Saturday, September 4, 2010

Buy Ps2 Hdloader In Uk

Hippo VB

solved the question about Hamlet selector of a package with the necessary explanations would have helped greatly, I was able to begin to hear these days.
The first impression was positive, very strange indeed strange thing around because we read of a "break-binding" that allows you to switch to more bad than good IEM. Again I can only think that the model in my possession has already been run otherwise I can not explain the fact that already now sounded just fine compared to my expectations.
The thing that really left me impressed is the fact that these headphones truly change totalmente carattere in pochi gesti, ci si ritrova in poche parole a possedere una in ear eclettica che cambia voce al bisogno.
Non è tutto oro ciò che luce e il primo intoppo lo troviamo subito, sebbene siano in dotazione 3 diversi tipi di selettore posso mettere una mano sul fuoco che solo 2 potranno essere usati con soddisfazione.
Inserendo infatti il selettore senza alcun pallino dovremmo avere in mano cuffiette da bass-head e ciò è effettivamente vero, ciò che non è stato detto nella pagina di presentazione è che con questo sistema solo i bassi permeano la scena: tutto il resto latita and is a blow to the heart and ears. We say that the switch "Booom-Boom" failed to convince even the most avid fan of the low, simply because the sound is dark, sad and dark. Unclear and lacking many details, like being in a cave and I assure you it is not pleasant effect.

Let's go back to my favorite state: three dots.
This is the situation of a balanced cap, however, low current and full (down a lot, but I want to repeat the test to run full correctness of information) ma alti ben presenti. Qui una digressione d'obbligo: gli alti delle hippo sono taglienti e duri, ma l'assenza di qualsiasi fenomeno di hissing rende questo piccolo "harsh" quasi piacevole per le mie orecchie.

Dopo aver amato e usato a lungo le RE0 non posso tollerare IEM con alti timidi o poco presenti e ammetto di preferire l'aggressività, ma che non sia assolutamente fastidiosa, piuttosto che un roll off come accade in alcune armature bilanciate di mia conoscenza (shure E3c, PL50, She9850) o dinamiche (Eterna).
La hippo VB con tre pallini somiglia in modo RE0 with a striking bass with high and we all want less beautiful, is to assess those who are interested in purchasing the most important aspect for the same budget and choose the "low-and full-bodied" or "high myocardial "I can not say right now what is the best in absolute terms.

UPDATE, after intense use and the vehicles, (sigh) completed.

My idea has not changed, the Hippo is well behaved and show no significant weaknesses when you test sound complicated. The test is a face to face with one of my favorite IEM: the RE0.
same price and different sound signature, we see how they behave when placed nearby.

Test Platform:
- Sandisk Sansa Clip + / I9 NG98/cowon
- uncompressed files in FLAC format
- test with and without hippo box (portable amp)
- VB hippo with 3-shot selector

Gadamaylin *
Sufficient space and good layout of the instruments, the track is precisely to assess the effect headstage. The RE0 in this situation involves a bit 'better, probably helped by the bass and dry slightly faster. The hippo exhibit a more pronounced reverb, with a general feeling of the scene wide open.
We are not on the highest levels of headstage, but it exceeds the average of headphones I've tried so far, philips she9850 included. Almost a tie, but the signature of the RE0 in my heart.

Percussion imaging test *
Bella response on the low range for the Hippo, a little 'more timid RE0 that the body loses and effectiveness in these tests. The drums and cymbals are real direct with the Head, the most metal hippo. Finally, a slight draw with my preference for the clarity of its ups and RE0 wonderful. With the hippo
testing shows its purpose, or feel like with different distances from the microphone be able to feel the percussion and the bumps on the skin and its diffusion in the recording studio.

Heartbeat * drools
The hippo does not in any way, it plays throughout the track until the end of it (a sequence of more and deeper bass); the RE0 can not be equally effective, especially in the last few keystrokes. This fact is not surprising, I found the bass hippo's really exciting and very nice sounding, never intrusive with the switch I use and fast enough to avoid falling into heaviness and gloom. Test in favor of Hippo, which conclude the track with the beat around 20Hz.

Texas Ranger *
Track featuring vocals and instruments at the center of the scene, thus helping to evaluate how the bonnet / cap can keep precisely to the center of the scene that there really has been registered.
Fair, just, for both. Concerto for Bassoon and

Orchestra, Movement 3 *
Bassoon and clapping as the intro, then the path becomes difficult, and neither earphones I liked to separate the worthy hands and the sound of the instruments; definitely a piece to listen on headphones (the ms1000 not disappoint).


Positive, certainly not euphoric, but for the price at which it is proposed we can not ask for more. I have not found major defects, the ability to change selectors and get a sound that varies (not very clear) is a considerable surplus.
IEM is not the final, I have not found one yet and I doubt I'll find anything, but it is a good proposal to cap a good price, metal body and idea of \u200b\u200bstrength in the media are added to a jack and a cable strong enough thin enough.
somewhat resembles the RE0 as a building and shares the fault of the microphone cable, the budget is too meager, but in this case the inserts are the best hybrids sony. They are on ebay for a few euro and it is not difficult to find.

With the use of the selector for the low than I heard the worst thing I could imagine, surely the solution is rejected. With two dots we have a nice warm sound, and headstage increased to the maximum possible for this IEM. I prefer to sacrifice the opening scene of the maximum average current and the lower and middle noninvasive sincerely.

Amplifier? Yes, no?
Ni. Yes because the sound of space increases, is more open and more closely resembles that of a real headset. No, because we lose impact in the midrange and personally I find it a great sin.
summary, use the box hippo headstage to an increased long but at the same time strengthens the presence of bass and treble response leading to a V net. Definitely going to taste, if you prefer to open the sound advice.
In this period the cap is sold with the hippo box at a good price, even if you have a headset (not the 300 ohms is clear ) and want to use it on your player, my advice is to spend a few tens of euro in more and also bring home that this amp is not bad, especially when compared with the fiio E5 (which costs 20 € but does not apply).
If instead the need to reserve the memory hippo VB you do not need, at least for me it's not worth carrying it around for the improvements.
prefer it to the Eternal, but only because the bass is much less intrusive and more effective high; the pleasure of the average Fischer is not here (I mean almost balanced armature, remember?), But a more precise mid-high range makes the hippo more "complete" and not veiled.

- suono coinvolgente, per 60 euro promosse senza indugio e sono entrate nel mio parco cuffie. Non sono il top, non vanno quindi elogiate oltre misura perché non è nel mio stile dipingere come oro colato tutto ciò che gradisco.
Mi piacciono, le recensisco positivamente, tutto qui.
- possibilità di adattare il suono con l'uso dei selettori; in verità sono accettabili solo due configurazioni, ma entrambe suonano bene.

- da indossare da retro, altrimenti è presente un effetto microfonico abbastanza noioso
- investimento di 2-3 euro obbligatorio per comprare degli inserti ibridi

*: [dalla compilation di Head-fi]
Questo disco è in vendita online, sia in formato non compresso che mp3, per favore non chiedetemelo poiché non è legale la diffusione. Il prezzo è molto basso, appena 6 dollari 


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