Thursday, August 5, 2010

Lower Abdominal Pain, Peeing Frequenlty

Alessandro MS1i

finally found the time to throw down two impressions of these headphones, so you want then what you like. The first time I heard about were still in the classic version, in order to mean what it now costs about $ 10 less than what I have chosen and which is called MS1i. The "i" obviously refers to the new generation of Grado headphones, which are known to sign the drivers contained in this Alexander.

Passing over the history of the company Alexander (as they are quite well known) my aim is to clarify what can and can not promise to keep these headphones. Everything is relative to their price, now increased slightly due to weak euro, real strong point of the MS series.
Parties recall that beats in the heart of a nasty plastic shell can, whatever the driver corresponding to this MS1i (SR80i or SR125i? From my research the only entry-level technology is UHPLC SR125i, but there is no security which is the equivalent of MS1i) matter to me the result. And the result there.

These headphones are recommended for portable use or anywhere near, their lowest impedance, 32 ohms, they might think they are exploited with a portable player without worries. Nothing could be more wrong in my humble opinion, unfortunately.
not have been able to deliver even 70% of their potential with none of the players I've been able to test: cowon i7, i9 cowon, sansa clip +, iphone 3g.
was enough to make them shine a DAC / amp end and very low cost, which I will certainly in the future.
said that a small digression on the construction quality is a must, but somewhere you had to cut back on costs and I suppose the worst job in terms of sheer quality "physical" and the materials could not be done.
be clear that I support the decision to focus on sound and not on construction, as the Grado and Alessandro lend themselves to an infinite variety of mod that turns completely and make them very appealing. Personally I
chosen to make a mod with a red aluminum kit for sale from Jaben, who will transform them into MS1000. MS1000 The project was born several years ago on head-fi (known forum that I recommend to all those who mastichino a bit 'English ed) and I believe mostly because it takes to make a mod that improves the weaknesses of the headset: l' headstage and the body of the bass.
Since I'm on the subject ...

How do they sound?

For around 100 € have very little competition, no cap on one hundred euro that I could try approaching only minimally to the sound of MS1i. Just arrived showed sound dull and too focused on the low frequencies, the problem was solved simply by making a "quarter mod" on comfies provided. Just the headset comes home with the pads of this type:

and I made a mod that would allow the same pad to assume a shape similar to these bowls pad:

Questi ultimi si trovano comunque in vendita in diversi negozi online o direttamente su ebay, il prezzo varia dai 15 ai 20 euro circa. La mia scelta di operare la mod è servita perché avevo bisogno della base ove cucire del velluto, per rendere tutto più confortevole possibile.
Perché puncture the comfies bolws or buy? Simply because the sound of the headset changes radically, the whole scene opens the first invading and low hours leave room for some nice midrange and excellent high and dry clear.
the headset I left a hundred hours of running, and definitely need to be carried out at a moderate volume and in loops no longer than 10 hours each.

The Alexander MS1i really been created with the rock in mind: they are fast, detailed enough and very good fresh emphasis due to the high, the mids could be more delicate and purposes, but returning discourse price does not feel like criticizing any aspect. The headstage is restricted, some IEM (in ear monitor ed) that I used in the past almost can compete and it sounds really strange because here we have 4 inch driver and not a few millimeters.
The image of the sound is vertical rather than horizontal, the average face up a large part of the scene and the feeling of being in front of the main voice and guitar, I am a lover of this kind of sound and stage presentation, so I can accept that this particular aspect.
who try to find a headset for symphonic music, classical music or for use with the dvd of the opera could not be at all well with these headphones.
Yes therefore metal, rock, prog, pop and definitely not for classical music and congeners (to the MS1000 see this note).


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