Monday, July 5, 2010

Mistress Black Patent Dress

RE252 RE252 Head Direct RE0

Non credo ci sia bisogno di una grossa presentazione, finalmente ho deciso di raccogliere tutte le mie esperienze d’ascolto con le head direct RE0 in un solo post. Mi sono accorta di recente (periodo di test per altre IEM che ho sotto mano) che queste sono sempre e comunque il mio riferimento “Ideale”. Take home for about 70 € in all I would not have imagined being able to find, even for a moment, peace and rest after the continuous "Fame" the new. Alas I did not, however, estimated the purchase of Comply foam for them as this be a lesson to me because I had to keep them for a long time with the inserts into the budget which are not ideal for exploiting the full potential of the cap. We start from the purchase then made available in the one sales channel is the site of Head Direct. About 10 days to wait for those if you ask, no customs like all others in the forum who have bought goods on that site.

I received the third revision of RE0, but not of textile yarn resin polifeniletere (EPP is an acronym, but simply note that it is a rubbery cord that should help minimize the effect microphone) jack and L; minimal package (see "Scarna") but given the low price I will not pretend much. They could also send or without inserts Filters parts that I would not complain after you've tried.
A few days after the date I wrote a few lines in the official thread and remember as if it were yesterday:

"high detail and are something unparalleled in this price range, we anticipate this and I do not regret it and I believe to be the first to make me feel IEM snare dishes and how they should be.
really happy and I speak after being let go thirty hours alone and have found good fit. "

I would say that completely summarize my thoughts today and could not be otherwise. Passed over the years by IEM Low-end (CX300 SHE9700 and all) that promised only a great bass and little else to my first balanced armature (Shure E3c), I could fully understand my taste and as I prefer to listen to music. I prefer to hear details and tools, gradients, accompanied by clear and precise mids and clean out well. I need to hear the voices clear and present, can not stand the fuss that some IEM offer as a business card to capture the listener inexperienced and easily prone to being corrupted by big bass. I prefer to be captured by the homogeneity of the frequency response, sound balanced and clear: a balanced armature short. I was always more than welcome this technology in fact, almost snubbing the dynamic drivers until the purchase of PL30 which have taught me that there can be balance in them.

So who did not know me and read these impressions should know by now that I'm not a bass-head: Do not research the physical sense of the bass in my ears. I do not like 'hit' that can be perceived with some headphones and I do not think I'll ever love. That must be why I bought with confidence RE0, probably why I found them simply "Favorites" in contrast to other IEM that I can not feel appropriate to me such as Philips or she9800 Fischer Eternal (IEM beautiful I must say, but too biased and lacking in low frequency high for my taste).

not be aesthetically beautiful, pay attention and force graciline also seem to take special care and attention, but I have to say that a case to protect it's easy to find. That is another cuffina or fabric bag is not important, but protect them because they are not as strong as other models (shure / fischer all, do believe the school from this point of view) and prevention is always better than being with a headset unusable.

How do they sound?

Good. Point. Good for 70 euro shipped and well comparable to other colleagues in the same price range, the break did not find extreme influence, after the usual hours of pink noise were shown with their sound and definitive characteristic. A sound and balanced with no major shortcomings that exist across the spectrum of frequencies. Too many complaints on these websites for low cinesine: there are decent and will not be the Bose or Philips or IE8, but they can have their say in terms of detail and precision. It is clear that those who love the low-low-low is to stay away-far-away from these, we do not find anything to his liking I can bet. It's up to deal with reality, this IEM is coming to market at a price of about two hundred dollars and can be considered the right of the medium-high, that we could have it for less than half can not but welcome the soul and undoubtedly the wallet. It is therefore reasonable to accept that the quality / price ratio is perhaps among the best I've ever seen for an electronic object, which is the compartment or audio hardware counts for little. Everything is due to the fact that he suffered a massive discount, now I think it's still $ 70 on site but are not sure, is your task to check whether there were further discounted or not. The thing that we think is now going to clash with the class in ear under a hundred dollars, actually I find it hard to think of something that can compete for the same price. The RE0
join my "grades" PL30, PL50, E3c and I do not know why I remember (let the comparison with a headset itself and not with an IEM) of the AKG K 271 MKII, headphone monitor that I actually could try almost on a whim and I do not consider suitable for home listening but only for study or training purposes, even during the exercise with a musical instrument.

Here, I will I see a little 'sound of RE0, call me crazy if you like. But this is my impression.

The practical test:

My usual test time undergoes a small change, always on the Cowon iAudio 7 I used the headset with a long compressed files. ogg> q 8.5, which is my usual music library, but I joined another folder of FLAC files that I use to test the headphones and includes songs of various kinds (Deep Purple, Pink Floyd, Iron Maiden ... [...]). I also used the E5 Fiio to test whether the gain and the link to my Audigy 2 ZS (now sadly dead and gone ..). Connected to your PC with the audigy RE0 shows its neutral response, we must act on the equalizer in order to find a full sound and enjoyable, but this does not apply to the integrated card in my DFI, with this the RE0 along well ' agreement and is not at all act to change the yield on Foobar. Surely 2ZS is much flatter than output in this integrated ticket.

Prova eseguita su Cowon I7
-Ogg Vorbis file di qualità minima q 8,5 (~288 Kbps)
-Mp3 CBR 320 Kbps

Bassi : non maltrattiamoli troppo, se dovessero sembrare insufficienti c’è il buono e caro equalizzatore che viene in nostro soccorso. Personalmente mi basta un leggero effetto di Mach-Bass del mio cowon per poterle portare ad un livello a me congeniale. Non li lodo però oltremodo, credo proprio siano il tasto dolente di queste cuffiette oggettivamente parlando e avendo in mente l’ascoltatore medio; persino I would really like me a lot more with a bit more 'bass, so do not force me to use the option on my player. The sound and presence so embarrassing to resemble those of a balanced armature, even when we get to average.

Medi : these are just enough and not too backward as I expected from a dynamic. Sufficiently clear and crystalline, not bow to high frequencies and how to behave both on women's voices (more difficult to play properly) and male. Detailed and accurate will make you angry with a possible rip audio CDs to come badly. Say no doubt encouraged but certainly not in a good balanced armature Shure and this a little 'I'm missing, that of the average is a pet peeve that I can not deny. There are no annoying peaks in frequency response and that's good, everything is very smooth and flowing words. Sibilance unknown at least on my well-compressed files.

High : eh, the strong point of these little ones are just high in my opinion. Here you touch the excellence view of the venue in the price range under a hundred dollars, or even the high frequencies that are missing or very backward (and then suffering a roll-off) on the plates balanced. The highs are there are so many (because they finally feel, not because they are over-accentuated) and are not sharp, it must feel like the battery is something that I missed, I only found out when I heard for the first time and these I do not deny, my face was surprised to rediscover songs reborn almost exactly to the details that were lost or were not sufficiently emphasized by other devices. No listening fatigue, even for long sessions, not the high metal and annoying that we have found in other headphones Low-end, are the high and reproduced without any additions or emphasis.

overall sound absolutely clear without staining, thus tending to neutrality rather than the heat in a few simple words, it's pretty clear to whom is going to purchase and had no idea how they sound.

Soundstage : average, nothing more, the soundstage is not poorly represented but does not reach lofty levels nor approaches half an intra she look like the 9800. In the listening test sequence this disparity is evident, but as I wrote in the past the bad effect of artificially the scene makes the Philips imaging virtually absent in them. Then a scene more realistic but less extensive for RE0, merit or defect depends on the defects of the ears of the listener: I look good both IEM and both ways of putting the sound.
A small portable amp (I tested the fiio E5) can earn a notch in volume, but also allows to disable all the effects of the Bass player since it gives itself a "Boost" remarkable at low frequencies. People do not use, as the reader and the IEM are my reference when I'm moving would not be very comfortable to wear it all behind, among other things that I find to be very controllable with my lettorino (as the iaudio 5) and are thus satisfied.

sibilance absent, at least on my files that are of excellent quality, I had forgotten this annoying defect in these two years and I started to talk about their testing caps affected by this defect recently. But this is not about RE0, received top marks from this point of view even with the difficult vocal passages of Candice Night (Blackmore's Night), known to be very keen to make "whistle" the "S" when he sings.

Effect microphone :
depends. If you normally wear and fasten the clip without the discomfort you feel and even a lot, but just the trick to make them go behind your ear, and only so much the fault. Comply with the clip and I do not reply at all.

Iphone 3G?

Well, I add it to the review because I got to try (either with or without fiio E5) and remain "relatively" disappointed. The flatness of the source together with that of the headphones is not the most, it is certainly remarkable to see how well they are controlled by this phone but otherwise I could just enjoy the wonderful medium that the combination offered me. A detail and clarity that my i7 dreams at night, too bad the lack of bass heavy when the phone is set without any emphasis on audio. Sorry not just think "Wow" and be at the same time with no bass and midrange fearful. Never mind, just tell those who possess this terminal to add an effect or use pre-set equalizer.

modding or not?

I will not dwell much on the contents of the box, I saw that it was discussed more than enough, but I would like to bring my experience with a "Mod "I've discovered over the network. I basically raised the Filters protection of blacks who are glued to the tube where the inserts are placed, below is a sort of sponge cream that can be gently removed with a needle / pin or toothpick (Maximum attention if you want to try. I do not assume responsibility for If the outside walls of your driver RE0 ..). Then just put the Filters again and wear them to assess whether this change of tone may be pleasant or not for our ears. Personally I did not like it, I prefer the IEM as well as from the factory as the midrange and treble is even more evident after the change and there was absolutely no need. The feeling of RE0 is a modded sound "hard" and angular the average advance but worsen and become almost tiresome high: no thanks, I returned immediately to the previous setup and my ears have thanked.

add, since I found today to test caps with "Paranoid Eyes" by Pink Floyd, a little note. The RE0 were the only batch of 4 IEM in front of me that during the transition to about 2:25 minutes I have clearly done "live" the sound of paper and glass as if I were in a bar with Waters that whispers to my shoulders will be a nostalgic and go against the current but I really like the good old Roger on vocals. At about 2:02 minutes
the attack is precise and clear, while al 2:16 circa il rumore della bocciata è inconfondibile. Sono le prime della classe quindi, almeno per il test di oggi.

Quali inserti?

Sono dei finti comply cinesi quelli che uso io e che preferisco, chi avesse interesse può chiedermi in PVT e saprò indicare ove reperirli; mi trovo molto bene con questo tipo di spugnette rigide in quanto non si rovinano con l'uso e l'isolamento è comunque ottimo. Non are at unprecedented levels of black olives, but I'm happy in fact.
Conclusions (updated in mid-January) whereas the use of "comply with rigid foam.


- The current price is really ridiculous compared to what you can bring at home, what can be if not the first precious?
- detailed and balanced sound over all frequencies, the ups are the best I've ever heard in an IEM and I have no problem admitting it.
- are rediscovered steps of old songs which we had never paid attention, as long as you use files with excellent quality as I do for some years now. It's a good habit that certainly does not hurt to keep the best you can in your reader.


- Low leggerini that may be to some listeners, i medio bassi ci sono ma non scendono troppo verso gli ultra-bassi e si nota la pecca in alcune incisioni. Si corre ai ripari con effetti oppure un piccolo amp portatile.
- Sono graciline, attenzione e cura estrema sono d’obbligo.
- Non so se definirlo un difetto visto che il prezzo è molto più basso di quello originario, ma la confezione è piuttosto miserella. Sono comunque contenta del fatto che abbiano limato su accessori non indispensabili a favore di un costo accattivante e che permette a chi non poteva permettersele di portarle a casa.

In summary

-Packaging: suitable to the discount applied in recent months, thin but acceptable.
-Accessories: As above.
-Build Quality: 3.5 / 5, on average, more prone to gracilino that the strong but not at the level of CX300 to speak.
-Insulation: 4 / 5; "comply with the isolation that I find it more acceptable.
-effect microphone: 3.5 / 5; virtually absent when worn by passing the cable behind the ear, but if this does not lock the clip to your clothes and you wear normally.
-Comfort: 4 / 5; "comply with are very comfortable, being tiny and do not bother to read
-quality audio and value for money: more than positive, they are almost a steal at this price  I can not give 10 because they are always stingy of votes, but if I have to give a vote on the price, I say that we are verging on the excellent excellent.
recommended and I'm glad I have made them accept, as I thank those who have suggested to me in the past

Two specific ritual

Driver: 9mm dynamic
Specifications: Impedance: 64Ω (@ 1kHz) indecent proposal at a price. What
in mind is the top for your taste in music and that he with trembling fingers is so much emotion to shake and caress them. A moment of poetry ended. I'm glad that he never spent more than € 300 to buy the SE530. I believe I can now say that the era of shure dream is over, at least for me. Until two years ago recommended first IEM of this company, the competition was virtually harmless and they, despite their cost is not accessible to all, had the alternative of quality for portable audio. Then there were the Crossroads, never worrying and increasingly in low-end, there were cx300/ep630/philips SHE9700 or Aurvana; il resto era oltreoceano, la triple fi 10 costosissima e difficile da reperire.
Oggi invece abbiamo l’invasione delle intra-canalari cinesi e americane, abbiamo dei prezzi incredibilmente bassi rispetto alla qualità che a volte viene offerta e abbiamo una Shure che non ha saputo rinnovarsi per nulla. Le sue stesse IEM hanno mantenuto negli anni l’impronta ( e i difetti) della prima linea “E”. Abbiamo insomma dei driver dinamici che riescono a fare quello che i driver ad armatura bilanciata fanno. E non è poco.
Tutta questa tiritera per dire che… Che dalla se530 mi aspettavo tanto, tantissimo e forse troppo. Ecco. Mi aspettavo troppo. Quote:
Italian Price: 340 € shipped. English
Price: about € 310 shipped.
no more and step by comparison.
The shure hit and sunk without mercy, it does so in the mids that are certainly lofty, are present, are advanced as I like and are simply the state of the art. The bass is beautiful and, for my taste, I find the perfect perfect as those of hifiman. Between the two I would call the shure more substantial but less extensive in this specific topic. The soundstage of shure is impeccable, sicuramente migliore di quello della re252. Arrivando agli alti ecco la piccola delusione, semplicemente li ho trovati sottotono, non in generale ma significativamente poco incisivi dopo avere per mesi usato una RE0 e da poco la 252.
La differenza esiste, si sente e un po’ dispiace perché credo sia l’unico piccolo neo di questa shure.
Leggevo in giro della SE530 di come fosse equilibrata, oggi io dico senza dubbio che se la SE530 viene considerata equilibrata la RE252 è un passo avanti. Più omogenea, meno splendida in fascia media/medio bassa ma che non si fa mancare nulla in gamma alta. Non è poco affatto, specie perché costa meno della metà.
Tra le due, messe vicine, non saprei quale scegliere. Se mi were offered the same price I would have serious doubts and I could fall into the temptation of beauty body building and the average headset shure, on the other hand I need to keep a spare RE0, otherwise I would miss moments of listening to complete that in certain parts with the duty to make shure not (I did not like very much with SOAD and Iron Maiden, not because the re252 RE0 or short). If you ever heard a RE0/RE252 I would definitely stated that the Shure SE530 could be nirvana for the audio player. In the light of what I heard before I tell them instead suffer from a price / quality ratio is not good. Their cost has not declined over the years, as would be dovuto attendere viste le altre opzioni in giro a mio personalissimo parere.

Preferire una shure splendente in certi frangenti ma con una piccola ombra o una re252 che fa tutto quello che deve fare senza nessuna pecca e senza nulla aggiungere alla fonte?

Lo deciderò se e quando ci sarà da valutare di prendere le shure, per ora continuo ad avere i miei dubbi.


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