Thursday, February 24, 2011

Flucillin And Kidney Infections

daily events and our strange behavior

Intanto vi consiglio di vedere questo GRANDE EDUARDO che parla della nostra civiltà, poi proseguo con dei semplici ragionamenti sul comportamento umano davanti alle nefandezze che propinano e ci addossano.

A monologue by Eduardo Galeano on our criminal economy, which reduces the world into a madhouse full of criminals .... I exaggerate? I do not think our civilization ... too hard! We act by criminals, but to preach the good stories as justice, equality, human rights, the value of life ... etc etc

And then we are talking about justice, the three degrees of the proceedings of the case, for which UTRI OF govern us ... freedom, democracy, the law is same for all, we all have the same rights .... and bla bla bla
1) WE REALLY fool and these are the result of our inept BE ACCEPTED AND MUST BE AS (I do not think ...)
2) mocking us Igni DAY OF THE YEAR U.S. TO MAINTAIN Sgobba RICH (AND BECOMING POOR) and we are happy about this (I do not think ...)
3) Mass and MAD (this seems to me!)
4) Or you can also say that people around us are not not at all happy with their way of life, little time is available to find their passions, their families, the low wages that do not allow you to live 30 days, the work that has become a utopia, insecure jobs and anti-dignity, mututi for homes of a few square feet that we carry with them for 30 \\ 40 years ... so the discontent of our daily actions can be listed in the tens: "We Italians do not have a rewarding life."
But on the other side we see that our way of life that does not reward, and then disappoint him perpetrate without ever having a Bubbio. Let me explain, there is never a morning that is said not today, do not go out today, today I want to take time and reflect.
Our dear reflection of what is reduced? Accounts to make ends meet later this month? The discussion on yesterday's dinner? A how to spend the money arrive? If it is right or not go to prostitutes when you have the money? A much money today I would like to do this or that?
mean, tell me what the mind is forced to think and reflect. In my opinion there's necessarily reflect those of a decision, an act which is contrary to their malaise. Why are only a few to do so? The basic of the brain may not be the reasoning? And then we do not use the reason that we are always placed in front of the television, newspapers which talk about worlds different from our own in most cases.
I heard a joke saying, " Last night I watched the 20th episode of star trek on Channel 5." Answer: "But by then there is the TG5?". "Exact and speak to an unknown world where young people do not want to work, where they line up to buy jewelry ... where politics is always good if you recently hurt if it is a legacy of the old caste (which names are always the same)
Bertrand Russell great writer in 1900 had predicted that "if psychology has analyzed decent human behavior and mind, I tremble for the use that can be drawn from governments to enslave the peoples"
He said in 1920 about There are experiments that also has sent Rai3, where animals showed a chip on which they became docile or aggressive push of a button ", they were in 1950. And where are we today? I dare not imagine ..... I read the Social Contract, JJ Rousseau, and one of the steps dicevia more or less like this: "If a man decides to sell its life and become a slave to food or other is to understand, but if do the people it is called insanity "


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