Thursday, May 27, 2010

First Time Use Of Alprazolam

The text of the bill is available in PDF by clicking on the link on the left in the "Download DDL.

The important points of this DDL:

  • We introduce the norm, absent (to my knowledge) in the current sources of law, which prohibits the dissemination of messages to promote an object or an activity or service is incompatible with current scientific knowledge. This prohibition exists regardless of the commercial nature of the message, ie whether the message requires a payment.
  • We define the concept of "recognition by the current scientific knowledge" rather pragmatic. Something is considered "recognized" can be explained only if "now" and not whether it could be in the future. So no one can claim to propagandize for their good remedies for the simple fact that can not be refuted in principle. You want to follow, that is, a principle of prudence according to which one can not propagate (much less waffle on) practices that are not identifiable as scientifically meaningful.
  • We provide various types of crime. In order of increasing severity, are expected to crimes of quackery. quackery-profit, serious quackery (if the health of people involved) and quackery in serious profit. E 'planned also an aggravating factor in cases of serious disease.
  • crimes are prosecuted ex officio, and this is an important innovation . And 'everyone knows that very often the victims of charlatans, for various reasons, do not report the facts.
  • is establishing a scientific advisory board that in some cases it will be to decide on the nature of the messages under investigation


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