Saturday, June 5, 2010

Best Tattooist In Portsmouth 2010

Arctic Cooling E351-W

First impression:

I was shocked when I tried this 9800: without shame, without praise for the price range (25/30 euro no more) but even without big differences from the good old Philips SHE 9700. This I was sorry, or feel a "signature sound" the same as the old IEM Company Dutch because they did not deserve all this hype I wonder? Yet we are on the exact same way. The 9700 she came out a couple of years ago, I bought and appreciated but it was a low-end cap, and everyone shall establish the limits without enhancing something that does not exist, has often been ignored and no one was more disappointed than necessary . His faults are the same meeting here: the sound produced by IEM to my mind is made up of important details: detail, cleanliness and adherence to the recording during playback of the file. When the frequencies are also reproduced a minimum unbalanced with respect to each other the sound takes a color that may like or not [(IE: The ear is particularly sensitive to distortion, or additional frequencies that change the color of the sound (cited) ]. There are low / medium / high to simplify (overflight of grace on the study of curves for the time) and each one deserves his place in the sound output, I can not accept that a proposed price cap at € 79.90 is not worthy of reproducing medium and medium-high and leaving nell'angolino preferring to capture the listener poco ferrato con dei gran bassi. Qui abbiamo dei gran bassi, degli infiniti bassi io oserei dire, perché tutto il resto fatica a venire fuori come dovrebbe o come ci si aspetterebbe.
Mancano i dettagli che rendono l'ascolto preciso e pulito, oh se mancano: provare per credere l'intro di "The winner takes it all" con queste e una sorgente migliore.
Abbiamo infatti nella she 9800 una cuffietta sbilanciata sulle basse frequenze, assolutamente carente nei medi (ci sono per carità, ma sorvoliamo su pulizia e soprattutto presenza scenica) ma meglio di quanto mi era stato detto nei confronti degli alti. Un utente qui presente, deluso dalle stesse, me le aveva descritte in privato come inascoltabili sulle frequenze alte (sferraglianti and annoying) but I correct him with the decision: the defect is known and is called sibilance and the end is acceptable to address the deficiencies in the headings and middle frequencies.

Here there is sibilance, light as she for 9700 but there is, strangely I had not read so far (correction: someone had pointed out this flaw, but his post had escaped me in the pages of the topic, I apologize). first point I want to clarify in short, you must provide objective opinions and the merits and flaws I list them one by one.

Highs: - for 25/30 € are not bad, indeed. However, recommended for those who love the bass, loves them and loves them everywhere even if you have a cowon and will keep everything strictly flat (including effects) to at least move closer to a balanced response. This great sin, not being able to use the best audio effects for emphasizing that they are on the square, but patience will be pleased of Apple iPod owners, I recommend this cap for them without question.
-are comfortable but not for those who are well accustomed to the IEM, in short, we must get used but it came really well once you're comfortable. Update: today I find them very comfortable to wear for long sessioni, le ho relegate a cuffiette "Da gioco" date le loro caratteristiche e non mi trovo male affatto.
-questione soundstage?? Va chiarita assolutamente, qui ho letto solo elogi allo stesso e la mia opinione è che un soundstage come questo non è l'imaging che tutti vorremmo riprodotto da una cuffia portatile (per chi avesse dubbi o non sapesse le differenze c'è google con chiave di ricerca: "Headstage-soundstage-imaging difference").

Scena sonora quindi lievemente falsata ma sicuramente d'effetto sull'ascoltatore, lo metto tra i pregi ma i puristi lo criticherebbero sicuramente; per fortuna io non lo sono. Considerando che è una cuffietta che non ha pretese questo soundstage è un pregio sicuramente.

- bass too prominent (but good quality), the average will suffer and lose a lot entries. The sound is very popular: everyone loves at first sight and I could bet a hand. But those looking for balance go elsewhere and spend a bit 'more, here is lacking, as are detail and cleanliness. - sibilance, but should be considered acceptable. A particularly bother me and I have to give notice.
- low volume, strange but true by noting the specific impedance and low average sensitivity. Their shape, however, the driver maintains relatively far from the tympanic membrane and my cowon is set at 30/32 to hear them well. The test pc forced me to take the relatively high volume and also on the player's behavior to other IEM higher impedance is similar to those that are low.
The sound dispersion is detectable, so I'm sure intra semi-real and the insulation is poor. - High: I do not like, during the first hearing I had left aside in the hope they could shine in subsequent tests. Unfortunately it was not the case. I find them soon enough but for an average listener, I do not like and I admit very candidly. The total scene is slightly metallic and lacks the sweetness of sound that still can not find in the dynamics in general, and partial justification.
For direct comparison with the PL50 I reserve a nice post articulated in 3d headphones, but my opinion is still: are not comparable because the sound is completely different and would be unforgiving when you go for the philips to describe the balance of the two . To each their own tastes but please specify this when nothing had recommended this as philips, if the bass are not quite what you are looking for someone boring and especially "Empty" to hear.
PS: I join in short, to those who, in this 3D, not like people too, and I also join the headfiers the snob always so. note however that we are few and we are all owners of some other IEM quality and certainly different sonic signature. It is probably the fact that you have read only praise to have crowded out those who, like me, has experienced something that is much better than this. not the crushes, but I have to resize for the sake of objectivity. repeat, however, are sent for 25/30 € Highly recommended, but if and only if you love bass, and many present. I still prefer the balance in audio portable.

little has changed, I did not expect a substantial improvement to be honest because I have always believed in very little run-in driver (up to experimental evidence that there will continue to not believe at all), after the first test was conducted on IEM loose enough so there was no reason to "hope" in something. Hence, there is an opinion that is an "S", certainly not to be discouraged, they remain a good alternative for those approaching this world and wants to try a cap without spending much (holds true for the PL30, the CX300, the SHE9700, akg the low-end and also the PL50 to be clear that I myself tend to consider low-end) has no pretensions to that sort and has a good case. Obviously not talking about high fidelity as we would not ever in other ear above, do not even speak of a miracle, we simply deal with a headset that does its job: it is true, and emphasizes the low yields on the detail and midrange, but like mass and is affordable for all budgets. I found their goal: to play the PC headphones are not too bad apart from isolation!
is enough for a guaranteed success, but if you find these philips you can safely fall back on old dear she found in 9700 mediaxxxxd for about 25 €. The sonic signature and the yield is similar, very similar.
In summary

:***/**** Netherlands - but many good Middle: ** - A few, not enough High :**/*** - Slight sibilance, just enough Soundstage :**** (also if false and not real, but I find it an honor for this band, as previously stated).
[out of 5] Coming from CX3000/ep630/ep830 it safe, will not find any deficiency in the low frequencies and will be very pleased, and who prefer a balanced sound without any steps in the 3D ear imbalance and specify its tastes. Could you, like me, being disappointed by them.


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