Thursday, May 27, 2010

Black Women In Lingere

synthesis in Article 1 (Definitions)

In the present text of the law, will assume the following definitions apply :

a) "message" : è una qualsiasi comunicazione, verbale o scritta, diffusa con qualsiasi mezzo di comunicazione, rivolta ad una o più persone, fatta con l’intento di promuovere un oggetto in sé od anche il suo uso per il raggiungimento di uno scopo, oppure un’attività o una prestazione di qualsiasi natura. Sono comprese anche etichette applicate su prodotti destinati alla vendita, materiale informativo o promozionale come volantini, depliant e simili esposti in pubblico.

b) “oggetto del messaggio” : è l’oggetto (materiale o immateriale), l’attività o la prestazione che vengono promossi nel messaggio, comprensivi delle loro proprietà identificative described in the message itself

c) "purpose of the message" : if present, is the goal, the message is reached as indicated by the use of the object, use the service, or construction of

d) "current scientific knowledge" : are all the results in the current international scientific literature, or forming part of the already acquired knowledge of commonly accepted by the international scientific community.

In the case in international scientific literature they are conflicting results on the same matter, then we will consider only the results of work supported by all in numbers and quality is considered paramount. This assessment will be made by the Committee under Article. 4 .

If you are in the international literature only one job to support a result, then that result must be considered outside of current scientific knowledge and

) object or purpose "is recognized by current scientific knowledge" (hereafter referred to object or purpose "recognized" ).
An object or purpose which is "recognized" if current scientific knowledge already contemplate the existence of the object or purpose already recognize as accessible, or if the current scientific knowledge can be inferred with certainty that the object can exist or that the aim is reached

f) "object scientifically effective" (hereafter referred to as "effective" ) is such an object for which, according to current scientific knowledge, we can deduce with certainty its ability to achieve the purpose stated in the message


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