Saturday, June 5, 2010

Best Way To Get Rid Of Cappillaries On Face

Audio Eternal

Sound in detail

NETHERLANDS: pronounced, very extensive and comprehensive in the scene, as described by the company are really the crux of the whole the range reproduced. A strong peak in the mid-bass makes them a little dry and increases the reverb effect.

MEDIUM: in second place, but clean and sufficiently detailed.

ALTI: Average, slightly obscured by the preponderance of frequencies low but there has been a "roll-off" marked, so no doubt extensive.


(corresponds to a virtual reproduction of the stage musical), is a quality that few can boast IEM - about average for the price range. We can assume that a semi-open by the hole that you see in the back of the headset body. Deduce the quality of the soundstage to be closed and that is enough.

sibilance (a phenomenon that causes some sounds like "s, ch, x, z, sh ..." playing in a slightly sharper), slightly up this live recording, the voices Women can sometimes be hard and the region of the high rough at times ("Harshness).

Audio / Video

and a CD audio (not compressed music), and in this case
"Holy Land"

  • Angra (usually metal folk- Brazilian very powerful and rich that has been played in a satisfactory manner).
  • For

Arctic Sound, evidence has forced us to disable any means of emphasis in the audio player, the preponderance of low frequencies and it leaves little choice but to listen as much as possible the source must be balanced be as linear as possible. The


showed well enough to know how to lead on a portable player, they are absolutely hot as described on the back of the box and reflect the little graph that shows their characteristics, which give the sound is very focusing on low frequencies than medium and high.

then use for certain genres (trance / dance / hip hop at all) that have very low as the central component is recommended. Much less by genre or even soft classical music, in this case would be better to opt for other more balanced models of the same manufacturer. On the official website you can get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe overall balance due to small patterns that indicate broadly the quality of different headphones.

Try Apple iPhone 3G

audio source in question is known to be linear and mid-centric, the test with E351W brought a satisfactory result with a significant coloration of the sound. For use on phones / PDAs that do not allow the entry

standard 3.5 mm jack

can still require an adapter on the site.

My full review on the site Ampletech: -r57/arctic-sound-e351-w-il-suono-secondo-arctic-cooling.html


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