Monday, February 21, 2011

Katarzyna Redesiuk Off White

three books on Italian Giulia Lanciani



published by PUBLISHER LENS

Bestseller of the year in Italy

The True Story of Enaiatollah Akbari

An exciting story of survival

with the presence of GEDA
FABIO Author and Alexander's ENAIATOLLAH AKBAR

Tuesday, February 22, 2011 19:00

the Italian Cultural Institute, Rua do Salitre, 146 - 1250-204 Lisbon

RSFF - tel. 213884172

Capacity limited (60 seats). Booking required


Bestseller of the year in Italy

The True Story of Enaiatollah AkbariUma gripping story of survival. "There are three things you should never do in life, dear Enaiat by motivonenhum. The first is drugs. Do not believe them. Promise Meque will not. Prometido.A second is to use weapons. Even if someone do bad things to your memory, or the Memories astu your affections. It promises. Prometido.A is to steal third. What is yours belongs to you, what is not. And never intrujarásquem whatever, dear Enaiat, okay? Hospitaleiroe shalt be tolerant of everyone. Promise me that thou shalt do. Promised. "Enaiatollah ten years and had promised. Still did not know that these last words he would listen to the mother before it let numcampo refugees in Pakistan. Because he was born in Afghanistan seiode a minority, and because he had the misfortune of losing his father early, foiarrancado home to ten years. His growing body no longer Cabiana grave where he ran into hiding when knocking at the door of home.The with this tragic act of love that begins a new life of EnaiatollahAkbari, as well as the incredible journey that will take you to Italy via peloIrão, Turkey and Greece, where he discovers that the sea there is crocodilos.Uma odyssey that forced him to confront human misery and nobility, but failed to steal his smile criança.Nascer in Afghanistan means to grow in a hurry. Enaiatollah deesquecer needed to survive childhood, but finally found umlugar to live that age really has. This is their story.


De nacionalidade italiana, nasceu em 1972 em Turim, onde vive. Trabalha com jovens desfavorecidos e promove actividades de animação cultural.Escreve no jornal La Stampa sobre temas relacionados com o crescimentoe a educação. Colabora regularmente com o Clube de Leitores de Turime a Fundação para o Livro, a Música e a Cultura. Publicou os romencesPer il resto del viaggio ho sparato agli indiani – nomeado para vários prémios-e L’esatta sequeza dei gesti. Joga futebol no clube Osvaldo Soriano Footbal Club, cuja equipa é composta por escritores. Quanto a Enaiatollah Akbari, a sua biografia está nas páginas deste livro.

“Um texto de uma extraordinária delicadeza.”

La Repubblica

“Parece um romance de fantasia e aventura…mas é a história verdadeira,e incrível, de Enaiatollah Akbari.”

Corriere della Sera

“Um livro belíssimo."

Vanity Fair


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