Friday, July 2, 2010

Kiteboard Fins For Sale

E 'was expanded and in-depth analysis of current legislation relating to post charlatans reported in "Introduction to DDL" .

In particular:
  • have been reported articles in the Consumer Code and other of " Regulations on radio and television advertising and teleshopping " issued by AGCOM
  • is discussed decriminalization of the offense of quackery introduced in 1981 and its practical consequences of taking such a decision of the Court of Modena in 2005

The analysis of the legislation is so boring, but it is necessary to understand where you part.

Just to "refresh the spirit ... between a paragraph and the other" (Paraphrasing Enigmistica week), I carry a small discovery I made leafing (... you can still use this word in the Internet and PDF?? Mah ....) between the various sources. It 'a note of "Italic folklore", which probably will not surprise anyone (alas ...). We

In Italy there are two authorities guarantee that partly overlap in their functions. I'm the AGCM, which guarantees a healthy competition, and AGCOM, which guarantees the proper use of the media. Fundamental characteristics of the two authorities 'independence el' autonomy .

President AGCOM is Corrado CalabrĂ². The Director General of Competition Antitrust Authority, is John Calabro. Curious case of homonyms or italic case of nepotism? You want to know? There really need to say it? Our Conrad, is the "daddy" of John.



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