Monday, January 24, 2011

Alternative To Metformin

February 2: Brazilian artist in the Flaminia Mantegazza Gallery IPSAR

The Rector of the Portuguese Archbishop of St. Anthony in Rome
Agostinho da Costa Borges

under the patronage of HE the Ambassador of Portugal to the Holy See
Dr. Manuel Tomás Fernandes Pereira

In collaboration with the Embassy of Brazil to the Italian

is pleased to invite SV
the inauguration of the exhibition of

Flaminia Mantegazza

to be held February 2, 2011 at 18:30

La mostra rimarrà aperta fino al 13 febbraio 2011
dal mercoledì alla domenica, dalle ore 16.00 alle ore 19.00

Ingresso libero

Galleria d’Arte dell’Istituto Portoghese di Sant’Antonio in Roma
Via dei Portoghesi, 6 - I-00186 Roma

Flaminia Mantegazza . Códigos genéticos

Esistono caratteri discontinui all'origine di ogni sequenza. Di ogni ordine. Luoghi in cui qualsiasi interferenza rispetto allo stato di omogeneità comincia ad apparire a sua volta alterata, senza regola e senza confine visibile rispetto axioms of circumstance. We, as natural beings we would have no way of learning anything about the matter of events, nor on the theory that it enables us to know. But thanks to the memory of readers can claim the role of human reality, even helped by our inevitable process of forgetting. It is indeed the science, first, to separate us from the immediacy intimately or is suspected, the experience of nature and its advent. But it was our claim to self-proclaimed readers of the book of nature, trying to assign sense gratification where the intertwining of memory and oblivion would give at least an easing of immediacy. Faced with an increasing overlap di un'adiacenza del sapere al vero centro del mondo.

Ma quel che si deve poter scoprire ancora una volta, deve essere prima di tutto dimenticato. Così anche la capacità di poter studiare e riprodurre persino i più evidenti fenomeni di natura, come i colori e i loro influssi, è legata all'immenso distacco da ogni rapporto immediato con la natura, al di fuori del quale l'evoluzione organica e culturale ha condotto l'uomo di oggi. Come contemporanei siamo in un certo senso ciechi di fronte alla metaforica della leggibilità, amando allontanare ciò che costituisce lo spirito del tempo, benché esso ci domini.
Eppure, nelle nostre cellule, nella definizione dei codici genetici la sostanza ereditaria della materia living and the full potential of future development of an organism can be understood and recorded just as an exception modulated. A central chapter in the book of nature. Within the chromosomes of the cell nucleus, in fact, every form has the ability to save a text written in code. For ancestors and descendants.

This metaphorical reference to a great tradition is suggested by a modification of the antithetical relationship between nature and representation of the phenomena of nature. Overcoming this kind of dialectic is due to the merger of the two different perspectives together in the biological features of the logos and then revealed in the transcript of the genome.
What distinguishes the tradition of a language encrypted is the dual nature of assumptions that no one wants to communicate something, but no one wants to hide something. Any ancient document, for example, could be considered to be a wreck, not intentionally given to posterity, is a non-monument. A track whose enigmatic circumstance is based on conditions that have never been a human will, though inevitably dependent on the will of the time. Through a molecular model of a gene is no longer conceivable that the miniature code of life is exactly correspond to a complicated and specified plan of development time, a legacy that somehow contains in itself the means of its origin and subsequent implementation.

Nell'orma Flaminia Mantegazza phenomenological work on the organic metaphor of readability is given by the degree to which each composition can be so disturbed as translated according to precise codes of reading. Areas that appear ordered and original without modularity, infringements and grafts that randomly light up the special functions of the gene, between the horizon and vertical linearity with no prospect of a marked artistic dimension. The tableaux en faisant artist's eyes become light that looks and any accompanying phenomenon of transcription and directly related to the merger scopic register.

The series of papers given in the path of allestitivo Códigos genéticos follows an arc composition of seven years. From 2003 to 2010 shows a periodic formal artist characterized by the insistence on certain aspects and rituals of dematerialisation. Códigos genéticos compartment designed as a sequence of chromosomes (from the greek word composed of chroma and soma, which is the body color), showcases the pictorial-plastic processes such as mitosis and meiosis, taking genetic information of the color combinations and characters from the second hereditary significance.

esondanti In these paintings, the concept of total art or art never stays the final victim of conceptual approaches, but is reinterpreted in the form of immanent description, single intervention. Depth of surface equilibrium between the target dell'altorilievo pictorial and landscape. Changes in rate and extent of structural elements are assembled intrinsic factors for these jobs. Signs in accordance with the inviolable power of passes than any external circumstance. Impressions or minted by the logic of the market nor by the culture.

addition to the growing variety of style changes, for Flaminia Mantegazza, hiding the result of his research, the development of the symptom of a return, return to the traditional field of painting and its multifarious abstractions. In the DNA of these works are based on minimal language the result of a concept, a thought that leaves space for the image to bring out its indelible a priori.
Looking at each section as you can imagine composing the works displayed on the wall to turn to the passage of time, a moment of transition in any case in which reproducibility is released from the object of origin and simulates something else. By converting the logical connotation. Flaminia Mantegazza not to lose neither the beginning nor the end of the idea, gives the transformation of cellulose into their own hands, making terminations invariable. Networks that capture the reality in the form of the fragment. Grain. Mosaic invented to break up riots in the round, so smooth and variations on the canvas.

Chains such as white interior, jointed geometries of Burle Marx, the nests of honey and precise asymmetries behind Spread the possibility of their two-dimensional media, mixing memory to its opposite. The goal here is to indicate a process that interprets the codes of the creative birth, attendance related effects of visual language. In a world saturated, rich and versatile signs of continuous changes of meaning, abstraction of the Brazilian material appears to be an aesthetic model suitable to contain and then to survive in the organic substance to wills. Morphologically unfinished writings, as dictated by the ability to work for impressions. Stands originated from the clarity of strong direction from the front and combinations of various components of thickness. Full and empty encrypted. Minimal forms that balance losses and expansion of the masses, drawing a genetic stance. Descendants of a timeless spatial density.

December 2010, Geneva Bria


Flaminia Mantegazza, Rio de Janeiro, 1955. Lives and works in Rome from the nineties. In Rio de Janeiro is a graduate of the School of Visual Arts of Parque Lage, with João Magalhães. In Italy, he attended the School of Ornamental Arts of the municipality of Rome and the school studio Alberto Parres. Graduated in Economics at the Faculty of History and Gama Filho Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, then a master's degree in economic development at the ISVE specializing in Naples and in Rome at the IRI. SELECTED EXHIBITIONS

2009 rock paper scissors _
Rome II Rome
- Cenario para a Escrita por Gabriel theater peca de Marcellus, "in your silence"
Lecce - building - beams Bienal
Mediterranean Rome - rock paper scissors

Rome - shows for charity auction for the Tanzania project "mama onlus"
Rome - telethon - Paribas BNL Group - Branch
pantheon of the Rome-New Jobs
Rome - you recycle into art - art foundry

Rome - telethon - BNL Paribas - agency of the pantheon
Viterbo - Capranica - without - untitled
Reggio Emilia - art fair
Rome - Rome atelier de spelled
- metamorfhoseon - neoartgallery
Istanbul - XVI contemporary art fair in Istanbul
Rome - imagine the impossible. Guaranteed impossible-neoartgalley

Milan 2005 - the third millennium gallery
Torino - Chieri - versus xi Imbiancheria of viarjo

Paris - atelier de spelled
Milan - Brazilian art trends in Italy - Milan atelier de spelled
- IBRIT Institute for Culture Brazil Italy
Rome - Villa Park Villa Mattei in Rome

2003 - harmony della materia - atelier farro


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