Monday, February 28, 2011

Spouse Can They Do Self Employed

code Gini, or distribution of The goods

Il  Coefficiente di Gini  è una delle principali  misure di dispersione statistica ed è comunemente utilizzato per misurare il grado di disparità, di disuguaglianza o forte concentrazione per indicatori quali reddito, benessere, voci di spending.
Its operation is simple enough: trivializing one can say that the index is a mathematical transformation of the sums of the differences between all units of the same non-negative parameter. Imagine, in essence, you have the income of every citizen of a nation and to calculate the difference for each pair of the city and then calculate the sum of all the differences: The greater the difference between income, the higher the value of the final sum obtained.
The Gini coefficient varies between 0 and 1 (and is sometimes multiplied by 100, to obtain a realization on a scale of 0 to 100). A Gini coefficient with low value indicates a tendency all'equidistribuzione, with 0 indicating perfect equality, while the highest Gini values \u200b\u200bindicate more unequal distributions, with 1 corresponding to the state of maximum concentration. If
said as the Gini index is used to describe the degree of inequality in income distribution of a nation, the country with a condition in which a person holds all the wealth while others do not have any income, will have a coefficient of G = 1. Conversely, if all citizens of a nation have equal income, the coefficient will be equal to G = 0.
According to calculations of Wolfram and based on data published by the United Nations and the CIA State of the Nation in 2008, we observe the following:
The index is calculated for 133 countries. The central tendency of the index is represented by a median value equal to 0.388. The minimum value was observed for Sweden (0.23), then the country in which income distribution is more egalitarian. The maximum value was found for Namibia (0.707). Italy has a value of 0.33 placed at the 37-th place

after Greece and Moldova before. The data is updated to 2005. In reality there would updated data extracted from the 2008 Human Development Reports dello UNDP  che vede l’indice di Gini per l’Italia salito allo 0,36. 
Cercate pure quello del 2009, le cose non sono cambiate di molto.
PS: Ma il nostro idolo, mito, america, lo dobbiamo inseguire davvero per il nostro bene?
Vedete un pò, tra Russia e Usa sono uno peggio dell'altro.

Spouse Can They Do Self Employed

code Gini, or distribution of The goods

Il  Coefficiente di Gini  è una delle principali  misure di dispersione statistica ed è comunemente utilizzato per misurare il grado di disparità, di disuguaglianza o forte concentrazione per indicatori quali reddito, benessere, voci di spending.
Its operation is simple enough: trivializing one can say that the index is a mathematical transformation of the sums of the differences between all units of the same non-negative parameter. Imagine, in essence, you have the income of every citizen of a nation and to calculate the difference for each pair of the city and then calculate the sum of all the differences: The greater the difference between income, the higher the value of the final sum obtained.
The Gini coefficient varies between 0 and 1 (and is sometimes multiplied by 100, to obtain a realization on a scale of 0 to 100). A Gini coefficient with low value indicates a tendency all'equidistribuzione, with 0 indicating perfect equality, while the highest Gini values \u200b\u200bindicate more unequal distributions, with 1 corresponding to the state of maximum concentration. If
said as the Gini index is used to describe the degree of inequality in income distribution of a nation, the country with a condition in which a person holds all the wealth while others do not have any income, will have a coefficient of G = 1. Conversely, if all citizens of a nation have equal income, the coefficient will be equal to G = 0.
According to calculations of Wolfram and based on data published by the United Nations and the CIA State of the Nation in 2008, we observe the following:
The index is calculated for 133 countries. The central tendency of the index is represented by a median value equal to 0.388. The minimum value was observed for Sweden (0.23), then the country in which income distribution is more egalitarian. The maximum value was found for Namibia (0.707). Italy has a value of 0.33 placed at the 37-th place

after Greece and Moldova before. The data is updated to 2005. In reality there would updated data extracted from the 2008 Human Development Reports dello UNDP  che vede l’indice di Gini per l’Italia salito allo 0,36. 
Cercate pure quello del 2009, le cose non sono cambiate di molto.
PS: Ma il nostro idolo, mito, america, lo dobbiamo inseguire davvero per il nostro bene?
Vedete un pò, tra Russia e Usa sono uno peggio dell'altro.

Rickenbacker Vs. Epiphone Casino

Lettere - Roma Tre - Bando ERASMUS

È stato pubblicato il bando Erasmus 2011/2012 .

La domanda di partecipazione può essere presentata entro il 23-24 marzo 2011 (domanda per via telematica e in forma cartacea).

Il bando è disponibile on-line nella pagina dell’Ufficio Programmi Europei per la Mobilità Studentesca ( ).

Thursday, March 10, at 14:30, at the Conference Hall "Ignazio Ambrogio", held a briefing on the Ban Erasmus 2011/2012.

Rickenbacker Vs. Epiphone Casino

Lettere - Roma Tre - Bando ERASMUS

È stato pubblicato il bando Erasmus 2011/2012 .

La domanda di partecipazione può essere presentata entro il 23-24 marzo 2011 (domanda per via telematica e in forma cartacea).

Il bando è disponibile on-line nella pagina dell’Ufficio Programmi Europei per la Mobilità Studentesca ( ).

Thursday, March 10, at 14:30, at the Conference Hall "Ignazio Ambrogio", held a briefing on the Ban Erasmus 2011/2012.

Pain In Lower Leg Upon Waking

IPSAR - concerti di marzo di Conferenza

The Organ of Saint Anthony of the Portuguese

Rector: Rev. Agostinho Borges
Organist holder: Giampaolo Di Rosa
cycle II International Organ

Sunday, 03/06/2011 18:30

concert organ

Organist Bach's complete works for organ: Giampaolo Di Rosa
Program: BACH, XIV concert

Saturday, 12.03.2011 19:00
Concert Organist: Pierre Thimus (Liege)
Program: works by Barras, Dupre, Peters

Sunday, 03/20/2011 18:30
concert organ Bach organ work of the integral closure

the eve of the 326th anniversary of the birth
Organist: Giampaolo Di Rosa
Program: BACH, XV concert
"Clavierübung III"

Saturday, 26.03.2011 19:00 Concert of the integral body
sonatas of Felix-Alexandre Guilmant
the centenary della morte
Organisti: Tiago Ferreira (Porto),
Daniel Ribeiro (Porto/Colonia)
Programma: Sonate n. 1, 2, 3

domenica 27.03.2011
18.30 Concerto di organo
dell’integrale delle sonate
di Felix-Alexandre Guilmant
in occasione del centenario della morte
Organisti: Giampaolo Di Rosa
Programma: Sonate n. 4, 5, 6

martedi 29.03.2011
Centenario della morte di F.-A. Guilmant
21.00 Concerto di organo dell’integrale
delle sonate di Felix-Alexandre Guilmant in
occasione del centenario della morte
Organisti: Tiago Ferreira (Porto),
Daniel Ribeiro (Colonia)
Programma: Sonate n. 7, 8

Istituto Portoghese di Sant’Antonio in Roma
Via dei Portoghesi, 2 - 00186 ROMA

Tel.: +39 06 68802496 - Fax: +39 06 6865234

Pain In Lower Leg Upon Waking

IPSAR - concerti di marzo di Conferenza

The Organ of Saint Anthony of the Portuguese

Rector: Rev. Agostinho Borges
Organist holder: Giampaolo Di Rosa
cycle II International Organ

Sunday, 03/06/2011 18:30

concert organ

Organist Bach's complete works for organ: Giampaolo Di Rosa
Program: BACH, XIV concert

Saturday, 12.03.2011 19:00
Concert Organist: Pierre Thimus (Liege)
Program: works by Barras, Dupre, Peters

Sunday, 03/20/2011 18:30
concert organ Bach organ work of the integral closure

the eve of the 326th anniversary of the birth
Organist: Giampaolo Di Rosa
Program: BACH, XV concert
"Clavierübung III"

Saturday, 26.03.2011 19:00 Concert of the integral body
sonatas of Felix-Alexandre Guilmant
the centenary della morte
Organisti: Tiago Ferreira (Porto),
Daniel Ribeiro (Porto/Colonia)
Programma: Sonate n. 1, 2, 3

domenica 27.03.2011
18.30 Concerto di organo
dell’integrale delle sonate
di Felix-Alexandre Guilmant
in occasione del centenario della morte
Organisti: Giampaolo Di Rosa
Programma: Sonate n. 4, 5, 6

martedi 29.03.2011
Centenario della morte di F.-A. Guilmant
21.00 Concerto di organo dell’integrale
delle sonate di Felix-Alexandre Guilmant in
occasione del centenario della morte
Organisti: Tiago Ferreira (Porto),
Daniel Ribeiro (Colonia)
Programma: Sonate n. 7, 8

Istituto Portoghese di Sant’Antonio in Roma
Via dei Portoghesi, 2 - 00186 ROMA

Tel.: +39 06 68802496 - Fax: +39 06 6865234

Psychopathic Rydas-bandanas Lyrics

Jose Sarmento de Matos - 3 marzo, ore 15:00

TransEuropaExpress - Stories and Identity

Europe intellectuals

from 03/03/11 to 04/03/11
at the Auditorium Ara Pacis
Free admission subject to availability

Phone: 0039 06 68134697
Website: & p =% 7D% 7Bp
eventi.aziendali @ for private corporate events

VI edition of the European workshop conceived and promoted by House of Literature by the Directorate of Political Cultural Capital of Rome with the European Commission Representation in Italy and with the embassies and the European Institutes
TransEuropaExpress is an event in which writers, philosophers, historians and other intellectuals from several EU countries are questioning and debate on issues every year different, to try to draw the complex and promote European cultural identity. For the invited speakers, one for each country are asked to produce a text to read during work days and discuss with other participants and the public.
history and identity. The intellectuals of Europe is the theme chosen for this edition. The speakers will analyze, free choice of perspective and how the relationship between intellectuals and the history of his country, starting from the idea that culture is the core activity for the formation of a conscience and a shared history.
In the two study days, over four sessions (3 and March 4 at the Auditorium Ara Pacis hours 10:00 to 13:00 and 15:00 to 18:00) you hear the interventions of cultural historians such as Danish Uffe Ostergard, the Spaniard Enrique de Rivas, the Finnish Liisa Suvikumpu, philosophers and theorists of the Lithuanian political science as Leonidas Donskis; the Swedish Ebba Witt-Brattström specialist in history and female identity and of ' Portuguese intellectual José Sarmento de Matos specialist olisipografia (the study of the city); journalists, cultural workers and publishing as the Italian Francesco Catalucci, Michaela Jurovska the Slovak and Polish Wojciech Jagielski, scholars and teachers of the humanities as Hungarian Péter Sarkozy and Estonian Toomas Kiho, the playwright Matei Romania Visniec; of Claudia Rusch writers in Germany, Peter Murphy for Ireland, Paul Torday pearl Britain, Marie Darrieussecq for France. It will be presented the book "Feminine Plural Europe", Giulio Perrone editor, Proceedings of the 2008 workshop TransEuropaExpress


- Thursday, March 3, 2011 SESSION I

10 hours -13

Chair: Arnaldo Colasanti

Spain - DE ENRIQUE RIVAS cultural historian

The hourglass upside

Italy - FRANCESCO Catalucci cultural worker and writer

Language and national identity

Ireland - PETER MURPHY writer

Marconi's Radio

Slovakia - MICHAELA JUROVSKA essayist, journalist and translator

The new paradigm: the intellectual man of culture (Culture and Civilization against the role of intellettualioggi)

- Thursday, March 3, 2011



Moderator: Fabrizio Carbone

Portogallo - JOSÉ SARMENTO DE MATOS Storico dell’architettura, saggista e giornalista

Lisbona e l’Europa – miti, storia e cultura

Francia – MARIE DARRIEUSSECQ scrittrice

Una scrittrice in Francia

Estonia - TOOMAS KIHO Docente di scienze umane

Responsabilità europee

Danimarca - UFFE ØSTERGÅRD storico della cultura

Il paradosso danese. Nazionalismo integrale in uno stato nazione territoriale

- Friday, March 4



Moderator: Giuliano Compagno

Hungary - PETER SARKOZY professor of Hungarian language and literature at the University of Rome "LaSapienza "

The role of writers in the great transformations of Hungarian society (1848-1989)

Germany - CLAUDIA RUSCH writer

DDR, the nation and a confused girl

Finland - LIIs SUVIKUMPU historical culture

Identity of Finnish artists and Rome in the nineteenth century

Poland - Wojciech Jagielski international journalist

intellectuals in Poland

Friday, March 4


15 hours -18Modera: Maria Ida Gaeta

Sweden - EBBA-WITT Historical BRATTSTRÖM the feminist movement and lecturer

Sweden - a country of women

Lithuania - Leonidas Donskis philosopher and theorist of science policy

Between politics and history

Romania - playwright Matei Visniec

on brainwashing in East and West

Britain - PAUL TORDAY writer

Cultural identity - the prospect of an English writer

Psychopathic Rydas-bandanas Lyrics

Jose Sarmento de Matos - 3 marzo, ore 15:00

TransEuropaExpress - Stories and Identity

Europe intellectuals

from 03/03/11 to 04/03/11
at the Auditorium Ara Pacis
Free admission subject to availability

Phone: 0039 06 68134697
Website: & p =% 7D% 7Bp
eventi.aziendali @ for private corporate events

VI edition of the European workshop conceived and promoted by House of Literature by the Directorate of Political Cultural Capital of Rome with the European Commission Representation in Italy and with the embassies and the European Institutes
TransEuropaExpress is an event in which writers, philosophers, historians and other intellectuals from several EU countries are questioning and debate on issues every year different, to try to draw the complex and promote European cultural identity. For the invited speakers, one for each country are asked to produce a text to read during work days and discuss with other participants and the public.
history and identity. The intellectuals of Europe is the theme chosen for this edition. The speakers will analyze, free choice of perspective and how the relationship between intellectuals and the history of his country, starting from the idea that culture is the core activity for the formation of a conscience and a shared history.
In the two study days, over four sessions (3 and March 4 at the Auditorium Ara Pacis hours 10:00 to 13:00 and 15:00 to 18:00) you hear the interventions of cultural historians such as Danish Uffe Ostergard, the Spaniard Enrique de Rivas, the Finnish Liisa Suvikumpu, philosophers and theorists of the Lithuanian political science as Leonidas Donskis; the Swedish Ebba Witt-Brattström specialist in history and female identity and of ' Portuguese intellectual José Sarmento de Matos specialist olisipografia (the study of the city); journalists, cultural workers and publishing as the Italian Francesco Catalucci, Michaela Jurovska the Slovak and Polish Wojciech Jagielski, scholars and teachers of the humanities as Hungarian Péter Sarkozy and Estonian Toomas Kiho, the playwright Matei Romania Visniec; of Claudia Rusch writers in Germany, Peter Murphy for Ireland, Paul Torday pearl Britain, Marie Darrieussecq for France. It will be presented the book "Feminine Plural Europe", Giulio Perrone editor, Proceedings of the 2008 workshop TransEuropaExpress


- Thursday, March 3, 2011 SESSION I

10 hours -13

Chair: Arnaldo Colasanti

Spain - DE ENRIQUE RIVAS cultural historian

The hourglass upside

Italy - FRANCESCO Catalucci cultural worker and writer

Language and national identity

Ireland - PETER MURPHY writer

Marconi's Radio

Slovakia - MICHAELA JUROVSKA essayist, journalist and translator

The new paradigm: the intellectual man of culture (Culture and Civilization against the role of intellettualioggi)

- Thursday, March 3, 2011



Moderator: Fabrizio Carbone

Portogallo - JOSÉ SARMENTO DE MATOS Storico dell’architettura, saggista e giornalista

Lisbona e l’Europa – miti, storia e cultura

Francia – MARIE DARRIEUSSECQ scrittrice

Una scrittrice in Francia

Estonia - TOOMAS KIHO Docente di scienze umane

Responsabilità europee

Danimarca - UFFE ØSTERGÅRD storico della cultura

Il paradosso danese. Nazionalismo integrale in uno stato nazione territoriale

- Friday, March 4



Moderator: Giuliano Compagno

Hungary - PETER SARKOZY professor of Hungarian language and literature at the University of Rome "LaSapienza "

The role of writers in the great transformations of Hungarian society (1848-1989)

Germany - CLAUDIA RUSCH writer

DDR, the nation and a confused girl

Finland - LIIs SUVIKUMPU historical culture

Identity of Finnish artists and Rome in the nineteenth century

Poland - Wojciech Jagielski international journalist

intellectuals in Poland

Friday, March 4


15 hours -18Modera: Maria Ida Gaeta

Sweden - EBBA-WITT Historical BRATTSTRÖM the feminist movement and lecturer

Sweden - a country of women

Lithuania - Leonidas Donskis philosopher and theorist of science policy

Between politics and history

Romania - playwright Matei Visniec

on brainwashing in East and West

Britain - PAUL TORDAY writer

Cultural identity - the prospect of an English writer

Hyaluronic Acid Capsules

Roma Tre: Riunione iniziale 2nd half - giovedì, marzo

Thursday, March 3, at 14:00 in Hall 3

Presentation of Portuguese classes
(language, literature and laboratory)
to be held in the second half.

Hyaluronic Acid Capsules

Roma Tre: Riunione iniziale 2nd half - giovedì, marzo

Thursday, March 3, at 14:00 in Hall 3

Presentation of Portuguese classes
(language, literature and laboratory)
to be held in the second half.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Flucillin And Kidney Infections

daily events and our strange behavior

Intanto vi consiglio di vedere questo GRANDE EDUARDO che parla della nostra civiltà, poi proseguo con dei semplici ragionamenti sul comportamento umano davanti alle nefandezze che propinano e ci addossano.

A monologue by Eduardo Galeano on our criminal economy, which reduces the world into a madhouse full of criminals .... I exaggerate? I do not think our civilization ... too hard! We act by criminals, but to preach the good stories as justice, equality, human rights, the value of life ... etc etc

And then we are talking about justice, the three degrees of the proceedings of the case, for which UTRI OF govern us ... freedom, democracy, the law is same for all, we all have the same rights .... and bla bla bla
1) WE REALLY fool and these are the result of our inept BE ACCEPTED AND MUST BE AS (I do not think ...)
2) mocking us Igni DAY OF THE YEAR U.S. TO MAINTAIN Sgobba RICH (AND BECOMING POOR) and we are happy about this (I do not think ...)
3) Mass and MAD (this seems to me!)
4) Or you can also say that people around us are not not at all happy with their way of life, little time is available to find their passions, their families, the low wages that do not allow you to live 30 days, the work that has become a utopia, insecure jobs and anti-dignity, mututi for homes of a few square feet that we carry with them for 30 \\ 40 years ... so the discontent of our daily actions can be listed in the tens: "We Italians do not have a rewarding life."
But on the other side we see that our way of life that does not reward, and then disappoint him perpetrate without ever having a Bubbio. Let me explain, there is never a morning that is said not today, do not go out today, today I want to take time and reflect.
Our dear reflection of what is reduced? Accounts to make ends meet later this month? The discussion on yesterday's dinner? A how to spend the money arrive? If it is right or not go to prostitutes when you have the money? A much money today I would like to do this or that?
mean, tell me what the mind is forced to think and reflect. In my opinion there's necessarily reflect those of a decision, an act which is contrary to their malaise. Why are only a few to do so? The basic of the brain may not be the reasoning? And then we do not use the reason that we are always placed in front of the television, newspapers which talk about worlds different from our own in most cases.
I heard a joke saying, " Last night I watched the 20th episode of star trek on Channel 5." Answer: "But by then there is the TG5?". "Exact and speak to an unknown world where young people do not want to work, where they line up to buy jewelry ... where politics is always good if you recently hurt if it is a legacy of the old caste (which names are always the same)
Bertrand Russell great writer in 1900 had predicted that "if psychology has analyzed decent human behavior and mind, I tremble for the use that can be drawn from governments to enslave the peoples"
He said in 1920 about There are experiments that also has sent Rai3, where animals showed a chip on which they became docile or aggressive push of a button ", they were in 1950. And where are we today? I dare not imagine ..... I read the Social Contract, JJ Rousseau, and one of the steps dicevia more or less like this: "If a man decides to sell its life and become a slave to food or other is to understand, but if do the people it is called insanity "

Flucillin And Kidney Infections

daily events and our strange behavior

Intanto vi consiglio di vedere questo GRANDE EDUARDO che parla della nostra civiltà, poi proseguo con dei semplici ragionamenti sul comportamento umano davanti alle nefandezze che propinano e ci addossano.

A monologue by Eduardo Galeano on our criminal economy, which reduces the world into a madhouse full of criminals .... I exaggerate? I do not think our civilization ... too hard! We act by criminals, but to preach the good stories as justice, equality, human rights, the value of life ... etc etc

And then we are talking about justice, the three degrees of the proceedings of the case, for which UTRI OF govern us ... freedom, democracy, the law is same for all, we all have the same rights .... and bla bla bla
1) WE REALLY fool and these are the result of our inept BE ACCEPTED AND MUST BE AS (I do not think ...)
2) mocking us Igni DAY OF THE YEAR U.S. TO MAINTAIN Sgobba RICH (AND BECOMING POOR) and we are happy about this (I do not think ...)
3) Mass and MAD (this seems to me!)
4) Or you can also say that people around us are not not at all happy with their way of life, little time is available to find their passions, their families, the low wages that do not allow you to live 30 days, the work that has become a utopia, insecure jobs and anti-dignity, mututi for homes of a few square feet that we carry with them for 30 \\ 40 years ... so the discontent of our daily actions can be listed in the tens: "We Italians do not have a rewarding life."
But on the other side we see that our way of life that does not reward, and then disappoint him perpetrate without ever having a Bubbio. Let me explain, there is never a morning that is said not today, do not go out today, today I want to take time and reflect.
Our dear reflection of what is reduced? Accounts to make ends meet later this month? The discussion on yesterday's dinner? A how to spend the money arrive? If it is right or not go to prostitutes when you have the money? A much money today I would like to do this or that?
mean, tell me what the mind is forced to think and reflect. In my opinion there's necessarily reflect those of a decision, an act which is contrary to their malaise. Why are only a few to do so? The basic of the brain may not be the reasoning? And then we do not use the reason that we are always placed in front of the television, newspapers which talk about worlds different from our own in most cases.
I heard a joke saying, " Last night I watched the 20th episode of star trek on Channel 5." Answer: "But by then there is the TG5?". "Exact and speak to an unknown world where young people do not want to work, where they line up to buy jewelry ... where politics is always good if you recently hurt if it is a legacy of the old caste (which names are always the same)
Bertrand Russell great writer in 1900 had predicted that "if psychology has analyzed decent human behavior and mind, I tremble for the use that can be drawn from governments to enslave the peoples"
He said in 1920 about There are experiments that also has sent Rai3, where animals showed a chip on which they became docile or aggressive push of a button ", they were in 1950. And where are we today? I dare not imagine ..... I read the Social Contract, JJ Rousseau, and one of the steps dicevia more or less like this: "If a man decides to sell its life and become a slave to food or other is to understand, but if do the people it is called insanity "

Pain On Right Side Of Stomach And Peeing Alot

... you read this too

Pain On Right Side Of Stomach And Peeing Alot

... you read this too

Monday, February 21, 2011

Katarzyna Redesiuk Off White

three books on Italian Giulia Lanciani



published by PUBLISHER LENS

Bestseller of the year in Italy

The True Story of Enaiatollah Akbari

An exciting story of survival

with the presence of GEDA
FABIO Author and Alexander's ENAIATOLLAH AKBAR

Tuesday, February 22, 2011 19:00

the Italian Cultural Institute, Rua do Salitre, 146 - 1250-204 Lisbon

RSFF - tel. 213884172

Capacity limited (60 seats). Booking required


Bestseller of the year in Italy

The True Story of Enaiatollah AkbariUma gripping story of survival. "There are three things you should never do in life, dear Enaiat by motivonenhum. The first is drugs. Do not believe them. Promise Meque will not. Prometido.A second is to use weapons. Even if someone do bad things to your memory, or the Memories astu your affections. It promises. Prometido.A is to steal third. What is yours belongs to you, what is not. And never intrujarásquem whatever, dear Enaiat, okay? Hospitaleiroe shalt be tolerant of everyone. Promise me that thou shalt do. Promised. "Enaiatollah ten years and had promised. Still did not know that these last words he would listen to the mother before it let numcampo refugees in Pakistan. Because he was born in Afghanistan seiode a minority, and because he had the misfortune of losing his father early, foiarrancado home to ten years. His growing body no longer Cabiana grave where he ran into hiding when knocking at the door of home.The with this tragic act of love that begins a new life of EnaiatollahAkbari, as well as the incredible journey that will take you to Italy via peloIrão, Turkey and Greece, where he discovers that the sea there is crocodilos.Uma odyssey that forced him to confront human misery and nobility, but failed to steal his smile criança.Nascer in Afghanistan means to grow in a hurry. Enaiatollah deesquecer needed to survive childhood, but finally found umlugar to live that age really has. This is their story.


De nacionalidade italiana, nasceu em 1972 em Turim, onde vive. Trabalha com jovens desfavorecidos e promove actividades de animação cultural.Escreve no jornal La Stampa sobre temas relacionados com o crescimentoe a educação. Colabora regularmente com o Clube de Leitores de Turime a Fundação para o Livro, a Música e a Cultura. Publicou os romencesPer il resto del viaggio ho sparato agli indiani – nomeado para vários prémios-e L’esatta sequeza dei gesti. Joga futebol no clube Osvaldo Soriano Footbal Club, cuja equipa é composta por escritores. Quanto a Enaiatollah Akbari, a sua biografia está nas páginas deste livro.

“Um texto de uma extraordinária delicadeza.”

La Repubblica

“Parece um romance de fantasia e aventura…mas é a história verdadeira,e incrível, de Enaiatollah Akbari.”

Corriere della Sera

“Um livro belíssimo."

Vanity Fair

Katarzyna Redesiuk Off White

three books on Italian Giulia Lanciani



published by PUBLISHER LENS

Bestseller of the year in Italy

The True Story of Enaiatollah Akbari

An exciting story of survival

with the presence of GEDA
FABIO Author and Alexander's ENAIATOLLAH AKBAR

Tuesday, February 22, 2011 19:00

the Italian Cultural Institute, Rua do Salitre, 146 - 1250-204 Lisbon

RSFF - tel. 213884172

Capacity limited (60 seats). Booking required


Bestseller of the year in Italy

The True Story of Enaiatollah AkbariUma gripping story of survival. "There are three things you should never do in life, dear Enaiat by motivonenhum. The first is drugs. Do not believe them. Promise Meque will not. Prometido.A second is to use weapons. Even if someone do bad things to your memory, or the Memories astu your affections. It promises. Prometido.A is to steal third. What is yours belongs to you, what is not. And never intrujarásquem whatever, dear Enaiat, okay? Hospitaleiroe shalt be tolerant of everyone. Promise me that thou shalt do. Promised. "Enaiatollah ten years and had promised. Still did not know that these last words he would listen to the mother before it let numcampo refugees in Pakistan. Because he was born in Afghanistan seiode a minority, and because he had the misfortune of losing his father early, foiarrancado home to ten years. His growing body no longer Cabiana grave where he ran into hiding when knocking at the door of home.The with this tragic act of love that begins a new life of EnaiatollahAkbari, as well as the incredible journey that will take you to Italy via peloIrão, Turkey and Greece, where he discovers that the sea there is crocodilos.Uma odyssey that forced him to confront human misery and nobility, but failed to steal his smile criança.Nascer in Afghanistan means to grow in a hurry. Enaiatollah deesquecer needed to survive childhood, but finally found umlugar to live that age really has. This is their story.


De nacionalidade italiana, nasceu em 1972 em Turim, onde vive. Trabalha com jovens desfavorecidos e promove actividades de animação cultural.Escreve no jornal La Stampa sobre temas relacionados com o crescimentoe a educação. Colabora regularmente com o Clube de Leitores de Turime a Fundação para o Livro, a Música e a Cultura. Publicou os romencesPer il resto del viaggio ho sparato agli indiani – nomeado para vários prémios-e L’esatta sequeza dei gesti. Joga futebol no clube Osvaldo Soriano Footbal Club, cuja equipa é composta por escritores. Quanto a Enaiatollah Akbari, a sua biografia está nas páginas deste livro.

“Um texto de uma extraordinária delicadeza.”

La Repubblica

“Parece um romance de fantasia e aventura…mas é a história verdadeira,e incrível, de Enaiatollah Akbari.”

Corriere della Sera

“Um livro belíssimo."

Vanity Fair

Monday, February 14, 2011

Tonsillar Cancer Images

Portugal - Honorary Doctorate

Doutoramento Honoris Causa da Professora Giulia Lanciani

the University of Lisbon

February 16, 2011, 15:00

The Area of \u200b\u200bLanguage Sciences Faculty Letters of Lisbon University announces with glee, awarding the title of Doctor Honoris Causa to Professor Dr Giulia Lanciani, Roma Tre University, in recognition of highest merit of their scientific work and teaching, dedicated to the cultures that inhabit the house Language Portuguesa.A charge of insignia doctorate in a ceremony scheduled to take place the Hall of Regents of the University of Lisbon, on February 16, 2011, at 15:00. Chair the Rector, Professor António Sampaio da Nóvoa. The PhD will be the godfather of Professor Ivo Castro, the Faculty of Arts.

Dottorato dell'Università di Lisbona Honorary

alla Chiarissimo Professoressa Giulia Lanciani

L'area di ricerca di Scienze del linguaggio della Facoltà di Lettere dell 'Università di Lisbona announces with joy, the award of the title of Doctor Honoris Causa to Professor clear; Giulia Lanciani, University of Rome, for the high merits of his scientific work and teaching, dedicated to the cultures of Language Portoghese.Il conferment of doctoral insignia will take place during a ceremony held at the Noble Hall of the Rector of the University of Lisbona.Presiede the Rector, Professor Antonio Sampaio from Nóvoa.Il PhD will be the godfather of the illustrious Professor Ivo Castro, professor of the Faculty of Arts .

O Reitor from Universidade de Lisboa tem to honor to invite Your Ex ª ª for


Doctor Honoris Causa

February 16, 2011, Wednesday Salon Noble 15h


14h10 Reception of the guests with the participation of untimely, Tuna, Faculty of Arts, University of Lisbon.

14:40 Academic Training Parade (Rectorate Senate Room).

14h55 Start of Academic Procession.

Solemn Session


15:00 Choir, University of Lisbon

Directorate Maestro Luis Almeida

15.05 Opening session by the Rector of the University of Lisbon ,

Prof. António Sampaio da Nóvoa.

15.15 Conferment of insignia of Honorary Doctor to Doctor Giulia Lanciani, Professor of Portuguese and Brazilian University of Roma Tre, Herman Prins Salomon, Professor of Dutch and Portuguese Studies at the State University of New York at Albany, and Vítor Aguiar e Silva, Professor of the University of Minho.

Winners will be sponsored respectively by Professors Ivo Castro, Antonio M. Feijo and Helena Buescu, Faculty of Arts, University of Lisbon.

16.40 Closing Session Solene.16h40 Choir, University of Lisbon

Directorate Maestro Luis Almeida

The ceremony will be followed by a Port of Honor (Hall of Steps Lost Rectory).

Academic Procession: Costume with academic regalia.

Training academic procession, at 14:40.

reception of guests, from 14h00 to 14h55.

Entry by invitation or free, subject to the room.

RSFF: Until February 14.

REGENTS - Cultural Center DRE.

Mais informações em:

Tonsillar Cancer Images

Portugal - Honorary Doctorate

Doutoramento Honoris Causa da Professora Giulia Lanciani

the University of Lisbon

February 16, 2011, 15:00

The Area of \u200b\u200bLanguage Sciences Faculty Letters of Lisbon University announces with glee, awarding the title of Doctor Honoris Causa to Professor Dr Giulia Lanciani, Roma Tre University, in recognition of highest merit of their scientific work and teaching, dedicated to the cultures that inhabit the house Language Portuguesa.A charge of insignia doctorate in a ceremony scheduled to take place the Hall of Regents of the University of Lisbon, on February 16, 2011, at 15:00. Chair the Rector, Professor António Sampaio da Nóvoa. The PhD will be the godfather of Professor Ivo Castro, the Faculty of Arts.

Dottorato dell'Università di Lisbona Honorary

alla Chiarissimo Professoressa Giulia Lanciani

L'area di ricerca di Scienze del linguaggio della Facoltà di Lettere dell 'Università di Lisbona announces with joy, the award of the title of Doctor Honoris Causa to Professor clear; Giulia Lanciani, University of Rome, for the high merits of his scientific work and teaching, dedicated to the cultures of Language Portoghese.Il conferment of doctoral insignia will take place during a ceremony held at the Noble Hall of the Rector of the University of Lisbona.Presiede the Rector, Professor Antonio Sampaio from Nóvoa.Il PhD will be the godfather of the illustrious Professor Ivo Castro, professor of the Faculty of Arts .

O Reitor from Universidade de Lisboa tem to honor to invite Your Ex ª ª for


Doctor Honoris Causa

February 16, 2011, Wednesday Salon Noble 15h


14h10 Reception of the guests with the participation of untimely, Tuna, Faculty of Arts, University of Lisbon.

14:40 Academic Training Parade (Rectorate Senate Room).

14h55 Start of Academic Procession.

Solemn Session


15:00 Choir, University of Lisbon

Directorate Maestro Luis Almeida

15.05 Opening session by the Rector of the University of Lisbon ,

Prof. António Sampaio da Nóvoa.

15.15 Conferment of insignia of Honorary Doctor to Doctor Giulia Lanciani, Professor of Portuguese and Brazilian University of Roma Tre, Herman Prins Salomon, Professor of Dutch and Portuguese Studies at the State University of New York at Albany, and Vítor Aguiar e Silva, Professor of the University of Minho.

Winners will be sponsored respectively by Professors Ivo Castro, Antonio M. Feijo and Helena Buescu, Faculty of Arts, University of Lisbon.

16.40 Closing Session Solene.16h40 Choir, University of Lisbon

Directorate Maestro Luis Almeida

The ceremony will be followed by a Port of Honor (Hall of Steps Lost Rectory).

Academic Procession: Costume with academic regalia.

Training academic procession, at 14:40.

reception of guests, from 14h00 to 14h55.

Entry by invitation or free, subject to the room.

RSFF: Until February 14.

REGENTS - Cultural Center DRE.

Mais informações em:

London Fruit And Herb Company

New exhibition in IPSAR: Enrico Franchi and Filippo Vinardi

Il Rettore dell’Istituto Portoghese di Sant'Antonio in Roma
Mons. Agostinho da Costa Borges

sotto l’alto patrocinio di S. E.
l’Ambasciatore del Portogallo presso la Santa Sede
Manuel Tomás Fernandes Pereira

is pleased to invite you

inauguration of the exhibition event of

Henry and Philip Franks Vinardi

entitled "Light and Matter"

to be held on Wednesday 16 February 2011, at 18:30

Portuguese Institute of St. Anthony in Rome Via dei
Portuguese, 6-00186 ROMA

The exhibition will remain open until February 27, 2011
from Wednesday to Sunday from 16:00 to 18:00


Double solo show curated by Philip Franks and Henry Vinardi
The Rector 'Portuguese Institute in Rome, Archbishop of St. Agostinho da Costa Borges, under the patronage of HE the Ambassador of Portugal to the Holy See Dr. Manuel Tomás Fernandes Pereira is pleased to invite you at the opening of the exhibition Henry and Philip Franks Vinardi entitled "Light and Matter", which will be held Wednesday, February 16 from 18.30 at the Portuguese Institute of St. Anthony 'in Rome.
The exhibition will be open until 27 February, aims to illustrate, through a beautiful and unusual artistic, intellectual and spiritual journey between photography and sculpture, expression and synthesis of recent creative projects of the two Roman artists.

The sculptures, by Enrico Franchi, are divided into two sections. The first consists of pieces of silver, made with inserts metraclitrato. The second addresses the issue of environmental protection through works in bronze representing the one hand a study of the factories and other examples of animals with genetic mutations, within the project entitled 'The Pasture of the new millennium'. The uniqueness of the works on display and the choice of the display, the artist says, "want to express a social commentary on the dangers of toxic substances in air, water and food in general in which they feed the animals and that inevitably find ourselves on our tables every day. "

Philip Vinardi signature, however, the images of the photographic exhibition on Bali. It is a journey that, far from the intentions of a classic reportage, it is, however, an ideal essence, the ephemeral yet powerful and elegant portrait of a people of his island.
Bali, o meglio la sua traccia nella nostra immaginazione occidentale, ne emerge come arena perfetta di un continuo e serrato incontro tra grazia e frenesia, tra compostezza e fremito sotterraneo, tra potenza della luce e ineluttabile minaccia della sua stessa ombra.

Inaugurazione: mercoledì 16 febbraio ore 18.00
La mostra rimarrà aperta dal 16 al 27 febbraio 2011
Orario di apertura al pubblico:
Dal mercoledì alla Domenica: 16.00-19.00
Sede: Via dei Portoghesi, 6

Ingresso libero.

Press Office: Madia Mauro

347 0492505 email: madia.mauro @

London Fruit And Herb Company

New exhibition in IPSAR: Enrico Franchi and Filippo Vinardi

Il Rettore dell’Istituto Portoghese di Sant'Antonio in Roma
Mons. Agostinho da Costa Borges

sotto l’alto patrocinio di S. E.
l’Ambasciatore del Portogallo presso la Santa Sede
Manuel Tomás Fernandes Pereira

is pleased to invite you

inauguration of the exhibition event of

Henry and Philip Franks Vinardi

entitled "Light and Matter"

to be held on Wednesday 16 February 2011, at 18:30

Portuguese Institute of St. Anthony in Rome Via dei
Portuguese, 6-00186 ROMA

The exhibition will remain open until February 27, 2011
from Wednesday to Sunday from 16:00 to 18:00


Double solo show curated by Philip Franks and Henry Vinardi
The Rector 'Portuguese Institute in Rome, Archbishop of St. Agostinho da Costa Borges, under the patronage of HE the Ambassador of Portugal to the Holy See Dr. Manuel Tomás Fernandes Pereira is pleased to invite you at the opening of the exhibition Henry and Philip Franks Vinardi entitled "Light and Matter", which will be held Wednesday, February 16 from 18.30 at the Portuguese Institute of St. Anthony 'in Rome.
The exhibition will be open until 27 February, aims to illustrate, through a beautiful and unusual artistic, intellectual and spiritual journey between photography and sculpture, expression and synthesis of recent creative projects of the two Roman artists.

The sculptures, by Enrico Franchi, are divided into two sections. The first consists of pieces of silver, made with inserts metraclitrato. The second addresses the issue of environmental protection through works in bronze representing the one hand a study of the factories and other examples of animals with genetic mutations, within the project entitled 'The Pasture of the new millennium'. The uniqueness of the works on display and the choice of the display, the artist says, "want to express a social commentary on the dangers of toxic substances in air, water and food in general in which they feed the animals and that inevitably find ourselves on our tables every day. "

Philip Vinardi signature, however, the images of the photographic exhibition on Bali. It is a journey that, far from the intentions of a classic reportage, it is, however, an ideal essence, the ephemeral yet powerful and elegant portrait of a people of his island.
Bali, o meglio la sua traccia nella nostra immaginazione occidentale, ne emerge come arena perfetta di un continuo e serrato incontro tra grazia e frenesia, tra compostezza e fremito sotterraneo, tra potenza della luce e ineluttabile minaccia della sua stessa ombra.

Inaugurazione: mercoledì 16 febbraio ore 18.00
La mostra rimarrà aperta dal 16 al 27 febbraio 2011
Orario di apertura al pubblico:
Dal mercoledì alla Domenica: 16.00-19.00
Sede: Via dei Portoghesi, 6

Ingresso libero.

Press Office: Madia Mauro

347 0492505 email: madia.mauro @

Monday, February 7, 2011

Baby Einstein Spy Cam

NUOVO BLOG: "Il diario inglese"

was born a new blog about the cultures and literatures of the Portuguese language, in collaboration with University of Milan:

"The Portuguese Diary" is the brainchild of a group of young who for years have passionately studied the Lusophone world. The goal that we aim to achieve is the promotion of cultures and Lusophone literatures in Italy, yet little explored by the publishing market and readers, despite the abundance of these worlds. The blog we felt it was a great way to let people know the Italian Portuguese-speaking cultures. On the other hand, we hope will be useful to all players in the publishing industry, helping to outline a critical overview and active by creating new spaces for debate and present, avoid isolating the special and fall in banalities.

Baby Einstein Spy Cam

NUOVO BLOG: "Il diario inglese"

was born a new blog about the cultures and literatures of the Portuguese language, in collaboration with University of Milan:

"The Portuguese Diary" is the brainchild of a group of young who for years have passionately studied the Lusophone world. The goal that we aim to achieve is the promotion of cultures and Lusophone literatures in Italy, yet little explored by the publishing market and readers, despite the abundance of these worlds. The blog we felt it was a great way to let people know the Italian Portuguese-speaking cultures. On the other hand, we hope will be useful to all players in the publishing industry, helping to outline a critical overview and active by creating new spaces for debate and present, avoid isolating the special and fall in banalities.

Insurance Newsletter Names

Music in February in San Antonio the Portuguese

Sunday, 02/06/2011 18:30
concert organ
Cycle III International Organ

Organist Bach complete works for organ: Giampaolo Di Rosa
Program: BACH, XIII concert

Sunday, 13.02.2011 18:30 Concert Organ International Organ Cycle III

Organist: Frederic Ledroit
(organist of the Cathedral Angoulême)
Program: works by Bach, Franck, de Grigny,
Ledroit, Widor, improvisation

Saturday, 19.02.2011 19:00

piano concert pianist: Charles Michini
Program: works by Liszt

Saturday, 26.02 .2011
19:00 Concert of chamber music viola
Duo - piano
Violist David Oltra Pianist Francesco Buccarella
Program: works by Bach, Schubert

Sunday, 02/27/2011 18:30

organ concert organist: Giampaolo Di Rosa
Program: improvisations and
symphony on texts of Scripture