Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Pastal Color Paper Plates

Knowing Rome Feren Carotenuto

study the Imperative and describe the city itself ... Here is the challenge launched to students of Portuguese, which Feren Carotenuto responded with this beautiful text, in a letter to the great violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter, published here - and very grateful!
Ms. Anne-Sophie Mutter Violin soloist

Berlin Symphony Orchestra

Dear Ms. Mutter,
now answer to his request last week: Ms. wanted to spend some indications his holidays in Rome after the concert that will do on April 21 at the Auditorium, the anniversary of the founding of Rome.

Rome may be known in many ways, I wanted to recommend one type of knowledge related to the five senses, and the lady, like all artists, a sensitive and unique.
So, I offer you some suggestions for his stay in my city is unforgettable. My suggestions will not be conventional, such as those that you can read in any book for tourists.

Start with what you can relate to the view: not always see the same things! Visit the first National Art Gallery Moderna, para compreender o nascimento da minha nação como estado unitário: observe as obras artísticas do fim do século XIX, que narram um país ainda subdesenvolvido, um país de campos, pauis, montanhas, aldeias isoladas, de lugares ainda selvagens; um país de doenças endémicas, de injustiças sociais e de desespero, um país de pobres emigrantes. Entenda como o meu país pagou a sua unificação com o estrago das classes sociais mais débeis. Suba depois ao segundo andar, e admire as obras dos famosos futuristas italianos, ligando este período artístico ao desenvolvimento económico e industrial de Itália. Depois, para concluir a conhecimento da época moderna, vá know the city in a car away from the center, positioned in places peripheral to the North and South, as in the neighborhoods of EUR and the Olympic Stadium, a planned city and admire over the Thirties of the last century, unjustly neglected by most tourist guides . I speak of the architectural style named "Razionale", a unique style in the artistic tradition of Italian architecture, a revolutionary style in its total absence of classical decorative elements, a simple, yet elegant, a style achievable with local materials, a historical period of isolation political and economic of the country: note the use of typical rock Rome, travertine, the use of glass with iron or board, the presence of internal structures in reinforced concrete buildings. Note the arcs and straight lines, rectangular shapes constructed with the golden section, imitating the ancient Romans. It all gives an impression of order, logic, and coherence: the ideological elements of a dictatorial regime that marked a notable recent history of my country. But this need not diminish the aesthetic value of the creativity of Italian architects of the time: a political assessment of the rationalist style has no meaning.

continue with the second sense, taste. Do not forget to start your day with a typical Roman breakfast: drink a gallon (dark cappuccino) and eat that cake with cream that can not always eat at local cafes or bakeries, named "con la panna maritozzo," but there is a good bakery not far from Your hotel on the street Ludovisi, where you can get it. A typical lunch includes pasta always al dente, a poor food, but economic nutrient. The spaghetti is served with various sauces, the most famous and eggs, sheep cheese, fried bacon, and lots of black pepper (alla carbonara, or charcoal), or with tomato, onion, bacon fried, seasoned with sheep cheese (forget the parmesan then once in Rome!). After a dish so rich, the vegetables taste typical of Roman camps: a whole artichoke fried in olive oil, crispy and tasty! Have a great spout later in Gallery Alberto Sordi in the center, and continue this journey dining: enjoy an ice cream near the Gallery Alberto Sordi in pastry called Giolitti. Now if only dinner, and I advise you to go to Trastevere district to eat a good pizza romana, but before the pizza, taste the typical fried vegetable croquettes or the iconic rice with mozzarella. Do not forget the local wines: always prefer white wines, much more delicate, with aromas of fruit and flowers, the only red wine that I can advise you would be Shiraz, which also has a love of flowers and fruit, but not easily found in restaurants.

I will continue with the third and fourth sense, smell and touch. It seems incredible, but I assure that in Rome there is also delicious scents! Being in Rome for the end of April, the Lady will find all the stairs from the English full of magnificent flowers, stupendous color, with all possible variations in color between white, pink, purple, fuchsia, red ... St. flowers large, soft, weak, thin and silky, are azaleas! Climb the stairs and touch the flowers with your hands, or rather, caress them with the face, will be a feeling very sweet! This sensory experience can continue even afterwards, when you visit the rose garden on the Aventine. Then the perfume of roses will be truly exhilarating, with the myriad colors of flowers, many and various sizes and shapes! And the softness of the petals, like silk or velvet. Immerse your face in the roses, but watch out for bees! They also like the roses. But the scent as sweet as everyone is different. You know that in many Italian dialects the word "sweet orange" it says "Portugal" Unfortunately, the flowers of sweet orange does not exist in Rome. But we have other flowers in orange, those bitter. They are used to to make perfumes. And the garden of oranges most famous city is not far from the rose garden, walk a few meters further up the hill and you are next to the church of Santa Sabina. Try to go to the post-sunset, when the scent is more intense, close your eyes and sniff the air: it will seem to be in heaven!

conclude with the last but not least the five senses: hearing. You will play on April 21 my favorite concerto for violin and orchestra No. 1 operates 35 by Tchaikovsky, and I can never thank you enough for this! But I wanted to try some suggestions to it: three different types of Roman music: a music tragic, a a heavenly and very cheerful. The first is a very famous opera by Puccini, based entirely in Rome in the times of popery, a story of unrequited love: You surely already know what I'm talking about: from "Tosca"! It's still very beautiful interpretation of Maria Callas and Giuseppe di Stefano, and without leaving your own home, listen to a CD, login with Floria Tosca, and relive the gloomy atmosphere in the Farnese Palace and the death of poor women in Castel Sant'Angelo. Once in Rome, do not forget to see the Farnese Palace, the church of S. Andrea della Valle, Castel Sant'Angelo! The second song he sang exclusively within the Sistine Chapel. This is the Miserere by Gregorio Allegri, a composition for nine voices a cappella male choir divided into two: one to five and the other four. It was a song so special, that nobody could sing it out of the Sistine Chapel, under pain of excommunication. I know very well that this story! Do not think this song is divine? The last song will be a light opera or musical comedy beloved in Rome, "Rugantino. Despite a tragic ending (Rugantino die upon the gallows), the opera blends the two elements of the Roman character, the comedy or irony, by the melancholy. Especially the happy songs very famous and romantic song "Roma non fa 'la stupida stasis are part of our collective imagination of the Romans.

So hopefully I can well appreciate and understand also those more "sexy" in town!


Feren Carotenuto
Tourist Guide


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