness to put their link in the "Site Supporter" on the left. Who should take the initiative in a personal capacity, can use the "Readers Fixed "
  • express your opinion on the bill in general through the poll" What do you think of this DDL? "On the left side of the blog

All comments are moderated in advance, so it may take one or two days before publication. The rules are simple:
  • vulgarity nothing against anyone or anything
  • comments absolutely stupid and without any meaningful discussion or constructive, although not vulgar may be removed
  • comments without interest, let alone to do promotion to other sites or blogs, are removed
  • try to justify your opinions as possible, so you'll be more convincing
  • read carefully the text of the bill before you write comments, thus avoiding any loss of time

Spread the word
A request: spread the word, spread this blog to your friends, and even in agencies and institutions sensitive to the problem, as associations in defense of consumers and citizens, scientific bodies, and also sections of political parties that want to support the initiative. The more the project becomes known and most likely will have to arrive in parlamento.

Grazie a tutti quelli che contribuiranno a questa iniziativa!
Credo sia una grande battaglia di Civiltà.


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