Monday, February 14, 2011

London Fruit And Herb Company

New exhibition in IPSAR: Enrico Franchi and Filippo Vinardi

Il Rettore dell’Istituto Portoghese di Sant'Antonio in Roma
Mons. Agostinho da Costa Borges

sotto l’alto patrocinio di S. E.
l’Ambasciatore del Portogallo presso la Santa Sede
Manuel Tomás Fernandes Pereira

is pleased to invite you

inauguration of the exhibition event of

Henry and Philip Franks Vinardi

entitled "Light and Matter"

to be held on Wednesday 16 February 2011, at 18:30

Portuguese Institute of St. Anthony in Rome Via dei
Portuguese, 6-00186 ROMA

The exhibition will remain open until February 27, 2011
from Wednesday to Sunday from 16:00 to 18:00


Double solo show curated by Philip Franks and Henry Vinardi
The Rector 'Portuguese Institute in Rome, Archbishop of St. Agostinho da Costa Borges, under the patronage of HE the Ambassador of Portugal to the Holy See Dr. Manuel Tomás Fernandes Pereira is pleased to invite you at the opening of the exhibition Henry and Philip Franks Vinardi entitled "Light and Matter", which will be held Wednesday, February 16 from 18.30 at the Portuguese Institute of St. Anthony 'in Rome.
The exhibition will be open until 27 February, aims to illustrate, through a beautiful and unusual artistic, intellectual and spiritual journey between photography and sculpture, expression and synthesis of recent creative projects of the two Roman artists.

The sculptures, by Enrico Franchi, are divided into two sections. The first consists of pieces of silver, made with inserts metraclitrato. The second addresses the issue of environmental protection through works in bronze representing the one hand a study of the factories and other examples of animals with genetic mutations, within the project entitled 'The Pasture of the new millennium'. The uniqueness of the works on display and the choice of the display, the artist says, "want to express a social commentary on the dangers of toxic substances in air, water and food in general in which they feed the animals and that inevitably find ourselves on our tables every day. "

Philip Vinardi signature, however, the images of the photographic exhibition on Bali. It is a journey that, far from the intentions of a classic reportage, it is, however, an ideal essence, the ephemeral yet powerful and elegant portrait of a people of his island.
Bali, o meglio la sua traccia nella nostra immaginazione occidentale, ne emerge come arena perfetta di un continuo e serrato incontro tra grazia e frenesia, tra compostezza e fremito sotterraneo, tra potenza della luce e ineluttabile minaccia della sua stessa ombra.

Inaugurazione: mercoledì 16 febbraio ore 18.00
La mostra rimarrà aperta dal 16 al 27 febbraio 2011
Orario di apertura al pubblico:
Dal mercoledì alla Domenica: 16.00-19.00
Sede: Via dei Portoghesi, 6

Ingresso libero.

Press Office: Madia Mauro

347 0492505 email: madia.mauro @


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