Monday, February 14, 2011

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Portugal - Honorary Doctorate

Doutoramento Honoris Causa da Professora Giulia Lanciani

the University of Lisbon

February 16, 2011, 15:00

The Area of \u200b\u200bLanguage Sciences Faculty Letters of Lisbon University announces with glee, awarding the title of Doctor Honoris Causa to Professor Dr Giulia Lanciani, Roma Tre University, in recognition of highest merit of their scientific work and teaching, dedicated to the cultures that inhabit the house Language Portuguesa.A charge of insignia doctorate in a ceremony scheduled to take place the Hall of Regents of the University of Lisbon, on February 16, 2011, at 15:00. Chair the Rector, Professor António Sampaio da Nóvoa. The PhD will be the godfather of Professor Ivo Castro, the Faculty of Arts.

Dottorato dell'Università di Lisbona Honorary

alla Chiarissimo Professoressa Giulia Lanciani

L'area di ricerca di Scienze del linguaggio della Facoltà di Lettere dell 'Università di Lisbona announces with joy, the award of the title of Doctor Honoris Causa to Professor clear; Giulia Lanciani, University of Rome, for the high merits of his scientific work and teaching, dedicated to the cultures of Language Portoghese.Il conferment of doctoral insignia will take place during a ceremony held at the Noble Hall of the Rector of the University of Lisbona.Presiede the Rector, Professor Antonio Sampaio from Nóvoa.Il PhD will be the godfather of the illustrious Professor Ivo Castro, professor of the Faculty of Arts .

O Reitor from Universidade de Lisboa tem to honor to invite Your Ex ª ª for


Doctor Honoris Causa

February 16, 2011, Wednesday Salon Noble 15h


14h10 Reception of the guests with the participation of untimely, Tuna, Faculty of Arts, University of Lisbon.

14:40 Academic Training Parade (Rectorate Senate Room).

14h55 Start of Academic Procession.

Solemn Session


15:00 Choir, University of Lisbon

Directorate Maestro Luis Almeida

15.05 Opening session by the Rector of the University of Lisbon ,

Prof. António Sampaio da Nóvoa.

15.15 Conferment of insignia of Honorary Doctor to Doctor Giulia Lanciani, Professor of Portuguese and Brazilian University of Roma Tre, Herman Prins Salomon, Professor of Dutch and Portuguese Studies at the State University of New York at Albany, and Vítor Aguiar e Silva, Professor of the University of Minho.

Winners will be sponsored respectively by Professors Ivo Castro, Antonio M. Feijo and Helena Buescu, Faculty of Arts, University of Lisbon.

16.40 Closing Session Solene.16h40 Choir, University of Lisbon

Directorate Maestro Luis Almeida

The ceremony will be followed by a Port of Honor (Hall of Steps Lost Rectory).

Academic Procession: Costume with academic regalia.

Training academic procession, at 14:40.

reception of guests, from 14h00 to 14h55.

Entry by invitation or free, subject to the room.

RSFF: Until February 14.

REGENTS - Cultural Center DRE.

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