Friday, July 9, 2010

Howard Stern/racqueldarrian


been almost ten days since I arrived and I thought well these IEM to throw down some final considerations. In this time I tried to use them as much as possible and especially to keep them "in use" I can say with certain that they have to shoulder more than a hundred hours of life and I do not think that my opinion might change in future. I'd love
Head of Direct RE0 few months ago, I bought after a careful reading of various reviews online and I had made a clear idea about what I expected, and the sound was perfectly painted and now I want to do the same description for older sisters. The purpose of these lines is therefore to discuss the detail as possible what are these IEM, for those who are simply curious or undecided in the purchase of a new bonnet. But especially for those who were in possession of RE0 and wants to experience something that might amaze, certainly not proposed at a very low price per i nostri standard ma a mio parere consono al prodotto in questione.

La confezione si presenta davvero molto simile a quelle delle RE0, come si nota dalle foto la scatolina in plastica è identica così come la dotazione di serie, tutto è mostrato in foto e comprende inserti, una clip per i vestiti e dei filtrini sostitutivi. Mi permetto un piccolo inciso per chiarire that, in this case, the inserts were found in bundles perfect for my needs, in the past we have discussed a lot about the need for Foam (Comply) for RE0 for a perfect isolation and positive note, they are not essential for RE252 .
As we have glimpsed a rather special form, I immediately noticed a "cornino" soft coming out of the body itself and the headset that works as a sort of "hook" to allow the headset to remain firmly in place. Well, to look ugly but extremely comfortable, so the initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe designer was not in vain in my opinion. I have already mentioned that I have the ear (as well as the channels earphone) large enough and so my experience should be considered with these premises: I do not know how they could dress up ears minute or children. The material that covers each ear is very soft, or at least a rubber latex seems very polished but flexible (silicone resin?). As you can see in the picture tends to get dirty and collect dust because of this rubbery, I tend to clean them often and I found annoying, however. Of course if you decide to use them in very dusty or dirty (I do not recommend) you put in mind that you will become a different color to clean up. They have an affinity for the dirt that I did not imagine in short.


La loro forma ricorda quella delle PL30, il corpo dell’auricolare aiuta ad isolare e l’inserto è tenuto saldo nel canale uditivo: la loro comodità è dovuta anche al fatto che poggiano su tutto il padiglione e non si debbono reggere solo per la pressione esercitata durante l’inserimento. Aggiungerò una foto delle stesse da worn to show me how to fit in your ear.
I could wear over-the-ear "simply does not seem, however, conformed to this type of use but I have not noticed a particular effort to the cable el'attaccatura it. In this situation, I managed to avoid the effect microphone almost total. Particular chapter is required by the question "microphone effect", we are at the same level as the little sister but we can overcome the over-the-ear trick, or do we need to use the clip, so as to make the cable as hard as possible and not subject to vibration. Here too we have a cable that polifeniletere avoids the annoying twist typical of many other headphones, and is sufficiently soft and flexible. In any direction are included, however, remain very strong thanks to "grip" given the material and do not tend to never leave your ear. I say without doubt that they are very comfortable, not my favorite by far for me but certainly much more of RE0.
I used them on the go with the clip and I have not found the defect limiting the experience of listening anyway, but it should be noted that there compared to those that can be worn to avoid the effect completely.
to indicate in general I would say that their sound is faster IEM, the average in the foreground and the reverb just mentioned (in questo assomigliano alle RE0) che risulta in un suono nitido e secco, come lo definisco io; i bassi sono ben presentati e non li ho trovati mai carenti in nessuna delle mie sessioni di ascolto. Gli alti sono precisi e anche qui molto secchi, nessun segno di sibilance ma non li troviamo protagonisti come accadeva con le sorelline; piuttosto abbiamo una scena generale più bilanciata in quanto ci sono dei buoni (ottimi) medi supportati da bassi e alti che si difendono egregiamente e nessun range di frequenze è preponderante in modo noioso.

Indossate al volo, sebbene facciano un po’ paura appena estratte dalla scatola (“Come le indosso? Ma che forma hanno? Sembrano astronavi!”) e trovato il giusto isolamento con gli inserti FLANGED average we spend listening to the test itself.


Um, I said that sounds really good altogether? To be in ear from 140 € had to convince me not a little, especially because here in Italy we are not used to spending a lot for the audio player and let's good eye-saving or at least medium-low range market. We are uninformed, we are misled by ridiculous prices at electronics stores and we are especially fortunate and are forced to buy abroad, very often we have read reviews in English, going crazy to find the product that we are passionate and often do come from a continent different from ours . We do this because fans, because we do not cheat by the cartel in the prices of these products in shopping malls. For if today I have a Bose Triport to 99 € and I think the Mediamond to 140 of this makes me smile, like when I see still selling the CX300 at 60 € or She Philips 9700/9800 to 50. Faced with these situations Re252 assume the proportions of the first class at an affordable price, because they are not only the best two of the above EMI: are other fabric.
My test includes the usual sources such as two cowon Iaudio (i5 and i7), a dedicated sound card for PC (this time since my SB090 Audigy 2 ZS beloved has decided to drop out), an unfailing Fiio E5 iphone 3G for the "proof curiosity."
files in lossless Flac and. Ogg q8 minimum, 5 and also on test tracks directly from audio CDs. Try this done after more than 100 hours, inutilissimo and I'm sure once more, burn-in. Their definitive sound came out after a night of pink noise and has never deviated since.
But let's move on.
NETHERLANDS : What do we do with the bass? There is a very good listener who was already a bit 'equalization those of RE0, then can not find these particularly perfect. No equalization, emphasis even using the tools made available by our beloved Cowon, the 252 I will listen as HifiMan mom made them and I like that. There are invasive and not remain in place and are quick and clean, dry tract remained in a few words and we have a lot more with the same quality.
MEDI : Non mi aspettavo di sentire dei medi così presenti, ma soprattutto puliti; sono senza dubbio migliori di quelli delle RE0 e personalmente trovo in questi l’upgrade che preferisco rispetto alle precedenti. Pensavo di trovare solo più bassi che riscaldassero la scena, con mia sorpresa ho sentito invece dei medi che mi hanno colpita al volo. Chi avrà letto la mia recensione delle RE0 ricorderà che il mio cruccio sono state proprio le frequenze medie di quelle cuffine, non all’altezza delle belle armature bilanciate che ho provato/posseduto; non ci aspettiamo certo miracoli da dei driver dinamici, ma stavolta posso dire che le RE252 si avvicinano pericolosamente a quello che amo delle BA: i medi puliti, netti e precisi. Presenti nella scena e carichi di sfumature e dettagli, resi così come sono senza inficiarne la struttura; sono i medi analitici ma soffici da armatura bilanciata più che da driver dinamico, su questo non voglio sentire obiezioni ma solo lodi. A tal proposito ho trovato il giusto compromesso con gli inserti bi flangiati, con i quali mi sembra che il suono in questa area di frequenze renda molto molto meglio e faccia risaltare meglio le frequenze alte.
ALTI : immaginate la ricchezza degli alti delle RE0, che vi donavano tutto ciò che il vostro file musicale aveva da offrire, alti da manuale come li ho definiti io e alti da far innamorare al primo ascolto. In questa RE252 sono stati ridimensionati, molto probabilmente perché nel suono complessivo ora troviamo bassi e medio bassi un po’ più carichi, ma certamente non hanno subito un calo evidente. È come se avessimo barattato un po’ di frequenze alte in favore di quelle basse, con una resa più dolce e morbida per quanto riguarda il resto delle frequenze riprodotte. Non c’è l’esplosione, la botta di freschezza e vita che ci presentano le sorelline con i propri alti, non c’è nemmeno l’approccio aggressivo che amo tanto in quelle; c’è discrezione e chiarezza, ma non manca nulla.
Soundstage: um, in the media as to his sisters. I could not define it better or worse then the same as I describe it for them. There is, and the scene is well represented, but does not stand out as main advantage. I tried to imagine if the hole in the body of the headset could be related to a fan, but seeing the end result is not dissimilar from previous IEM I suppose these are also completely shut.
What emerges, however, is the separation of sounds and voices, all perfectly in place until its last legs but harmoniously balanced: try it, "Cordell" The Cranberries (from To The Faithful Departed, 1996). In this song you realize how IEM can shine like the RE252 to detail and relevance to the registration and we lost in the thousand sounds and a good test can be done with the RE0, but imagine all seasoned with the nuances in the low frequencies .
EDIT: I note that the question soundstage is very dependent on the source. On a third-nano (sic) I found a good representation of the stage.

no hint of sibilance Rather, it is less harsh in the previous IEM especially in the medium to high, everything seems very controlled and smooth, without ever falling into the haze of sound (not that I particularly like and have learned to recognize especially with the Eternal, certainly smaller than the head and direct hifiman). RE0 gave the detail and accuracy with its wonderful high, but this makes us concentrate instead on medium to medium high; difference is not just because we find ourselves faced with two caps that seem to have nothing in common and very different points of view . Nothing speaks as of medium and soft, when we all retail and all'analiticità. In my opinion are easier to accept these new RE252, both for the overall balance of sound parameters for impedance / sensitivity that allows carefree use on any MP3 player, even weak. No hiss even
sull'I7, affectionately known by a very slight background noise independent of the type File reproduced and that lessens playing.
The use of a small amp did not seem influential, I only Fiio E5 at the time and do not recommend combining these as they give their best lettorino directly with the mp3 and not worth it just to take it behind the gain in low frequencies. But it will certainly taste.

few specific test:

Nano third generation
I would not have imagined to like this player, as I have never hidden I believe not just in the quality / price and would not recommend it even under torture. But today I could test it with the RE252 and I re-evaluated. A lot. Of course, everything makes me think that the IEM have been in particular to bring out the best I can offer this lettorino, but candidly admits that the couple did not disfigured at all.
excellent bass and good average, accompanied by high bright and well designed in the scene, certainly it's all about the headsets, but we can not ignore the fact that they are also usabilissime readers on the apple. Plenty of evidence and then exceeded recommended in this case.

Iphone 3G

I could try it with a firmware different from that with which I tested the RE0. I do not think the test is likely because the RE252 have played so much "closed" during the test. Of course I reserve the right talk it over if I happen to hand a 2G or having more time to waste with the 3G.

Audigy SB090:

very flat card as noted, used without Fiio is difficult to digest with the most IEM at my disposal. The only problem with which I find are a couple of Arctic conceived (I suppose considering the excellent performance) just to use your PC. With this card the surrender of the RE252 is very detailed, very average in all similissimo evidence that make a good balanced armature. La prova al pc mi serve per valutare la qualità del dettaglio e dell'analiticità, è proprio in queste sessioni che si comprende quando una IEM tira fuori il meglio di una traccia (da CD audio letto tramite Foobar2000) o perde dettagli e sfumature nelle voci e cori. L'HifiMan supera la prova con lode, nessuna distorsione nemmeno ad altissimo volume.



I have not made the change that instead attuai for RE0, but out of curiosity I peeked in the channels and are almost certain that, even here there is the famous cream-colored foam that may or may not be removed. Honestly I have not tried it yet, but perhaps for lack of time rather than curiosity. I will let you know as soon as possible in case I armassi patience and pin number.

what you think:

I'd never have said, but are really worth their price list in my opinion because they are free of major flaws and in fact have everything you need; there are no shortages in the range of play and there are tedious or annoying spike, someone could try to lower (not me and I do not think most listeners' view of the generous amount) but I doubt it strongly. The balance work was done too well, will not have a strong character and unique but perhaps this is their beauty, flexibility is ensured by a neutral and accurate rendering.

When I say HD RE0 and high detail, but when I refer to these I think of all an extremely pleasant and very well blended. Therefore did not make clear that a quality distinctive style or for a particular genre, but have no obvious defect in the same way, I do not know if it is good or bad for others, I prefer this type of sound that casts 'eye more to the perfection that feeling.

Some might find this boring IEM in their analyticity, nothing to add and remove anything that gives the track: Do not you think never "I want this X often more pronounced, this presentation more or less advanced" unless you have special tastes. Is extremely difficult to find fault in them, as well as find their own personality, however defined, the RE252 find the course suitable for any type of play (maybe not for the avid bass-head but we do not put my hand on fire) but I prefer RE0 only in the case of classical music. For the rest definitely my vote goes to this and I can not recommend it. I have read elsewhere that are anonymous in their perfection, this anonymity is in my opinion.


- I mean, what was missing the last RE0 for me. In addition to these low and not too light I could find the average sweet and clean that I missed.

- The flexibility that allows you to play it safe. You can hardly find defects in listening.

- Impedance and sensitivity are suitable for all readers, this time not have to ask yourself the question of whether or not it can be driven from the mp3 player at our disposal.

- You do not need an amp to make them shine

- No need for Foam / Comply for wearing way


- Do not have a precise nature, will not find an adjective to define the "Belle" and very balanced. It could be a drawback for those looking for IEM maybe with some damage but at the same net or characteristics that give color to the sound.

You do not expect anything more than your music, as well as the artists have recorded their hands it there. Take it or leave it.

In summary
-Packaging: thin but acceptable, is practically identical to that offered with RE0.
-Accessories: As above.
-Build quality: 4 / 5, I liked the concept of the headset body composed of soft material and flexible hit me a lot.
-Insulation: 4 / 5, with inserts FLANGED isolation I find more than acceptable. Significantly greater than Comply with the RE0, but always referring to my ears.
-effect microphone: 3 / 5; virtually absent when worn by passing the cable behind the ear, but if this does not lock the clip to your clothes and you wear normally. Exactly the same speech I did for the sisters.
-Comfort: 4.5 / 5, very comfortable to my ears, frankly I can not comment objectively. As you can see from the attached picture painted on my roof because they seem much bigger.
-sound quality and value for money: for what they offer and the prices that you see around are a valid alternative if you want to look out the upper-medium segment of IEM on the market today. I reserve the right to brief a quick comparison with the Shure SE530.

• Driver Dynamic 9mm in diameter
• Impedance 16 Ohm
• Sensitivity of 103 dB / 1 mW
• Input Rate: 2 mw; Maximum Input: 15mW
• Frequency response: 16 Hz - 22kHz
• Cable symmetric PPE

to the conclusions I intend to return in the coming days, including the comparison with the shure.

Come promesso una foto delle stesse indossate:


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