Monday, February 28, 2011

Spouse Can They Do Self Employed

code Gini, or distribution of The goods

Il  Coefficiente di Gini  è una delle principali  misure di dispersione statistica ed è comunemente utilizzato per misurare il grado di disparità, di disuguaglianza o forte concentrazione per indicatori quali reddito, benessere, voci di spending.
Its operation is simple enough: trivializing one can say that the index is a mathematical transformation of the sums of the differences between all units of the same non-negative parameter. Imagine, in essence, you have the income of every citizen of a nation and to calculate the difference for each pair of the city and then calculate the sum of all the differences: The greater the difference between income, the higher the value of the final sum obtained.
The Gini coefficient varies between 0 and 1 (and is sometimes multiplied by 100, to obtain a realization on a scale of 0 to 100). A Gini coefficient with low value indicates a tendency all'equidistribuzione, with 0 indicating perfect equality, while the highest Gini values \u200b\u200bindicate more unequal distributions, with 1 corresponding to the state of maximum concentration. If
said as the Gini index is used to describe the degree of inequality in income distribution of a nation, the country with a condition in which a person holds all the wealth while others do not have any income, will have a coefficient of G = 1. Conversely, if all citizens of a nation have equal income, the coefficient will be equal to G = 0.
According to calculations of Wolfram and based on data published by the United Nations and the CIA State of the Nation in 2008, we observe the following:
The index is calculated for 133 countries. The central tendency of the index is represented by a median value equal to 0.388. The minimum value was observed for Sweden (0.23), then the country in which income distribution is more egalitarian. The maximum value was found for Namibia (0.707). Italy has a value of 0.33 placed at the 37-th place

after Greece and Moldova before. The data is updated to 2005. In reality there would updated data extracted from the 2008 Human Development Reports dello UNDP  che vede l’indice di Gini per l’Italia salito allo 0,36. 
Cercate pure quello del 2009, le cose non sono cambiate di molto.
PS: Ma il nostro idolo, mito, america, lo dobbiamo inseguire davvero per il nostro bene?
Vedete un pò, tra Russia e Usa sono uno peggio dell'altro.


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