Sunday, May 30, 2010

Alvin And The Chipmunk Stuffed Animals


Venuta a conoscenza delle stesse per puro caso, durante il mio solito pomeriggio di Update on Head-fi, I was struck by the positive comments about a cap on the cost of a few tens of dollars. Yes, now these IEM really cost a few Euros, because the manufacturer (Soundmagic) now considers the "antiquated" and ready for an upgrade, when you go out on the market were found at about 30/40 dollars, now we can have them even at home for 20 euro shipped from HK.
And I think that if ever we sought a cap stock or low-end, is an obvious choice to give them a chance, you will get good reviews everywhere on the web: my not be an exception. When I judge a product, I do primarily with its price under gli occhi. Non sarebbe corretto prendere queste PL e cercare di giudicarle usando un metro inappropriato: che sia una iem shure ad armatura bilanciata o una akg 242 hd di prezzo e dimensioni più generose. Non avrebbe senso per me, ma provo a farvi “Vivere” il suono di queste piccoline, sebbene solo a parole. Almeno all'opera dopo una bella attesa, il loro viaggio fino qui dura circa 20 giorni infatti, attualmente sono in vendita in un unico canale, che sarò lieta di indicarvi in privato se foste interessati. Aspetto esteriore:

La scatola è piccola, non per questo scarna, appena si fa scorrere l’interno con il gancetto in raso (una chicca direi) si possono osservare tutti supplied accessories are carefully packed (almost too much sealed my desire to try them!).

They are young, delicate, they seem almost helpless. Definitely not elegant, although I opted for the black color makes them less noticeable, let alone give an idea of \u200b\u200bsolidity. But the best is definitely in, as the recent media phenomenon "Susan Boyle," you can not laugh at a shell is not conspicuous because the real surprise comes with listening.

photos do justice to all the standard accessories, really incredible to have all this for about 16-17 € and the feeling is that essere quasi “Fortunati” a poter avere tanto. La finitura nera dell'auricolare è gommosa, antiscivolo e che permette un ottimo grip quando le si voglia inserire; si nota bene la rotellina di regolazione dei bassi che a primo impatto può sembrare difficile da manovrare (vedere foto seguente);
fortunatamente poi si ammorbidisce e gira con tranquillità. Nelle foto vedrete le mie PL, nere, ma sono disponibili anche grigie (alebig le ha comprate grigie).
Come avrete notato dalla particolare conformazione, queste vanno indossate esattamente come le shure; ovvero sono create in modo da far passare il cavo dietro l’orecchio anche con l’uso delle guide in dotazione in the box. I admit it: I am very comfortable! More than any other IEM I've tried, it seems incredible, but you do not hear him and are very light. Definitely a plus (one of many say). Do not expect however to find information on how to wear them inside the box, I think we have forgotten that many of us are somewhat bewildered by the particular shape of these caps. The booklet inside is useless in my opinion, just to remind us that there is a guarantee.

Listening: The first impact was important, first of all come standard with many accessories, as I put the photos speak for me and I will not go on too long. Before arriving I'm listening to the inserts in the test of time, this step is crucial for me: do not start to feel if I do not feel perfectly at ease and isolated from the outside. After finding the inserts of black polyurethane (Do you know any of the shure black olives? These are their version a bit 'arranged, a lack of internal support and are extremely stable, but I found them the best for my ear canals), the my perfect fit, not without regret that they are included only in the medium size, I started to hear the "Voice" of these little oriental setting the bass control on the "Clear Bass". premise that the little ones too now many many hours of burn-in with white noise and pink, this is because I strongly disagree on the issue of burn-in dynamic drivers so old, to avoid their influences have done it and burn in my opinion apart from the first day Listening was always very positive.

Sennheiser CX300. The only thing in common is perhaps the price, everything else is another story. First, do not expect a predominant low, even with the bass control on the "deep bass", because what you have is a good response without the various frequencies so they can stand out too much on each other. The manufacturer advertises the product as an alternative to the Shure scl4 "flying sull'eccessività this claim we can try to justify the words of chi queste cuffiette le ha prodotte e tarate.
Nell’universo dei driver dinamici di fascia bassa abbiamo tutte intra-auricolari che “Relativamente” si somigliano: tutte più o meno sibilanti e con le frequenze basse (ma non ultra-basse) in bella evidenza, quasi preponderanti sul resto della gamma. Gli alti sono molto marcati in questo genere di cuffiette e ciò che ci manca, spingendoci a chiedere ove siano finiti, sono i medi; per me una gamma media bella significa un ascolto pulito, che lasci percepire i dettagli di voci e cori… Che mi permetta di non essere offuscata dal contorno: di concentrarmi sul cuore della musica. Non tutti la pensano come me, proprio per questo ricordate che queste PL30 sono recensite today from a listener who does not like down at any cost, who prefer a cold as compared to a blend of colors and sounds to me unacceptable. Understand therefore, that the naked and pure objectivity is impossible. But do not worry, these little are not cold, I'm not sure for bass-head (read: fans of low and ultra low frequencies, often happy to feel almost physically to the rumble of sound in the ear canal) and I'm happy because me are balanced. Listening to cheerful, fresh and dynamic, three adjectives that I rushed in my mind after hearing them for a while ', are perfect for rock and metal, less (compared to a balanced armature IEM) for classical music and new age. That's why I agree with the idea of \u200b\u200bdesigners and engineers Soundmagic: IEM are a revelation in view of this group.
Almost no problem "sibilance" or the annoying bug that has many low-end headphones: the sounds "s, ch, sh, x, z ... [...]" produce some real whistles that are boring to feel or even annoying to the ears. Here the problem does not arise, as well as the almost total absence of "Microphonic effect". I'm sorry just not able to use Italian terms to make the idea, the annoying thing is that I do not think exist in our language words to make us understand what universally is written in English. For
"Microphonic effect" refers to the perceived noise when the cable rubs against the bonnet slam or something, it's a jacket, a sweater or our hands does not count: it is usually annoying and it is worth considering when trying to describe at best such a product. I can be happy that this is not a lack of PL, the effect is as it should be (fine wire, insulation decent) but it is not boring or unacceptable levels. I raced there I easily without hassle. Here's another nasty term, the "Headstage" or "Soundstage" if you prefer: simply the ability caps that may have to make the idea of \u200b\u200bspatiality of the sound sources such as domestic plants. In short, we all know how great it is to be surrounded by music in our living room when we have a system composed of amp and speakers, headphones in

, this is rather difficult to recreate, if only to physical limitations, as well as miniaturization. So this aspect is highly regarded by those who want a better listening experience, I can assure you this: the 'Headstage "is really more than acceptable in these ears. Almost a pleasant surprise for me. No interference or noise with readers and PC, as opposed to the reader to pause shure that a minimum of noise it back.
The rest is a dynamic driver, has a good range of frequencies and sound good fun and hot, are not mixed low and high are not sharp, I mean I have emphasized the tone a bit with the help of ' equalizer of my
cowon , but I do not think is necessary for a listener not set by me. The yield on the iAUDIO iAUDIO 7 and 5 is excellent, but the PC becomes a rewarding experience (ref: Audigy 2 ZS), have been a purchase for the PC and this is the best I could hope for.
I reserve the right to return to my words more in there, perhaps after hearing again and again, but I can not be that happy with this purchase. I understand why no one has ever said something wrong, simply because their price does not have much flaws. I would have preferred foam sleeves made even better and bigger, but I can not claim for the 17 euro spent. I'll settle the Comply foam suitable for CX300 (which are compatible for this service if you were ever interested you too).
The bass is beautiful, not too many and they are dirty, the mids are finally something acceptable for this high-end and are fresh and well defined. I recommend, consider that the listening experience will vary with use of different inserts, until you find the right one you will not enjoy the full potential of PL30. It was not a real review, but hardly a chat with friends who allowed me to show you what I think of them, the fact that words are resulted from the emotions evoked by them may well make you really understand what I have been affected not only satisfied them.
Diffuseness distinguishes me I was not abandoned even today, I hope you come up on reading. Facts & Figures

Factory 9mm dynamic driver sensitivity: 102 + / -3dB/mw

Impedance: 12 ohms frequency response: 20-22K (Ok you see that you too are large producers in this specification) input 20mw massimo/2mw labor input. Despite the low impedance of the Council against any player, have performed well on both my cowon does not appear on the network and complaints about their adaptability. Similarly we read very good coupling fiio E3/E5 - PL30: I do not possess and did not utter. few photos:

Alvin And The Chipmunk Stuffed Animals


Venuta a conoscenza delle stesse per puro caso, durante il mio solito pomeriggio di Update on Head-fi, I was struck by the positive comments about a cap on the cost of a few tens of dollars. Yes, now these IEM really cost a few Euros, because the manufacturer (Soundmagic) now considers the "antiquated" and ready for an upgrade, when you go out on the market were found at about 30/40 dollars, now we can have them even at home for 20 euro shipped from HK.
And I think that if ever we sought a cap stock or low-end, is an obvious choice to give them a chance, you will get good reviews everywhere on the web: my not be an exception. When I judge a product, I do primarily with its price under gli occhi. Non sarebbe corretto prendere queste PL e cercare di giudicarle usando un metro inappropriato: che sia una iem shure ad armatura bilanciata o una akg 242 hd di prezzo e dimensioni più generose. Non avrebbe senso per me, ma provo a farvi “Vivere” il suono di queste piccoline, sebbene solo a parole. Almeno all'opera dopo una bella attesa, il loro viaggio fino qui dura circa 20 giorni infatti, attualmente sono in vendita in un unico canale, che sarò lieta di indicarvi in privato se foste interessati. Aspetto esteriore:

La scatola è piccola, non per questo scarna, appena si fa scorrere l’interno con il gancetto in raso (una chicca direi) si possono osservare tutti supplied accessories are carefully packed (almost too much sealed my desire to try them!).

They are young, delicate, they seem almost helpless. Definitely not elegant, although I opted for the black color makes them less noticeable, let alone give an idea of \u200b\u200bsolidity. But the best is definitely in, as the recent media phenomenon "Susan Boyle," you can not laugh at a shell is not conspicuous because the real surprise comes with listening.

photos do justice to all the standard accessories, really incredible to have all this for about 16-17 € and the feeling is that essere quasi “Fortunati” a poter avere tanto. La finitura nera dell'auricolare è gommosa, antiscivolo e che permette un ottimo grip quando le si voglia inserire; si nota bene la rotellina di regolazione dei bassi che a primo impatto può sembrare difficile da manovrare (vedere foto seguente);
fortunatamente poi si ammorbidisce e gira con tranquillità. Nelle foto vedrete le mie PL, nere, ma sono disponibili anche grigie (alebig le ha comprate grigie).
Come avrete notato dalla particolare conformazione, queste vanno indossate esattamente come le shure; ovvero sono create in modo da far passare il cavo dietro l’orecchio anche con l’uso delle guide in dotazione in the box. I admit it: I am very comfortable! More than any other IEM I've tried, it seems incredible, but you do not hear him and are very light. Definitely a plus (one of many say). Do not expect however to find information on how to wear them inside the box, I think we have forgotten that many of us are somewhat bewildered by the particular shape of these caps. The booklet inside is useless in my opinion, just to remind us that there is a guarantee.

Listening: The first impact was important, first of all come standard with many accessories, as I put the photos speak for me and I will not go on too long. Before arriving I'm listening to the inserts in the test of time, this step is crucial for me: do not start to feel if I do not feel perfectly at ease and isolated from the outside. After finding the inserts of black polyurethane (Do you know any of the shure black olives? These are their version a bit 'arranged, a lack of internal support and are extremely stable, but I found them the best for my ear canals), the my perfect fit, not without regret that they are included only in the medium size, I started to hear the "Voice" of these little oriental setting the bass control on the "Clear Bass". premise that the little ones too now many many hours of burn-in with white noise and pink, this is because I strongly disagree on the issue of burn-in dynamic drivers so old, to avoid their influences have done it and burn in my opinion apart from the first day Listening was always very positive.

Sennheiser CX300. The only thing in common is perhaps the price, everything else is another story. First, do not expect a predominant low, even with the bass control on the "deep bass", because what you have is a good response without the various frequencies so they can stand out too much on each other. The manufacturer advertises the product as an alternative to the Shure scl4 "flying sull'eccessività this claim we can try to justify the words of chi queste cuffiette le ha prodotte e tarate.
Nell’universo dei driver dinamici di fascia bassa abbiamo tutte intra-auricolari che “Relativamente” si somigliano: tutte più o meno sibilanti e con le frequenze basse (ma non ultra-basse) in bella evidenza, quasi preponderanti sul resto della gamma. Gli alti sono molto marcati in questo genere di cuffiette e ciò che ci manca, spingendoci a chiedere ove siano finiti, sono i medi; per me una gamma media bella significa un ascolto pulito, che lasci percepire i dettagli di voci e cori… Che mi permetta di non essere offuscata dal contorno: di concentrarmi sul cuore della musica. Non tutti la pensano come me, proprio per questo ricordate che queste PL30 sono recensite today from a listener who does not like down at any cost, who prefer a cold as compared to a blend of colors and sounds to me unacceptable. Understand therefore, that the naked and pure objectivity is impossible. But do not worry, these little are not cold, I'm not sure for bass-head (read: fans of low and ultra low frequencies, often happy to feel almost physically to the rumble of sound in the ear canal) and I'm happy because me are balanced. Listening to cheerful, fresh and dynamic, three adjectives that I rushed in my mind after hearing them for a while ', are perfect for rock and metal, less (compared to a balanced armature IEM) for classical music and new age. That's why I agree with the idea of \u200b\u200bdesigners and engineers Soundmagic: IEM are a revelation in view of this group.
Almost no problem "sibilance" or the annoying bug that has many low-end headphones: the sounds "s, ch, sh, x, z ... [...]" produce some real whistles that are boring to feel or even annoying to the ears. Here the problem does not arise, as well as the almost total absence of "Microphonic effect". I'm sorry just not able to use Italian terms to make the idea, the annoying thing is that I do not think exist in our language words to make us understand what universally is written in English. For
"Microphonic effect" refers to the perceived noise when the cable rubs against the bonnet slam or something, it's a jacket, a sweater or our hands does not count: it is usually annoying and it is worth considering when trying to describe at best such a product. I can be happy that this is not a lack of PL, the effect is as it should be (fine wire, insulation decent) but it is not boring or unacceptable levels. I raced there I easily without hassle. Here's another nasty term, the "Headstage" or "Soundstage" if you prefer: simply the ability caps that may have to make the idea of \u200b\u200bspatiality of the sound sources such as domestic plants. In short, we all know how great it is to be surrounded by music in our living room when we have a system composed of amp and speakers, headphones in

, this is rather difficult to recreate, if only to physical limitations, as well as miniaturization. So this aspect is highly regarded by those who want a better listening experience, I can assure you this: the 'Headstage "is really more than acceptable in these ears. Almost a pleasant surprise for me. No interference or noise with readers and PC, as opposed to the reader to pause shure that a minimum of noise it back.
The rest is a dynamic driver, has a good range of frequencies and sound good fun and hot, are not mixed low and high are not sharp, I mean I have emphasized the tone a bit with the help of ' equalizer of my
cowon , but I do not think is necessary for a listener not set by me. The yield on the iAUDIO iAUDIO 7 and 5 is excellent, but the PC becomes a rewarding experience (ref: Audigy 2 ZS), have been a purchase for the PC and this is the best I could hope for.
I reserve the right to return to my words more in there, perhaps after hearing again and again, but I can not be that happy with this purchase. I understand why no one has ever said something wrong, simply because their price does not have much flaws. I would have preferred foam sleeves made even better and bigger, but I can not claim for the 17 euro spent. I'll settle the Comply foam suitable for CX300 (which are compatible for this service if you were ever interested you too).
The bass is beautiful, not too many and they are dirty, the mids are finally something acceptable for this high-end and are fresh and well defined. I recommend, consider that the listening experience will vary with use of different inserts, until you find the right one you will not enjoy the full potential of PL30. It was not a real review, but hardly a chat with friends who allowed me to show you what I think of them, the fact that words are resulted from the emotions evoked by them may well make you really understand what I have been affected not only satisfied them.
Diffuseness distinguishes me I was not abandoned even today, I hope you come up on reading. Facts & Figures

Factory 9mm dynamic driver sensitivity: 102 + / -3dB/mw

Impedance: 12 ohms frequency response: 20-22K (Ok you see that you too are large producers in this specification) input 20mw massimo/2mw labor input. Despite the low impedance of the Council against any player, have performed well on both my cowon does not appear on the network and complaints about their adaptability. Similarly we read very good coupling fiio E3/E5 - PL30: I do not possess and did not utter. few photos:

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Is Walnut Butcher Block Poisonous

Update June 29, 2010 Welcome to all!

Cos'è questo blog
Ho creato questo blog per sottoporre ad un dibattito pubblico un abbozzo di Disegno Di Legge (DDL) che ho elaborato contro i ciarlatani e le loro attività. Questi personaggi, non solo offendono quotidianamente l'Intelligenza umana, ma per di più umiliano le persone più deboli, danneggiandone spesso la salute e le finanze in modo grave. Attualmente, esiste una vecchia legge (un po' zoppa in realtà) che vieta di "esercitare" il mestiere di ciarlatano ma non che impedisca ai ciarlatani di propagandare e diffondere i loro deliri (o furbizie....), causando a mio avviso un grave danno social before they are realized in material damage, and then in other types of crime (fraud, plagiarism, complicity in murder, etc. ...). In addition, there are other forms of quackery that does not appeal to its "magic" (eg doctors practicing so-called forms of "medicine" field in the air) which are equally serious.

As part
The idea is to gather your opinions and suggestions to improve the text proposed here. I tried to do my best, but I'm not an expert in law and write a law is not easy, having a few lines to distinguish those who work honestly to those who commit crimes.

will so much appreciated the suggestions and opinions by legal experts (lawyers, jurists, judges, etc ...) and medical regarding the following topics:

  • terminology
  • this DDL overlapping with other existing laws and regulations (including misleading advertising and the business of charlatan)
  • any reasons of unconstitutionality (freedom of speech, etc. ....) or incompatibility with other laws
  • everything you think relevant
course, the text will never be perfect (As happens with all laws, even those already approved!), So here we will only give him a form that makes it at least formally acceptable for a concrete proposal for parliament.

The objective
Once "adjusted" the texts, the aim is to present the bill in Parliament effectively. The streets are two possibilities: either the popular initiative, with the collection of 50,000 signatures, or support of an MP who undertakes to submit the DDL to the rooms. Everyone is invited to contribute to this goal and we'll see which way to practice.

How is the blog
There are a few posts, each with a purpose precise
  • first, the most recent posts can be found at the bottom and top. This blog has more importance that the logical order chronologically. The publication dates of the posts are all manipulated to maintain the order desired
  • in the post titled "Discussion of ....." we discuss some issues considered essential in order to then enter into the details of individual articles. The instructions are in post "threaded discussions"
  • there is a post for each item of the bill. The proposals and recommendations to change the text of an article must be kept under form of comment to post on the article. Express your opinion on the individual articles of the bill through the survey at the bottom of this post
  • all the views and advice on the DDL as a whole, should be left as a comment to post "General Comments "
  • in the post" Do you want to officially support this initiative? " , I invite those responsible for websites and blogs of some importance to leave a comment in which they give me the willingness to put their link in the "Site Supporter" on the left. Who should take the initiative in a personal capacity, can use the "Readers Fixed "
  • express your opinion on the bill in general through the poll" What do you think of this DDL? "On the left side of the blog

All comments are moderated in advance, so it may take one or two days before publication. The rules are simple:
  • vulgarity nothing against anyone or anything
  • comments absolutely stupid and without any meaningful discussion or constructive, although not vulgar may be removed
  • comments without interest, let alone to do promotion to other sites or blogs, are removed
  • try to justify your opinions as possible, so you'll be more convincing
  • read carefully the text of the bill before you write comments, thus avoiding any loss of time

Spread the word
A request: spread the word, spread this blog to your friends, and even in agencies and institutions sensitive to the problem, as associations in defense of consumers and citizens, scientific bodies, and also sections of political parties that want to support the initiative. The more the project becomes known and most likely will have to arrive in parlamento.

Grazie a tutti quelli che contribuiranno a questa iniziativa!
Credo sia una grande battaglia di Civiltà.

Is Walnut Butcher Block Poisonous

Update June 29, 2010 Welcome to all!

Cos'è questo blog
Ho creato questo blog per sottoporre ad un dibattito pubblico un abbozzo di Disegno Di Legge (DDL) che ho elaborato contro i ciarlatani e le loro attività. Questi personaggi, non solo offendono quotidianamente l'Intelligenza umana, ma per di più umiliano le persone più deboli, danneggiandone spesso la salute e le finanze in modo grave. Attualmente, esiste una vecchia legge (un po' zoppa in realtà) che vieta di "esercitare" il mestiere di ciarlatano ma non che impedisca ai ciarlatani di propagandare e diffondere i loro deliri (o furbizie....), causando a mio avviso un grave danno social before they are realized in material damage, and then in other types of crime (fraud, plagiarism, complicity in murder, etc. ...). In addition, there are other forms of quackery that does not appeal to its "magic" (eg doctors practicing so-called forms of "medicine" field in the air) which are equally serious.

As part
The idea is to gather your opinions and suggestions to improve the text proposed here. I tried to do my best, but I'm not an expert in law and write a law is not easy, having a few lines to distinguish those who work honestly to those who commit crimes.

will so much appreciated the suggestions and opinions by legal experts (lawyers, jurists, judges, etc ...) and medical regarding the following topics:

  • terminology
  • this DDL overlapping with other existing laws and regulations (including misleading advertising and the business of charlatan)
  • any reasons of unconstitutionality (freedom of speech, etc. ....) or incompatibility with other laws
  • everything you think relevant
course, the text will never be perfect (As happens with all laws, even those already approved!), So here we will only give him a form that makes it at least formally acceptable for a concrete proposal for parliament.

The objective
Once "adjusted" the texts, the aim is to present the bill in Parliament effectively. The streets are two possibilities: either the popular initiative, with the collection of 50,000 signatures, or support of an MP who undertakes to submit the DDL to the rooms. Everyone is invited to contribute to this goal and we'll see which way to practice.

How is the blog
There are a few posts, each with a purpose precise
  • first, the most recent posts can be found at the bottom and top. This blog has more importance that the logical order chronologically. The publication dates of the posts are all manipulated to maintain the order desired
  • in the post titled "Discussion of ....." we discuss some issues considered essential in order to then enter into the details of individual articles. The instructions are in post "threaded discussions"
  • there is a post for each item of the bill. The proposals and recommendations to change the text of an article must be kept under form of comment to post on the article. Express your opinion on the individual articles of the bill through the survey at the bottom of this post
  • all the views and advice on the DDL as a whole, should be left as a comment to post "General Comments "
  • in the post" Do you want to officially support this initiative? " , I invite those responsible for websites and blogs of some importance to leave a comment in which they give me the willingness to put their link in the "Site Supporter" on the left. Who should take the initiative in a personal capacity, can use the "Readers Fixed "
  • express your opinion on the bill in general through the poll" What do you think of this DDL? "On the left side of the blog

All comments are moderated in advance, so it may take one or two days before publication. The rules are simple:
  • vulgarity nothing against anyone or anything
  • comments absolutely stupid and without any meaningful discussion or constructive, although not vulgar may be removed
  • comments without interest, let alone to do promotion to other sites or blogs, are removed
  • try to justify your opinions as possible, so you'll be more convincing
  • read carefully the text of the bill before you write comments, thus avoiding any loss of time

Spread the word
A request: spread the word, spread this blog to your friends, and even in agencies and institutions sensitive to the problem, as associations in defense of consumers and citizens, scientific bodies, and also sections of political parties that want to support the initiative. The more the project becomes known and most likely will have to arrive in parlamento.

Grazie a tutti quelli che contribuiranno a questa iniziativa!
Credo sia una grande battaglia di Civiltà.

Sacrum Injury Car Accident

Introduction to the DDL DDL

Il testo del DDL è disponibile in PDF cliccando sul link che trovi a sinistra nella sezione "Scarica il DDL".

Principio ispiratore
Si vogliono promuovere una cultura ed un modello di società incentrati su principi di razionalità e sul metodo scientifico, e contrastare lo sfruttamento economico delle superstizioni and the consequent potential serious damage to physical and mental health of citizens.

Why a new law
Current legislation on quackery and similar topics can be summarized in the following list:

  • art. RD No 121 of 18.06.1931 773 "Consolidation Act on public security law" which says, succinctly: 'It is prohibited the trade of charlatan "
  • art. RD No 231, 6/5/1940 635 (Rules for the implementation of DR above), which defines the job of charlatan: "Under the heading of" craft quack "for the purposes of art. 121, last paragraph of the Act, includes any activity designed to speculate on altruism credulity, or to exploit or harm other people's food, as the soothsayers, interpreters of dreams, fortune tellers, those who engaged in games of sorcery, spells, exorcism, or bragging or affection in public great prowess in their art or profession, or magnify or specific recipes, which give extraordinary or miraculous virtue. "
  • DDL Sen. Renato Meduri submitted on 6/11/2001 and DDL Sen. Elizabeth Alberti Casellati submitted on 16/10/2002, merged in 1777 DDL , standing in parliament since 28/6/2005, proposing the amendment of the Penal Code, Article. 613-bis, the crime of "mental manipulation"
  • DDL presented on May 13, 2009 Hon. Jole Santelli (of which I failed to find traces in official corporate websites) which proposes to amend Art. And Article 640 of the Penal Code. 30 of Law 08/06/1990 n. 223, establishing the crime of fraud as aggravating the fact that it is made in the craft of charlatan and the exploitation of television or radio and forcing the publishers of such resources to pay jointly and severally with the charlatans, the cheated.
  • The famous Consumer Code (Legislative Decree no. No 206/2005, as amended by Decree No. 146/2007) that art. 20, defines and prohibits unfair trade practices. Among these are included those misleading, defined in art. 21. According to it, a practice is deceptive if:

    " contains information not correspond to reality or, even if factually correct, in any way, including overall presentation, induces oe 'likely to mislead the average consumer about to one or more 'of the following elements, and in any case, it induces oe 'likely to cause him to take a transactional decision that would otherwise have taken "

    Among the items listed, which may be the subject of misinformation, we find:

    b) the main characteristics of the product, such as [. ..] [...] fitness for purpose or the results to be expected from the use of the product [...]

    Furthermore, Article. 23, lists the explicitly recognized as deceptive practices. Among these, we find:

    r) state that products are able to facilitate winning in games of chance;

    s) state, as opposed to vero, che un prodotto ha la capacita' di curare malattie, disfunzioni o malformazioni

    Il Codice del Consumo, affida all' AGCM (Agenzia Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato, nota anche come Autorità Antitrust e che ha anche altri compiti oltre quelli attribuitile dal Codice del Consumo) i compiti sia investigativi che sanzionatori necessari per la sua applicazione.
    Per i casi di pubblicità ingannevole, l'AGCM deve richiedere un parere non vincolante all' AGCOM (Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni), l'altra authority che ha poteri in materia di regolamentazione pubblicitaria.
  • Delibera n. 34/05/CSP 8 March 2005 the Commission Services and Products (CSP) of AGCOM, which provides for a change the "Regulations on radio and television advertising and teleshopping" introduced by the same committee by resolution No. 538/01/CSP. That amendment, among other things, provides for the insertion of Article. 5 Ter:

    Article 5 b

    Telesales, TV promotions and advertising services in astrology, and Tarot and similar services relating to betting on the lottery, enalotto, lottery, football pools, Totogol, totip, lotteries and other Games similar

    1. Except as provided for in Article 5a, paragraph 1, during the teleshopping broadcasts on goods and services to astrology, and Tarot and similar services relating to betting on the lottery, enalotto, lottery, football pools, Totogol, totip, lotteries and other games is prohibited to show similar overlays or otherwise cause to use phone numbers for the provision of premium services, including specific rates, or phone number which, in turn, lead to the use of service numbers premium, even at specific rates.

    2. The broadcasts referred to in paragraph 1 shall not:

    a) mislead the public, even by omission, ambiguity or exaggeration, the content and effects of the goods or services;

    b) avoid all forms of exploitation of superstition, credulity or fear, in particular categories of people most vulnerable psychologically.

    3. The broadcasts referred to in paragraph 1 may not be transmitted in time slots between 7:00 and 23:00.

    4. Advertising and TV promotions on goods and services to astrology, and Tarot and similar services relating to betting on the lottery, enalotto, lottery, football pools, Totogol, totip, lotteries and other Similar games are subject to the prohibitions referred to in paragraph 2.

    5. ...

    6. The propaganda of services to astrology, and Tarot and similar services relating to betting on the lottery, enalotto, lottery, football pools, Totogol, totip, lotteries and other similar games, interactive videotex and audiotex such as "direct" conversation , "voice messaging", "chat line", "one to one" and "hot line" can not be transmitted during the hours between 7 am and 24 pm. "

As regards the first two points, the art. 17-bis of the same RD 18/6/1931 No 773, provides only for an administrative fine of € 516.00 to € 3098.00 (so pretty ridiculous) and also I do not think that banning the advertisements, but only the exercise of the profession. It 'important to note that the exercise of the profession of mountebank was decriminalized in simple administrative offense (Art. 33, Law of 24 November 1981, n. 689). The consequences of this, not only in the different treatment of sanctions, but also the social dangerousness that is actually allocated to charlatans.
An example of this, he finds himself in a ruling of the Court of Modena in 2005. In short, the Questor of Modena had requested that a magician (already under house arrest for sexual abuse of a customer) were subjected to the further extent of the obligation of signing day. The request was rejected because the activities of charlatans, but is not considered a criminal offense simple administrative offense, are not considered socially dangerous (this DDL, incidentally, reintroduces the quality of crime for the activities of charlatans).
E 'should be remembered in this connection that the record demonstrates the opposite. Clara's death, is certainly the parents' fault, but it is also (and to a lesser extent) the fault of the cultural climate unscientific and irrational law of gravity that the understatement the activities of charlatans helps create . Thus, the social dangerousness of charlatans, and there should not be underestimated.

As for the crime of "mental manipulation", it applies to a serious context, but too specific and restrictive to the objectives of this DDL, and also it is expected that there has already been damage to a person.

The proposed aggravating Mr. Santelli, in addition to increasing the prison term, allow the prosecution office, so they are certainly useful and desirable. However it is only aggravating the crime of fraud. The strange thing about this proposal, therefore, is that if there is fraud, you can not apply the aggravating circumstance, and then you can experience the event of a mountebank armies "honestly" (without cheating) their job: in this way, he would punished only in accordance with Royal Decree 773, thus making it useless aggravating. For example, if an astrologer asks 100 € to make a horoscope, and if after he has given you your horoscope, you give him 100 euro, no one can say that you were cheated. In this case, the proposal of Hon. Santelli as well not exist.

The rule on false advertising, is the only one that, like the present DDL contains the principle of punishment the message, regardless of whether anyone has suffered damage because of it. Given the importance and relevance to the theme of my DDL of the Consumer Code and the "Regulations on radio and television advertising and teleshopping, a more detailed discussion of them is stated in the post" Discussion: The DDL and the rules on misleading advertising. "

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Introduction to the DDL DDL

Il testo del DDL è disponibile in PDF cliccando sul link che trovi a sinistra nella sezione "Scarica il DDL".

Principio ispiratore
Si vogliono promuovere una cultura ed un modello di società incentrati su principi di razionalità e sul metodo scientifico, e contrastare lo sfruttamento economico delle superstizioni and the consequent potential serious damage to physical and mental health of citizens.

Why a new law
Current legislation on quackery and similar topics can be summarized in the following list:

  • art. RD No 121 of 18.06.1931 773 "Consolidation Act on public security law" which says, succinctly: 'It is prohibited the trade of charlatan "
  • art. RD No 231, 6/5/1940 635 (Rules for the implementation of DR above), which defines the job of charlatan: "Under the heading of" craft quack "for the purposes of art. 121, last paragraph of the Act, includes any activity designed to speculate on altruism credulity, or to exploit or harm other people's food, as the soothsayers, interpreters of dreams, fortune tellers, those who engaged in games of sorcery, spells, exorcism, or bragging or affection in public great prowess in their art or profession, or magnify or specific recipes, which give extraordinary or miraculous virtue. "
  • DDL Sen. Renato Meduri submitted on 6/11/2001 and DDL Sen. Elizabeth Alberti Casellati submitted on 16/10/2002, merged in 1777 DDL , standing in parliament since 28/6/2005, proposing the amendment of the Penal Code, Article. 613-bis, the crime of "mental manipulation"
  • DDL presented on May 13, 2009 Hon. Jole Santelli (of which I failed to find traces in official corporate websites) which proposes to amend Art. And Article 640 of the Penal Code. 30 of Law 08/06/1990 n. 223, establishing the crime of fraud as aggravating the fact that it is made in the craft of charlatan and the exploitation of television or radio and forcing the publishers of such resources to pay jointly and severally with the charlatans, the cheated.
  • The famous Consumer Code (Legislative Decree no. No 206/2005, as amended by Decree No. 146/2007) that art. 20, defines and prohibits unfair trade practices. Among these are included those misleading, defined in art. 21. According to it, a practice is deceptive if:

    " contains information not correspond to reality or, even if factually correct, in any way, including overall presentation, induces oe 'likely to mislead the average consumer about to one or more 'of the following elements, and in any case, it induces oe 'likely to cause him to take a transactional decision that would otherwise have taken "

    Among the items listed, which may be the subject of misinformation, we find:

    b) the main characteristics of the product, such as [. ..] [...] fitness for purpose or the results to be expected from the use of the product [...]

    Furthermore, Article. 23, lists the explicitly recognized as deceptive practices. Among these, we find:

    r) state that products are able to facilitate winning in games of chance;

    s) state, as opposed to vero, che un prodotto ha la capacita' di curare malattie, disfunzioni o malformazioni

    Il Codice del Consumo, affida all' AGCM (Agenzia Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato, nota anche come Autorità Antitrust e che ha anche altri compiti oltre quelli attribuitile dal Codice del Consumo) i compiti sia investigativi che sanzionatori necessari per la sua applicazione.
    Per i casi di pubblicità ingannevole, l'AGCM deve richiedere un parere non vincolante all' AGCOM (Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni), l'altra authority che ha poteri in materia di regolamentazione pubblicitaria.
  • Delibera n. 34/05/CSP 8 March 2005 the Commission Services and Products (CSP) of AGCOM, which provides for a change the "Regulations on radio and television advertising and teleshopping" introduced by the same committee by resolution No. 538/01/CSP. That amendment, among other things, provides for the insertion of Article. 5 Ter:

    Article 5 b

    Telesales, TV promotions and advertising services in astrology, and Tarot and similar services relating to betting on the lottery, enalotto, lottery, football pools, Totogol, totip, lotteries and other Games similar

    1. Except as provided for in Article 5a, paragraph 1, during the teleshopping broadcasts on goods and services to astrology, and Tarot and similar services relating to betting on the lottery, enalotto, lottery, football pools, Totogol, totip, lotteries and other games is prohibited to show similar overlays or otherwise cause to use phone numbers for the provision of premium services, including specific rates, or phone number which, in turn, lead to the use of service numbers premium, even at specific rates.

    2. The broadcasts referred to in paragraph 1 shall not:

    a) mislead the public, even by omission, ambiguity or exaggeration, the content and effects of the goods or services;

    b) avoid all forms of exploitation of superstition, credulity or fear, in particular categories of people most vulnerable psychologically.

    3. The broadcasts referred to in paragraph 1 may not be transmitted in time slots between 7:00 and 23:00.

    4. Advertising and TV promotions on goods and services to astrology, and Tarot and similar services relating to betting on the lottery, enalotto, lottery, football pools, Totogol, totip, lotteries and other Similar games are subject to the prohibitions referred to in paragraph 2.

    5. ...

    6. The propaganda of services to astrology, and Tarot and similar services relating to betting on the lottery, enalotto, lottery, football pools, Totogol, totip, lotteries and other similar games, interactive videotex and audiotex such as "direct" conversation , "voice messaging", "chat line", "one to one" and "hot line" can not be transmitted during the hours between 7 am and 24 pm. "

As regards the first two points, the art. 17-bis of the same RD 18/6/1931 No 773, provides only for an administrative fine of € 516.00 to € 3098.00 (so pretty ridiculous) and also I do not think that banning the advertisements, but only the exercise of the profession. It 'important to note that the exercise of the profession of mountebank was decriminalized in simple administrative offense (Art. 33, Law of 24 November 1981, n. 689). The consequences of this, not only in the different treatment of sanctions, but also the social dangerousness that is actually allocated to charlatans.
An example of this, he finds himself in a ruling of the Court of Modena in 2005. In short, the Questor of Modena had requested that a magician (already under house arrest for sexual abuse of a customer) were subjected to the further extent of the obligation of signing day. The request was rejected because the activities of charlatans, but is not considered a criminal offense simple administrative offense, are not considered socially dangerous (this DDL, incidentally, reintroduces the quality of crime for the activities of charlatans).
E 'should be remembered in this connection that the record demonstrates the opposite. Clara's death, is certainly the parents' fault, but it is also (and to a lesser extent) the fault of the cultural climate unscientific and irrational law of gravity that the understatement the activities of charlatans helps create . Thus, the social dangerousness of charlatans, and there should not be underestimated.

As for the crime of "mental manipulation", it applies to a serious context, but too specific and restrictive to the objectives of this DDL, and also it is expected that there has already been damage to a person.

The proposed aggravating Mr. Santelli, in addition to increasing the prison term, allow the prosecution office, so they are certainly useful and desirable. However it is only aggravating the crime of fraud. The strange thing about this proposal, therefore, is that if there is fraud, you can not apply the aggravating circumstance, and then you can experience the event of a mountebank armies "honestly" (without cheating) their job: in this way, he would punished only in accordance with Royal Decree 773, thus making it useless aggravating. For example, if an astrologer asks 100 € to make a horoscope, and if after he has given you your horoscope, you give him 100 euro, no one can say that you were cheated. In this case, the proposal of Hon. Santelli as well not exist.

The rule on false advertising, is the only one that, like the present DDL contains the principle of punishment the message, regardless of whether anyone has suffered damage because of it. Given the importance and relevance to the theme of my DDL of the Consumer Code and the "Regulations on radio and television advertising and teleshopping, a more detailed discussion of them is stated in the post" Discussion: The DDL and the rules on misleading advertising. "

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The text of the bill is available in PDF by clicking on the link on the left in the "Download DDL.

The important points of this DDL:

  • We introduce the norm, absent (to my knowledge) in the current sources of law, which prohibits the dissemination of messages to promote an object or an activity or service is incompatible with current scientific knowledge. This prohibition exists regardless of the commercial nature of the message, ie whether the message requires a payment.
  • We define the concept of "recognition by the current scientific knowledge" rather pragmatic. Something is considered "recognized" can be explained only if "now" and not whether it could be in the future. So no one can claim to propagandize for their good remedies for the simple fact that can not be refuted in principle. You want to follow, that is, a principle of prudence according to which one can not propagate (much less waffle on) practices that are not identifiable as scientifically meaningful.
  • We provide various types of crime. In order of increasing severity, are expected to crimes of quackery. quackery-profit, serious quackery (if the health of people involved) and quackery in serious profit. E 'planned also an aggravating factor in cases of serious disease.
  • crimes are prosecuted ex officio, and this is an important innovation . And 'everyone knows that very often the victims of charlatans, for various reasons, do not report the facts.
  • is establishing a scientific advisory board that in some cases it will be to decide on the nature of the messages under investigation

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The text of the bill is available in PDF by clicking on the link on the left in the "Download DDL.

The important points of this DDL:

  • We introduce the norm, absent (to my knowledge) in the current sources of law, which prohibits the dissemination of messages to promote an object or an activity or service is incompatible with current scientific knowledge. This prohibition exists regardless of the commercial nature of the message, ie whether the message requires a payment.
  • We define the concept of "recognition by the current scientific knowledge" rather pragmatic. Something is considered "recognized" can be explained only if "now" and not whether it could be in the future. So no one can claim to propagandize for their good remedies for the simple fact that can not be refuted in principle. You want to follow, that is, a principle of prudence according to which one can not propagate (much less waffle on) practices that are not identifiable as scientifically meaningful.
  • We provide various types of crime. In order of increasing severity, are expected to crimes of quackery. quackery-profit, serious quackery (if the health of people involved) and quackery in serious profit. E 'planned also an aggravating factor in cases of serious disease.
  • crimes are prosecuted ex officio, and this is an important innovation . And 'everyone knows that very often the victims of charlatans, for various reasons, do not report the facts.
  • is establishing a scientific advisory board that in some cases it will be to decide on the nature of the messages under investigation

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synthesis in Article 1 (Definitions)

In the present text of the law, will assume the following definitions apply :

a) "message" : è una qualsiasi comunicazione, verbale o scritta, diffusa con qualsiasi mezzo di comunicazione, rivolta ad una o più persone, fatta con l’intento di promuovere un oggetto in sé od anche il suo uso per il raggiungimento di uno scopo, oppure un’attività o una prestazione di qualsiasi natura. Sono comprese anche etichette applicate su prodotti destinati alla vendita, materiale informativo o promozionale come volantini, depliant e simili esposti in pubblico.

b) “oggetto del messaggio” : è l’oggetto (materiale o immateriale), l’attività o la prestazione che vengono promossi nel messaggio, comprensivi delle loro proprietà identificative described in the message itself

c) "purpose of the message" : if present, is the goal, the message is reached as indicated by the use of the object, use the service, or construction of

d) "current scientific knowledge" : are all the results in the current international scientific literature, or forming part of the already acquired knowledge of commonly accepted by the international scientific community.

In the case in international scientific literature they are conflicting results on the same matter, then we will consider only the results of work supported by all in numbers and quality is considered paramount. This assessment will be made by the Committee under Article. 4 .

If you are in the international literature only one job to support a result, then that result must be considered outside of current scientific knowledge and

) object or purpose "is recognized by current scientific knowledge" (hereafter referred to object or purpose "recognized" ).
An object or purpose which is "recognized" if current scientific knowledge already contemplate the existence of the object or purpose already recognize as accessible, or if the current scientific knowledge can be inferred with certainty that the object can exist or that the aim is reached

f) "object scientifically effective" (hereafter referred to as "effective" ) is such an object for which, according to current scientific knowledge, we can deduce with certainty its ability to achieve the purpose stated in the message

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synthesis in Article 1 (Definitions)

In the present text of the law, will assume the following definitions apply :

a) "message" : è una qualsiasi comunicazione, verbale o scritta, diffusa con qualsiasi mezzo di comunicazione, rivolta ad una o più persone, fatta con l’intento di promuovere un oggetto in sé od anche il suo uso per il raggiungimento di uno scopo, oppure un’attività o una prestazione di qualsiasi natura. Sono comprese anche etichette applicate su prodotti destinati alla vendita, materiale informativo o promozionale come volantini, depliant e simili esposti in pubblico.

b) “oggetto del messaggio” : è l’oggetto (materiale o immateriale), l’attività o la prestazione che vengono promossi nel messaggio, comprensivi delle loro proprietà identificative described in the message itself

c) "purpose of the message" : if present, is the goal, the message is reached as indicated by the use of the object, use the service, or construction of

d) "current scientific knowledge" : are all the results in the current international scientific literature, or forming part of the already acquired knowledge of commonly accepted by the international scientific community.

In the case in international scientific literature they are conflicting results on the same matter, then we will consider only the results of work supported by all in numbers and quality is considered paramount. This assessment will be made by the Committee under Article. 4 .

If you are in the international literature only one job to support a result, then that result must be considered outside of current scientific knowledge and

) object or purpose "is recognized by current scientific knowledge" (hereafter referred to object or purpose "recognized" ).
An object or purpose which is "recognized" if current scientific knowledge already contemplate the existence of the object or purpose already recognize as accessible, or if the current scientific knowledge can be inferred with certainty that the object can exist or that the aim is reached

f) "object scientifically effective" (hereafter referred to as "effective" ) is such an object for which, according to current scientific knowledge, we can deduce with certainty its ability to achieve the purpose stated in the message

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Article 2 (messages prohibited)

1. Is prohibited, without the opinion of the Committee referred to in art. 3, the following message types:

a) messages that promote the establishment of horoscopes, palmistry, fortune telling, clairvoyance, divination, interpretation of dreams, the creation of spells or exorcisms, or any practice intended to predict future events in the life of a person or to analyze the events or present state of health, or to solve health problems, emotional, economic or employment or relationship in general, which is described as based on magical abilities, hidden , paranormal, psychic, mystical, supernatural, defined by divine or comparable terms. This form also the messages that promote the use of objects for the same purposes of the practices described above and
defined terms as an amulet, talisman, love potion, magic potion or comparable terms

b) messages that encourage the provision of defined winners and played with a better chance of winning than the mathematically determined, with games of chance based solely on the case and whose chances of winning are determined a priori mathematically

c ) messages that promote methods of care or treatment of status of physical or mental health of the person, based on philosophies and religions and as a practice involving the laying on of hands by the operator (or a simple contact that the position a short distance from the body) and through which claims to manipulate forms of energy indicated by words such as vital, universal, prana or comparable terms. By way of example but not limited to, those methods fall into Reiki and Pranotherapy

2. Messages falling within these categories, constitute crimes under art. 3

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Article 2 (messages prohibited)

1. Is prohibited, without the opinion of the Committee referred to in art. 3, the following message types:

a) messages that promote the establishment of horoscopes, palmistry, fortune telling, clairvoyance, divination, interpretation of dreams, the creation of spells or exorcisms, or any practice intended to predict future events in the life of a person or to analyze the events or present state of health, or to solve health problems, emotional, economic or employment or relationship in general, which is described as based on magical abilities, hidden , paranormal, psychic, mystical, supernatural, defined by divine or comparable terms. This form also the messages that promote the use of objects for the same purposes of the practices described above and
defined terms as an amulet, talisman, love potion, magic potion or comparable terms

b) messages that encourage the provision of defined winners and played with a better chance of winning than the mathematically determined, with games of chance based solely on the case and whose chances of winning are determined a priori mathematically

c ) messages that promote methods of care or treatment of status of physical or mental health of the person, based on philosophies and religions and as a practice involving the laying on of hands by the operator (or a simple contact that the position a short distance from the body) and through which claims to manipulate forms of energy indicated by words such as vital, universal, prana or comparable terms. By way of example but not limited to, those methods fall into Reiki and Pranotherapy

2. Messages falling within these categories, constitute crimes under art. 3

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Article 3 (Offences)

1. The offenses covered by this law are:

a) chiunque diffonda un messaggio rientrante nei casi previsti dall’art. 2, oppure tale che dal parere della commissione di cui all’art. 4 risulti che l’oggetto o lo scopo o entrambi siano non riconosciuti oppure che l’oggetto sia inefficace, fatti salvi i casi in cui il messaggio abbia evidenti scopi edonistici o contenga forme palesemente iperboliche di espressione, ed i casi in cui dal contesto sia evidente che da parte di chi lo diffonde non ci sia una reale volontà di persuasione, commette il reato di “ciarlataneria”

b) se nei casi rientranti nel punto a) si ravvisa il tentativo di vendita dell’oggetto o comunque la richiesta di offerte in denaro o in beni anche solo volontarie, allora si commette il reato di “ciarlataneria a scopo di lucro”

c) se nei casi rientranti nel punto a), lo scopo riguarda la cura o qualunque pratica rivolta a trattare lo stato di salute fisica o psichica di una persona, si commette il reato di “ciarlataneria grave”

d) se nei casi rientranti nel punto a) si ravvisa il tentativo di vendita dell’oggetto o comunque la richiesta di offerte in denaro o in beni anche solo volontarie e lo scopo riguarda la cura o qualunque pratica rivolta a trattare lo stato di salute fisica o psichica di una persona, si ha il reato di “ciarlataneria grave a scopo di lucro”

e) nei casi previsti dai punti c) e d), costituisce aggravante il fatto che la cura o le pratiche riguardino anche malattie che, se non trattate dalla medicina scientifica, possono provocare morte, invalidità permanente o grave danno alla salute fisica o psichica anche solo temporaneo

f) se il messaggio viene diffuso tramite terze parti (agenti di commercio, negozianti che espongono la merce recante il messaggio, oppure editori di radio, di televisioni, di mezzi a stampa, di siti internet), gli agenti di commercio, i negozianti ed i responsabili editoriali delle terze parti saranno colpevoli degli stessi reati.

In case of dissemination via third parties through websites, the third part is not found guilty only if the message containing the web space is provided free of charge and is completely self-managed by the user.

2. Who has been accused of quackery on the basis of the jury's decision, it may prove, in a maximum period of 30 days and in accordance with methodologies set by the commission, the lawfulness of his message. If the limit of 30 days will be deemed insufficient by the committee or by the person to define the methodology of the trial and to conduct the same, then the previous decision of the commission shall be deemed final and operative

3. The offenses covered by this law are prosecuted ex officio.

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Article 3 (Offences)

1. The offenses covered by this law are:

a) chiunque diffonda un messaggio rientrante nei casi previsti dall’art. 2, oppure tale che dal parere della commissione di cui all’art. 4 risulti che l’oggetto o lo scopo o entrambi siano non riconosciuti oppure che l’oggetto sia inefficace, fatti salvi i casi in cui il messaggio abbia evidenti scopi edonistici o contenga forme palesemente iperboliche di espressione, ed i casi in cui dal contesto sia evidente che da parte di chi lo diffonde non ci sia una reale volontà di persuasione, commette il reato di “ciarlataneria”

b) se nei casi rientranti nel punto a) si ravvisa il tentativo di vendita dell’oggetto o comunque la richiesta di offerte in denaro o in beni anche solo volontarie, allora si commette il reato di “ciarlataneria a scopo di lucro”

c) se nei casi rientranti nel punto a), lo scopo riguarda la cura o qualunque pratica rivolta a trattare lo stato di salute fisica o psichica di una persona, si commette il reato di “ciarlataneria grave”

d) se nei casi rientranti nel punto a) si ravvisa il tentativo di vendita dell’oggetto o comunque la richiesta di offerte in denaro o in beni anche solo volontarie e lo scopo riguarda la cura o qualunque pratica rivolta a trattare lo stato di salute fisica o psichica di una persona, si ha il reato di “ciarlataneria grave a scopo di lucro”

e) nei casi previsti dai punti c) e d), costituisce aggravante il fatto che la cura o le pratiche riguardino anche malattie che, se non trattate dalla medicina scientifica, possono provocare morte, invalidità permanente o grave danno alla salute fisica o psichica anche solo temporaneo

f) se il messaggio viene diffuso tramite terze parti (agenti di commercio, negozianti che espongono la merce recante il messaggio, oppure editori di radio, di televisioni, di mezzi a stampa, di siti internet), gli agenti di commercio, i negozianti ed i responsabili editoriali delle terze parti saranno colpevoli degli stessi reati.

In case of dissemination via third parties through websites, the third part is not found guilty only if the message containing the web space is provided free of charge and is completely self-managed by the user.

2. Who has been accused of quackery on the basis of the jury's decision, it may prove, in a maximum period of 30 days and in accordance with methodologies set by the commission, the lawfulness of his message. If the limit of 30 days will be deemed insufficient by the committee or by the person to define the methodology of the trial and to conduct the same, then the previous decision of the commission shall be deemed final and operative

3. The offenses covered by this law are prosecuted ex officio.

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Article 4 (commission)

1. It is a committee made up of 10 permanent members, who, at their request or at the request of and with the consent of at least 6 members, can be supplemented by up to 10 other temporary members.

2. The members, both permanent and temporary, are appointed by the CNR.

3. The permanent members shall include: three physicists, two biologists, two doctors, three engineers in scientific area.

4. The permanent members last one year, the temporary last time to settle the matter for which they were appointed.

5. All members, permanent and temporary, will be Italian citizens or foreigners will have to be scientists or professionals of repute with at least 20 publications in scientific journals of international standing for at least 50 permanent members and temporary ones.

6. When the nature of the messages under investigation does not fall directly in cases referred to. 2, the Committee is called by the court to give its opinion by describing the object as well, if present, the purpose of the object, through i termini “riconosciuto” o “non riconosciuto” secondo quanto stabilito all’art. 1 punto e). Nel caso in cui il messaggio dichiari anche uno scopo, la commissione dovrà inoltre esprimere il proprio parere qualificando l’oggetto come “efficace” o “inefficace” secondo quanto stabilito all’art. 1 punto f).

7. La commissione dovrà esprimere il proprio parere esclusivamente sulla base del confronto tra i messaggi e le conoscenze scientifiche correnti, senza dover ideare procedure di verifica diverse da quelle già aesistenti o pronunciarsi sull’esistenza di nuove verità scientifiche o sulla necessità di correggere quelle correntemente accepted.

8. The Board may receive by the person reporting the studies that he believes support his reasons

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Article 4 (commission)

1. It is a committee made up of 10 permanent members, who, at their request or at the request of and with the consent of at least 6 members, can be supplemented by up to 10 other temporary members.

2. The members, both permanent and temporary, are appointed by the CNR.

3. The permanent members shall include: three physicists, two biologists, two doctors, three engineers in scientific area.

4. The permanent members last one year, the temporary last time to settle the matter for which they were appointed.

5. All members, permanent and temporary, will be Italian citizens or foreigners will have to be scientists or professionals of repute with at least 20 publications in scientific journals of international standing for at least 50 permanent members and temporary ones.

6. When the nature of the messages under investigation does not fall directly in cases referred to. 2, the Committee is called by the court to give its opinion by describing the object as well, if present, the purpose of the object, through i termini “riconosciuto” o “non riconosciuto” secondo quanto stabilito all’art. 1 punto e). Nel caso in cui il messaggio dichiari anche uno scopo, la commissione dovrà inoltre esprimere il proprio parere qualificando l’oggetto come “efficace” o “inefficace” secondo quanto stabilito all’art. 1 punto f).

7. La commissione dovrà esprimere il proprio parere esclusivamente sulla base del confronto tra i messaggi e le conoscenze scientifiche correnti, senza dover ideare procedure di verifica diverse da quelle già aesistenti o pronunciarsi sull’esistenza di nuove verità scientifiche o sulla necessità di correggere quelle correntemente accepted.

8. The Board may receive by the person reporting the studies that he believes support his reasons

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Article 5 (Penalties)

1. The crime of quackery is punished with the obligation to perform community service for a minimum of 50 hours up to a maximum of 200 hours.

2. The crime of quackery for profit, shall be punished with the obligation to perform community service for a minimum of 200 hours to a maximum of 1000 hours, a fine equal to 10 times the maximum amount established by the request of a charlatan individual for its products or services or activities, and by imprisonment from six months to a year.

3. The serious crime of quackery, is punished with the obligation to perform community service for a minimum of 200 hours to a maximum of 1000 hours and by imprisonment of one to two years.

4. The serious crime of quackery for profit, shall be punished with the obligation to perform community service for a minimum of 200 hours to a maximum of 1000 hours,
a fine equal to 10 times the maximum amount established required by charlatan to a single person for its products or services or activities , and to imprisonment for eighteen months to three years.

5. Nel caso sia presente l'aggravante prevista dall'art. 3, comma 1, punto e), le pene sono raddoppiate