Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Flixeril And Dramamine

MEElectronics M6

LE PL50 being reviewed today had moved into my first curiosity about a month ago thanks to the usual boys Head-Fi, known to be well informed and always one step ahead us poor Italians, unfortunately hampered by lack of information in our language and in an equally poor availability in the stores of the new arrivals in this area.
I recently had the opportunity test them for a long time, maybe as I've never done before for a cap to be reviewed and perhaps as unlikely I will in the future, simply because I loved the first hearing. I admit that I did not expect much from them, not bad faith but because they are presented as the "first experiment" in the company Soundmagic Balanced Armature. It is known that their famous dynamic (PL30) is a "Best Buy" for the price at which it presented, as well as positive reviews have raised only a little 'everywhere, but the reserve before the "fateful listening test" for the His older sister was all over.

Reserve dissoltasi at first listen, very bad actually made it on a cold and gray waiting room, but I could not wait to get home to try them. The time to withdraw them, open the box and make sure the inserts were my size and came with me for the first test done in a way unusual but not unimportant. Anyone who knows me knows that I have a cowon iaudio

7, which is used regularly with a BA (from now on I shall mean quest'acronimo with the balanced armature driver technology, as is customary in other shores) who is the Shure E3c, and with a dynamic which Soundmagic PL30. The test was carried out with the Cowon iaudio 5, which has a slightly different tone from his successor, and different technology emphasis of the audio tracks.

I say this because the first test with the newcomer, I implemented wrongly, with the same settings to emphasize that I used for my dear and cold Shure E3c: I did not expect sound cheerful impression I admit it, those who never would have expected something exciting in a single driver BA submitted less than 40 € from a company that had made the PL30 dynamic very similar to the sound output of a balanced weave cap? I admit that I thought it hurt when I suggested that they might be cold and even less "Funny" of the previous low was afraid that would be a mirage I admit, I was happy to find just the opposite.

Just in time, in fact, realize that this cap takes the advantages of the previous sound impression and enhance them, at least for my taste. I could not explain why the first song choice was just ABBA, Frida, in particular, is the voice, but I know that the yield was very unsettling. Precise, neat and clean and very fun to Fernando and "dynamics" to the tune of As good as new, in short, the premises were there and went home satisfied.
At this point, to be fair, the headphones have been a useless and boring running around 30 hours with white noise / pink / sweep / rotation in silence, I say that is purely useless for this kind of product, but a review be fair I did them the same run-up to PL30 sisters (remember that they are dynamic, then it may be rational in a fund to carry out a slight break, but I continue to join the ranks of critics of this driver on which microscopic those mounted on headphones / IEM).

Appearance, packaging and equipment:
Ora veniamo a noi, è arrivato il momento di dare uno sguardo alla confezione e alla dotazione, cosa che mi era sfuggita per la troppa curiosità di andare al sodo il giorno del loro arrivo. Ripresa in mano la piccola scatola ho potuto notare un passo avanti notevole rispetto a quanto fatto per le sorelline, siamo comunque su una fascia diversa in quanto queste PL50 sono proposte al pubblico ad un prezzo che oscilla tra i 55 e i 79 dollari americani. Confezione piccina e discreta, che lascia intravedere il profilo dell’auricolare e che reca posteriormente gli estremi della ditta produttrice e un suggerimento sul come indossarle. Il minimo indispensabile insomma, ma a noi interessa altro sinceramente!

Se invece di aprirle immediately tried to discard the front window there will be a gem (which I complete in my carelessness I only discovered several days after receiving it), or the designers have reproduced a chart very light with the frequency response of small. Chart that I could find online and then carried along with the "data sheet" on the driver manufacturer is used, Knowles Electronics. a technical curiosity, nothing more.

The earphones come with the usual case marked Soundmagic round, four pairs of silicone inserts similar to those of the vast majority of IEM on the market, three pairs of inserts and guides rigid spongy to wrap the wire running behind the ears. Frankly, I wondered the usefulness of the biggest silicone inserts that are shaped like a donut, I have not found the right way to wear them and the rest with the terrible doubt about its purpose. Never mind, the inserts are the best to my ears than blacks in "sponge", which is somewhat rigid black polyurethane inserts typical of the company, but they have a rigid inner guide that facilitates the integration and stability of the same. This time we find them in three sizes and is supposed to be the ideal choice for those who decide to try these headphones, since they are most comfortable and most of the insulating other bundles. The sound also gains heat when they are preferable to silicone, but I repeat that this is true for me and that the right level of comfort with this type of headphones is essential to grasp the fullness of sound. But here their stories are small or rather small and ugly just like the tradition soundmagic (
) at least for my taste.

are still red and blue to help us wear them on the fly, very useful trick for these because they are really small and you lose the same size of the headset when you pick it up. The cable is more robust than many other concorrenti nella medesima fascia di prezzo (siamo su una spesa di circa 40/50 euro quindi parliamo di fascia bassa del mercato) e delle stesse PL30. Manca (accidenti!) una clip per fissarle ai vestiti, ma come dirò poi non è per nulla marcato l’effetto microfonico e quindi questo non si ripercuote sull’ascolto. Vanno indossate come le Shure e le UE comunque, non penso proprio vi sia modo di inserirle senza far passare il filo dietro le orecchie e non credo ve ne sia motivo in quanto sono praticamente “Assenti” una volta addosso; l’isolamento non è certo da manuale rispetto altre In Ear, ma sufficiente e sicuramente migliore di quello che ho potuto sperimentare personalmente con le PL30.
More than this (and obviously I want to do a comparative between the two products Soundmagic as I have seen an evolution of earlier in PL50, although the choice of a different technology), the jack is at "L" and not right, but remains very thin.

overflights on the lack of the manual, since it was made available online after the demands of the first buyers / reviewers here:


I would say that the description is all, the topic concerns the fact their sound.

Qualità audio:
Prova eseguita su Cowon I7

-Ogg Vorbis file di qualità minima q 8,5 (~288 Kbps) -Flac
-Mp3 CBR 320 Kbps
Vi rovinerò la sorpresa: per il loro bassissimo costo sono un portento. Non servirebbe niente altro da dire visto che per 37 euro spedite possono essere acquistate su FocalPrice oppure, ancor meglio, con nemmeno 50 euro le si ricevono con un ottimo fiio E5 da mp4 nation. Con il loro prezzo di listino in mente quindi non posso che essere molto positiva verso di loro, non solo suonano molto bene ma costano anche molto poco.
Ciò che molti hanno notato nelle PL30 erano i bassi not very pronounced, for my taste is balanced but I realized that actually the average user could be disappointed. Here we have chosen a different setting, the bass are as far as possible a BA and are also quality, I do not think that anyone would find it insufficient in view of the technology: they admit that I was surprised, pleasantly surprised of course. I am not sure to be recommended for lovers of bass and enough, I think they are perfect for those who already love the PL30 and want to make a qualitative leap and jump.
I mean? With the average go on the safe side, they are beautiful and present as expected, of course, on top of the rest of the tones but not too much as I feared. They are average clean Shure "AEI and not those of the usual economic forces and make it very high as well with the voices of women. The high are average but I was surprised at the quality and presence, as the bass is very good but not at the level of the medium that stand for quality and cleanliness, this cap has a very flexible sound, say it fits well to various styles of music (except disco / trance music ... etc. Genres that I can not use it as a test because the test out of my mind: S) from electronic pop to new age to rock and metal.
Soundstage? It is fashionable here recently discuss in section, so I'll mention, is not bad, certainly not a complete musical stage play with the PL50 but is not bad for how it is perceived. Accettabilissimo I would also say this is average, not poor but not spectacular in short, I read on the net who defines it better, I can only say that my taste is more than adequate but nothing scary.

Beware of compressed files in the wrong way, this cap does not forgive bad quality files or just average, you immediately feel the shortcomings in the detail and accuracy are missing resulting in yield of this type of bad file. If you plan to buy, remember to also think about an upgrade to vostra libreria musicale nel caso vi fossero file di qualità discutibile.

L’armonia generale nell’ascolto è ottima invece, quella sicuramente stupisce e fa pensare a come si siano potuti spendere bene i soldi dell’acquisto, suono caldo e dolce e mai duro o aspro. “Sibilance” (ovvero il solito e fastidioso difetto che hanno molte altre cuffiette di fascia bassa: i suoni “s,ch, sh, x, z …” taglienti insomma) quasi del tutto assente, così come l’effetto microfonico; gli alti non sono stressanti e non affaticano l’ascolto nel modo più assoluto. Nessun noioso fruscio detectable by the portable music player despite the different impedance, but not high sensitivity helps in this regard.

The experiment done so far relates to the stark cap connected to the reader, although it bears on the specific declared an impedance of 55 ohms I have not noticed a drop in volume than other worrying much lower impedance headphones . We say that with the iaudio 7, I was always under the level of play as of 32/40 for the other IEM I have, not so bad.
The test with the E5 Fiio revealed that these small can adapt not just to those who want an even warmer sound than that naturally possess. By setting the reader completely without effects or EQ to boost and with the emphasis Fiio E5 active bass you get a bad result at all. The average retreat, the music scene expands and greatly improves the sound stage. Council who was about to buy a careful assessment of the couple on this mp4nation of these two trinkets. They go really well together.
The test PC was very convincing in this case I connected the same as the Audigy 2 ZS and fiio E5, very satisfying and detailed with uncompressed files (flac / ape). No background noise or hiss even dependent on the same PC, then Test passed.
I will not dwell on factory data, little guidance as well known, I will not even useless as a discourse on the possible ridicule of controllable input power (usually expressed in mW but really meaningless when it comes to portable music players and headphones allocated to it) or the frequency response declared. If you really want to remain on the technicalities are attached graphs about the drivers installed by these headphones.
The test with the shure black olives is not gone as hoped, you can adapt as the channel driver is small but listening is not as enthusiastic with their inserts of PL50, and the sound is dark with the black olives, loses its freshness and darkens too much. The isolation, however, is really extraordinary, so it may be a test to be made to the holders of a pair of shure and its polyurethane inserts. Let me know how you got in the case. Care and attention during replacement of the inserts, I'm really small and it takes a lot of precision during the operation.
In conclusion I would say that I am very happy with these new "chinese", especially the advice to those who are already familiar with the youngest sister, as the jump in quality is truly remarkable. I think for the price proposed to be the most convenient IEM to adopt this technology and could essere un buon modo per chi magari abbia la curiosità di testare il suono preciso e dettagliato di queste senza spendere una follia. Considerando anche la comodità fisica sono IEM da indossare tranquillamente per ore ed ore.

Oramai ci troviamo in una fascia di prezzo che propone moltissime allettanti possibilità non proibitive economicamente, pongo queste cuffie nella fascia sotto i 40 euro totali ove credo non abbiamo molti rivali; ad esempio le Philips she 9800 vengono a costare di più quando comprate con regolare fattura (evito come sempre di parlare di venditori non professionali che non rilascino alcun documento legale di vendita per questi motivi:
. The Philips Further, such dynamics, then a separate category, are also on head fi disdained and not so good reviews and so I never had the curiosity to try it and I do not think I will in the future.
I've always had a soft spot for intra-canal-weave balanced and this review has certainly proven otherwise seen my love at first listen for these small. If the disposable income is higher than I would remind you that there are about 74 € for the excellent RE0, certainly a different level (much higher) than these and still dynamic.

So if you want to try your first balanced armature IEM PL50 this is the right choice and I bet will not disappoint you as it did not disappoint me. I reserve the right to return once again to update this page, although I think there is much more to add to all what has been said.

They are comfortable, very comfortable I would say, surely you forget to wear them because of their shape and lightness.
-sounds very good, a sonic signature clean and detailed focus on the midrange, not to mention high and low quality and are well represented in the overall scene.
-Value money indisputable.


-There is no clip to attach to your clothes for me is a lack not just because I find it indispensable and an old clip I had to adapt to these thread. -sized silicone inserts are somewhat larger curious and useless, I could not find a way to include them in fact. Maybe it's my failure and I did not understand what exactly they are.

-Packaging: 4 / 5, whereas the previous product soundmagic, it's good that the packaging for this product.
-Accessories: 4/5; manca un avvolgi-cavo e una clip per completare un set perfetto.

-Qualità costruttiva: 3,5/5; il cavo dà l’idea di solidità ma l’attaccatura all’auricolare non è molto robusta. -Isolamento: 3/5; niente di speciale, nella media.
-Effetto microfono: 4,5/5; praticamente assente.
-Comfort: 5/5; do il massimo perché sono davvero confortevoli.
-Qualità audio e rapporto qualità prezzo: più che positivo, sono un regalo per meno di 40 euro spedite.

Colori disponibili: solo blu notte
Tipologia di driver: driver singolo ad armatura bilanciata
Range di frequenza: 15-22KHz
Impedenza: 1KHz 55.5±15% Ω

DC resistenza: 25±10% Ω

Sensibilità: 109±2dB
Cavo: 1.2m (9999.9% copper wire+fibre,TPE coat), simmetrico.


Alla prossima


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