Monday, January 24, 2011

The Darkness Soundtrack

"The Knight of Denmark" by Feren

Our student Feren Carotenuto continued the tale of Sophia de Mello Breyner, The Knight Denmark, according to his fancy, and without knowing the end the Portuguese writer who had created the original version. We thank Feren for this beautiful piece of prose, published here for our readers.

The woman was crying the Knight to his confessor. "I am afraid that my husband will not return mais”, soluçava. O frade disse-lhe: “O teu marido tem este desejo no coração. Se tu o amas verdadeiramente, tens de o deixar partir. Crês em Deus? E tens confiança no teu esposo?” “Com certeza”, disse a mulher. “Então”, respondeu o frade, “Tem fé. Tem fé em Deus: tudo o que se vai passar, vai passar pela Sua vontade: nada te pode fazer mal, se te entregas a Ele”.
A mulher enxugou as lágrimas e regressou a casa, ao Cavaleiro. “Marido meu, seja feita a vontade de Deus! Se verdadeiramente o desejas, vai, mas promete-me uma coisa”. “Prometo”, arriscou o Cavaleiro. “Cada tarde, depois do pôr-do-sol, I'll look at the tallest pine in the direction of the Holy Land, think of you and pray for you. You, every evening after sundown, sunset, look north, and thinks about me and your servants. Pray thou for us also. " "I promise, my wife," said Knight, and next day, after many tears and many hugs, went to the Holy Land.
Each night, she prayed and looked at the pine tree, I prayed to the South and tried not to cry. The pine aspect has not changed for several months. Also
Knight prayed every night, but always less intensely. And new countries, new landscapes, exotic faces, colors, smells and tastes different distracted Knight do pensamento da sua família. Frequentemente, ocupado por outros pensamentos, o Cavaleiro esquecia-se completamente de rezar por eles. Devagar começava aproximar-se entre longas marchas e às vezes também duelos com outros Cavaleiros Mouros, que tentavam não o deixar passar. O calor aumentava, os dias eram sempre mais longos. O calor cansava o Cavaleiro, não acostumado a esse clima, e os seus olhos claros não suportavam a luz violenta do sol. A sua pele delicada era queimada, os lábios ardidos pela seca.
Lá na Dinamarca o grande pinheiro começava a secar-se e perder sempre mais folhas. A Mulher do Cavaleiro começou a inquietar-se, mas continuou a esperar e a rezar com devoção. Ali o Verão tinha já finished, and the shadows lengthened at sunset is always more.
The Knight in the autumn was not far from Palestine. Met other pilgrims on the road, and Knight was happy to join them, often spending his evenings telling of his country away from its home, his wife and his servants. He began to miss them, the cold, the things most familiar to him. Finally arrived in Bethlehem a few days before Christmas. Your heart is God, and spent Christmas and several days after Christmas praying intensely. For him, being there was truly a dream of his life. He asked God's forgiveness for his mistakes, and he also realized that to achieve that peace in your soul, tinha de perdoar os seus inimigos. Foi à gruta e beijou o ponto onde o Santo Menino nasceu, onde Maria e José adoraram o Filho de Deus. E finalmente lembrou-se que ele não tinha rezado mais pelos os seus familiares cada noite como prometido, mas só para si mesmo. Compreendeu que, sem eles e o amor deles, a sua vida seria muito triste, vazia e sem sentido. Agora estava bem depois da Epifania, e o Cavaleiro não podia esperar para ir para casa. Percorreu as mesmas estradas, mas desta vez cada noite olhava para o Norte, rezava, e o seu coração sentia um grande calor. Estava feliz em voltar!
Na Dinamarca, entretanto, o pinheiro parou de secar e perder folhas. A esposa do Cavaleiro estava tranquila, porque ela tinha sempre guardado her lover at heart, had not dropped once.
Cansadíssimo but happy, the Knight returned to his homeland. Came to his house around sunset, sunset, and remembering the promise he walked to the tallest pine. He noted that the leaves had lost and that was partly dry. He hid nearby, waiting for darkness. And with darkness he saw his wife approaching the tree, looking south and pray with devotion. By Knight eyes filled with tears. But he recovered and walked silently to her. She felt him move and turned around. She saw him and his eyes filled with joy. They joined hands and walked to their house.



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