Article 4 (commission)
1. It is a committee made up of 10 permanent members, who, at their request or at the request of and with the consent of at least 6 members, can be supplemented by up to 10 other temporary members.
2. The members, both permanent and temporary, are appointed by the CNR.
3. The permanent members shall include: three physicists, two biologists, two doctors, three engineers in scientific area.
4. The permanent members last one year, the temporary last time to settle the matter for which they were appointed.
5. All members, permanent and temporary, will be Italian citizens or foreigners will have to be scientists or professionals of repute with at least 20 publications in scientific journals of international standing for at least 50 permanent members and temporary ones.
6. When the nature of the messages under investigation does not fall directly in cases referred to. 2, the Committee is called by the court to give its opinion by describing the object as well, if present, the purpose of the object, through i termini “riconosciuto” o “non riconosciuto” secondo quanto stabilito all’art. 1 punto e). Nel caso in cui il messaggio dichiari anche uno scopo, la commissione dovrà inoltre esprimere il proprio parere qualificando l’oggetto come “efficace” o “inefficace” secondo quanto stabilito all’art. 1 punto f).
7. La commissione dovrà esprimere il proprio parere esclusivamente sulla base del confronto tra i messaggi e le conoscenze scientifiche correnti, senza dover ideare procedure di verifica diverse da quelle già aesistenti o pronunciarsi sull’esistenza di nuove verità scientifiche o sulla necessità di correggere quelle correntemente accepted.
8. The Board may receive by the person reporting the studies that he believes support his reasons
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