Friday, December 31, 2010

Vegetable Retaining Walls

After months and months that the little hoarse and at home with me, I finally decided to open a 3d with all its attached small review.
I felt it was spin off from the only debate that picked up all the Chinese twins with similar amp (c30 cube, Roco A, hippo and other OEMs in gumstick the name escapes me) that this is the player that I wanted to prove myself.
are different models on the market: A-Roco, Roco Roco-B and-C (classical). Mine is the A.

going quickly with a complicated issue: the firmware. In this regard rera should intervene, as he was to flash the version that allowed me to hear him as much as possible "natural". I honestly do not know what and where to find it.

This happened because the manufacturer decided, I would say incredibly saw the result, to block the reader with an equalizer (not know by what criteria) that has proven to be totally unacceptable to my ears.
then I will give two separate impressions, the first about the hoarse-A "out of the box" setting and how he did it (sigh) and the second, certainly more positive, will describe the natural sound or at least not affected from various effettini.
[For each subsection of this review will indicate which version of the firm I mean]

First play the player, after the acquisition and the equalization of default which can not be deleted in any way
-final version of the firmware-

You know all those effects of BBE +? Ones you do not fiddle with them on the train to try and make us a laugh in short .. 3D effects, presets funny that can turn the sound from a cavernous metal so to speak. Everything Hi-Fi has nothing but find any lettorino mp3, from the excellent stand by cowon.
Well, the rocks as the reader works out more "artificial" that I've ever heard: a separation exaggerated, fake and boring. It looks like a 3d effect pulled to the limit. The guitars are very precise, however, each lives in a dimension of sound and this kind of performance could make happy the musicians of the section. Imagine then a preset
halfway between rock and metal, a little '3D effect and much loudness. Here, we're almost there and do good to scare

sibilance present and no way to delete (the EQ is off, remember?) With very very high on. I tried, I gave him time and I have also placed their hopes in him, but in the end the only word I could think was "market and we hope to return with the least cost." Waste of money?

No, because ...

Listening to the player with the first firmware, the beta distributed to reviewers

-beta version of the firmware-

Now we reason, we lose a bit 'of everything that makes listening difficult and tiring and the sound gets sweeter when you can not just bring the wonderful word "normal" on the display of Rocchino
The defect of sibilance remains, especially for those CDs where there is nature. The CD test is in fact Autumn Sky, Candice's voice puts a strain on the reader and the re252 do their best, the difference can be seen via the soon to be hoarse + clip, this issue has certainly more dimensions acceptable residue. The chance to act on the equalizer (beta are with the firm that allow it) can overcome almost completely the sibilance and lost some 'yield but improved overall enjoyment.

With Alessandro MS1000

-beta version of the firmware-

Good race, great result, and the only portable player that can make me enjoy the MS1000 without the need of 'hippo box. The mere fact of being able to use with the grade / alessandro worth the purchase.
Excellent dynamics, good bass, and incisive sound that goes well with the joy and vitality of Alexander. I would say hurray, we found the intended use of this little pink gioeillino!

navigation / menu / firmware / bug
-final version of the firmware-
-beta version of the firmware-

uncomfortable interface, translation very approximate, menus and a tight cramp the toes just to change a song. I'm not complaining, even if a player from € 100, the question is a big flaw.
The options are very few, only we can play with the beta firmware and also try equalizer some effettino. The reading of microSD is quick and precise, the library is pretty unified as we will see two folders roots, one for internal memory and one for external.
No problem for the recognition and management via PC.

Size / strength

Size very contained, almost comparable to that of the Sansa Clip +, and minimum weight make hoarse comfortable to hold in his pocket, there is no clip but really you forget it him. The mirror surface is very nice to see, even the color of old rose conquered me (ok, I'm a girl ... But it's really nice).

The earbuds (buddies) in support ...

Not bad, I would say above average and decent as the ones fitted to the sandisk. Better than those found in the cowon words and philips.

The supplied in-ear ... (PAA-1S)

chapter, a nice surprise and very good ear in order to be included in a bundle with lettorino China. He has just one flaw, perhaps: comes with only one type of insert and is not compatible with anything in my possession.
As you can see from the photos in the rubber dotazione non sono piccolissimi, addirittura riescono a sigillare il mio canale (e ricordo che ad oggi io uso una L di ogni inserto, a parte le black olive della shure) e questo può renderle inutilizzabili per molti utenti.
La forma particolarissima e lievemente bombata del canale driver rende gli inserti standard poco adatti, anche questa mi è sembrata una scelta alquanto discutibile. Resta intesto che riuscirete a montare per esempio dei gommini tipo T400 Comply, ma dopo poco tempo automaticamente ve li ritroverete in mano o peggio li perderete.
Forse la hiSound vende inserti compatibili, non lo so perché il mio scopo era solo quello di fare un test a queste piccole.

Tornando in tema comunque, le promuovo assolutamente per il loro costo: ovvero nulla. Sono ottime in ear per iniziare o per evitare di comprare una pl30 da 17 euro. Non sono bassose, anzi tendono alla neutralità e non risultano fastidiose.


- piccolo, leggero e carino;
- suona bene, decisamente bene (-versione beta del firmware-);
- in bundle decenti auricolari e buone in ear rispetto alla concorrenza;
- pilota egregiamente le Alessandro MS1000, sono solo 32 ohm ma la conformazione le rende ostiche per tutti gli altri lettori in mio possesso. Cowon i9 incluso.


- costruzione molto approssimativa, scricchiolii e tasti poco precisi danno l'idea di una cineseria, un peccato per un lettore che si presenta con un amp di classe A e molte recensioni positive alle spalle;
- suono artificiale e poco reale, anche se sicuramente coinvolgente (-versione definitiva del firmware-);
- nel mio modello l'indicatore batteria è molto poco preciso, si passa dalle due tacche allo spegnimento senza alcun preavviso.

Lo consiglio? Sì e no.

Sì a chi voglia sperimentare un lettore che pilota di tutto, comprese le MS1000 e le RE0, pur mantenendosi in basso sulla scala volume. Ma che sia un utente pro, che sa di having to manage a product with bugs and beta firmware to enjoy the potential it offers. In my opinion not worth the price of € 100 unless you are only interested in its merits and decide to suspend its flaws.

No if you look for stability, peace and do not want to muck around with various updates and flash.

I decided to keep it, if as I believe (or fear?) RE262 for the ape will continue to grow I need his power in the future.

PS: a little complaint as declared by the manufacturer:

Because Of Our unique circuitry design and we do not need to Provide the bass sound effects (EQ, BBE or so) to gain the artificially low, we duplicate the original natural sound perfectly.
The raucous nature is not how you feel with the final signature, but was equalized and impregnated with effects and everything was hidden from the user end.
Only when you can remove this pseudo-equalization will discover the quality of this player. Note that all reviewers have felt satisfied with the product like me, that is, using the equalizer settings and being able to use the "normal".
So it is not true that nature is so, the rap on the hands hisoundaudio

Vegetable Retaining Walls

After months and months that the little hoarse and at home with me, I finally decided to open a 3d with all its attached small review.
I felt it was spin off from the only debate that picked up all the Chinese twins with similar amp (c30 cube, Roco A, hippo and other OEMs in gumstick the name escapes me) that this is the player that I wanted to prove myself.
are different models on the market: A-Roco, Roco Roco-B and-C (classical). Mine is the A.

going quickly with a complicated issue: the firmware. In this regard rera should intervene, as he was to flash the version that allowed me to hear him as much as possible "natural". I honestly do not know what and where to find it.

This happened because the manufacturer decided, I would say incredibly saw the result, to block the reader with an equalizer (not know by what criteria) that has proven to be totally unacceptable to my ears.
then I will give two separate impressions, the first about the hoarse-A "out of the box" setting and how he did it (sigh) and the second, certainly more positive, will describe the natural sound or at least not affected from various effettini.
[For each subsection of this review will indicate which version of the firm I mean]

First play the player, after the acquisition and the equalization of default which can not be deleted in any way
-final version of the firmware-

You know all those effects of BBE +? Ones you do not fiddle with them on the train to try and make us a laugh in short .. 3D effects, presets funny that can turn the sound from a cavernous metal so to speak. Everything Hi-Fi has nothing but find any lettorino mp3, from the excellent stand by cowon.
Well, the rocks as the reader works out more "artificial" that I've ever heard: a separation exaggerated, fake and boring. It looks like a 3d effect pulled to the limit. The guitars are very precise, however, each lives in a dimension of sound and this kind of performance could make happy the musicians of the section. Imagine then a preset
halfway between rock and metal, a little '3D effect and much loudness. Here, we're almost there and do good to scare

sibilance present and no way to delete (the EQ is off, remember?) With very very high on. I tried, I gave him time and I have also placed their hopes in him, but in the end the only word I could think was "market and we hope to return with the least cost." Waste of money?

No, because ...

Listening to the player with the first firmware, the beta distributed to reviewers

-beta version of the firmware-

Now we reason, we lose a bit 'of everything that makes listening difficult and tiring and the sound gets sweeter when you can not just bring the wonderful word "normal" on the display of Rocchino
The defect of sibilance remains, especially for those CDs where there is nature. The CD test is in fact Autumn Sky, Candice's voice puts a strain on the reader and the re252 do their best, the difference can be seen via the soon to be hoarse + clip, this issue has certainly more dimensions acceptable residue. The chance to act on the equalizer (beta are with the firm that allow it) can overcome almost completely the sibilance and lost some 'yield but improved overall enjoyment.

With Alessandro MS1000

-beta version of the firmware-

Good race, great result, and the only portable player that can make me enjoy the MS1000 without the need of 'hippo box. The mere fact of being able to use with the grade / alessandro worth the purchase.
Excellent dynamics, good bass, and incisive sound that goes well with the joy and vitality of Alexander. I would say hurray, we found the intended use of this little pink gioeillino!

navigation / menu / firmware / bug
-final version of the firmware-
-beta version of the firmware-

uncomfortable interface, translation very approximate, menus and a tight cramp the toes just to change a song. I'm not complaining, even if a player from € 100, the question is a big flaw.
The options are very few, only we can play with the beta firmware and also try equalizer some effettino. The reading of microSD is quick and precise, the library is pretty unified as we will see two folders roots, one for internal memory and one for external.
No problem for the recognition and management via PC.

Size / strength

Size very contained, almost comparable to that of the Sansa Clip +, and minimum weight make hoarse comfortable to hold in his pocket, there is no clip but really you forget it him. The mirror surface is very nice to see, even the color of old rose conquered me (ok, I'm a girl ... But it's really nice).

The earbuds (buddies) in support ...

Not bad, I would say above average and decent as the ones fitted to the sandisk. Better than those found in the cowon words and philips.

The supplied in-ear ... (PAA-1S)

chapter, a nice surprise and very good ear in order to be included in a bundle with lettorino China. He has just one flaw, perhaps: comes with only one type of insert and is not compatible with anything in my possession.
As you can see from the photos in the rubber dotazione non sono piccolissimi, addirittura riescono a sigillare il mio canale (e ricordo che ad oggi io uso una L di ogni inserto, a parte le black olive della shure) e questo può renderle inutilizzabili per molti utenti.
La forma particolarissima e lievemente bombata del canale driver rende gli inserti standard poco adatti, anche questa mi è sembrata una scelta alquanto discutibile. Resta intesto che riuscirete a montare per esempio dei gommini tipo T400 Comply, ma dopo poco tempo automaticamente ve li ritroverete in mano o peggio li perderete.
Forse la hiSound vende inserti compatibili, non lo so perché il mio scopo era solo quello di fare un test a queste piccole.

Tornando in tema comunque, le promuovo assolutamente per il loro costo: ovvero nulla. Sono ottime in ear per iniziare o per evitare di comprare una pl30 da 17 euro. Non sono bassose, anzi tendono alla neutralità e non risultano fastidiose.


- piccolo, leggero e carino;
- suona bene, decisamente bene (-versione beta del firmware-);
- in bundle decenti auricolari e buone in ear rispetto alla concorrenza;
- pilota egregiamente le Alessandro MS1000, sono solo 32 ohm ma la conformazione le rende ostiche per tutti gli altri lettori in mio possesso. Cowon i9 incluso.


- costruzione molto approssimativa, scricchiolii e tasti poco precisi danno l'idea di una cineseria, un peccato per un lettore che si presenta con un amp di classe A e molte recensioni positive alle spalle;
- suono artificiale e poco reale, anche se sicuramente coinvolgente (-versione definitiva del firmware-);
- nel mio modello l'indicatore batteria è molto poco preciso, si passa dalle due tacche allo spegnimento senza alcun preavviso.

Lo consiglio? Sì e no.

Sì a chi voglia sperimentare un lettore che pilota di tutto, comprese le MS1000 e le RE0, pur mantenendosi in basso sulla scala volume. Ma che sia un utente pro, che sa di having to manage a product with bugs and beta firmware to enjoy the potential it offers. In my opinion not worth the price of € 100 unless you are only interested in its merits and decide to suspend its flaws.

No if you look for stability, peace and do not want to muck around with various updates and flash.

I decided to keep it, if as I believe (or fear?) RE262 for the ape will continue to grow I need his power in the future.

PS: a little complaint as declared by the manufacturer:

Because Of Our unique circuitry design and we do not need to Provide the bass sound effects (EQ, BBE or so) to gain the artificially low, we duplicate the original natural sound perfectly.
The raucous nature is not how you feel with the final signature, but was equalized and impregnated with effects and everything was hidden from the user end.
Only when you can remove this pseudo-equalization will discover the quality of this player. Note that all reviewers have felt satisfied with the product like me, that is, using the equalizer settings and being able to use the "normal".
So it is not true that nature is so, the rap on the hands hisoundaudio

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Skype Not Detecting Web Cam

Setup Portable final? For lulz

Surely not, for me there is no final anything. Except of course the years advance:) Here are my current

fellow adventure by train: the trust RE252, the beloved clip + and surprise Hippo Box. Three
trinkets that claim, certainly not well known, but allow a full and rewarding listening experience. The intruder
it note on the fly, the black electrical tape wanted delight with his presence and I could not refuse to appoint him.

Skype Not Detecting Web Cam

Setup Portable final? For lulz

Surely not, for me there is no final anything. Except of course the years advance:) Here are my current

fellow adventure by train: the trust RE252, the beloved clip + and surprise Hippo Box. Three
trinkets that claim, certainly not well known, but allow a full and rewarding listening experience. The intruder
it note on the fly, the black electrical tape wanted delight with his presence and I could not refuse to appoint him.

Vitamin Slow Heart Rate


comic moments, nothing special. Thank you for the beautiful gift:)

Vitamin Slow Heart Rate


comic moments, nothing special. Thank you for the beautiful gift:)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

ჯეტ ლი

Sandisk Sansa Clip +

Nothing I have written about this little player so far, although June is in my hands and in my ears.
much because I did not write reviews / opinions are not needed, everything you read online about the quality of this gem are shared by me, I found without doubt one of the best purchases "audio" in my life.

It is no small thing.

The Clip + is a player that is cheap, sounds great, is Rockbox (for those not familiar with RockBox: ) and the size of a cigarette lighter. What to ask for more? Perhaps a more powerful battery, but have to be really shameless to find defects.

I have read quite fanciful opinions on sonic performance of the player, when you face a neutral and clean out so the only lifeline to be able to complain and play the card of "digital sound / cold / unreal, "but opinions condivisibi that I find consistent with what I call objectivity. When I say my first step is a YES '/ NO dry, then proceed with the detailed assessment and possible promotion / slating.
This kind of products can not be struck down simply because it has obvious shortcomings, and flaws when it comes to sound. Upload files with excellent quality (even if you want uncompressed, supports almost all formats except AAC) and used in the ear that does not have impedances absurd .. You can hardly complain about something that costs just 40 € and reproduces a sound so clean and clear.

When you decide (I did it quite late, either for lack of time di voglia purtroppo) di usare il firmware open source RockBox si scopre che le potenzialità sono davvero immense. Non voglio dilungarmi sugli effetti di enfatizzazione audio che possono essere usati, poiché il mio amore viscerale è per il clip+ liscio senza alcuna modifica, quanto vorrei precisare che le funzioni aggiunte sono utili nella pratica quotidiana.
La possibilità di ricaricare il lettore con un qualsiasi caricatore da muro usb, l'immediata lettura dei file su micro-sd e la gestione delle playlist sono tra le opzioni che più amo di RockBox.
L'uso di una in ear come la Hifiman RE252 mi permette di evitare qualsiasi giochino di equalizzazione/crossfeed/etc., ma nel caso ci si trovasse a convivere con una cuffietta non perfetta for your needs, you can easily and quickly act on audio performance.

The menu is in Italian, of course, the current release is stable and I have not had any problem with the dual boot, for any information or help installing RockBox I'm available via email:) I know that may not be easy for those who approach to computer or just not familiar with flash / firmware, and more. Returning to

lettorino itself I would advise the purchase regardless of musical tastes, or the precise requirements, once adapted and added the new firmware is practically all you need. Compared to the readers

cowon is better in terms of mere sound quality, especially for those who do not need the different emphases (apart from the BBE, reverb and the bass Mach I am still against the use of the infinite variety of options proposed by cowon). The equalizer

base? Bad, if you need it you have to use to RockBox, there is no chance that you will accept the firmware from Sandisk equalized sound. I say this not because they are fixed or at least demanding, no doubt the sound is degraded by a good 40%.


One of the downside is no doubt that it is not very powerful, able to drive very well over these RE0 but not doing very well, absolutely no real use with headphones, my poor alessandro MS1 (then MS1000) have not appreciated at all.
Chapter in Head Direct coupling I spend hours and RE0 + Sansa Clip, if you read all of the colors when it comes to impedance, I read also of concern to the 55 ohm balanced armature Soundmagic PL50 and more than smile about the preconceptions of others I may not.

Impedance is one of those buttons that makes me jump out of his chair, few really know what it is and people often prefer to brand a product as "unfit" portable listening only because it has a plate impedance of higher than normal . Well do not worry: the pilot clip + RE0 and the pilot really good!
When you are in front of people who will fill the mouth with words that do not understand and you frighten speaking of 40/50 ohms smile and move on, it does not have the slightest idea of \u200b\u200bthe matter. The need to amplify the specific case of coupling a small amp to clip, there's only if you want to listen to headphones themselves, for the rest of the clippin smooth enough and does not need aid.

As usual, any questions or requests for help are available via email or via pvt forum:)

ჯეტ ლი

Sandisk Sansa Clip +

Nothing I have written about this little player so far, although June is in my hands and in my ears.
much because I did not write reviews / opinions are not needed, everything you read online about the quality of this gem are shared by me, I found without doubt one of the best purchases "audio" in my life.

It is no small thing.

The Clip + is a player that is cheap, sounds great, is Rockbox (for those not familiar with RockBox: ) and the size of a cigarette lighter. What to ask for more? Perhaps a more powerful battery, but have to be really shameless to find defects.

I have read quite fanciful opinions on sonic performance of the player, when you face a neutral and clean out so the only lifeline to be able to complain and play the card of "digital sound / cold / unreal, "but opinions condivisibi that I find consistent with what I call objectivity. When I say my first step is a YES '/ NO dry, then proceed with the detailed assessment and possible promotion / slating.
This kind of products can not be struck down simply because it has obvious shortcomings, and flaws when it comes to sound. Upload files with excellent quality (even if you want uncompressed, supports almost all formats except AAC) and used in the ear that does not have impedances absurd .. You can hardly complain about something that costs just 40 € and reproduces a sound so clean and clear.

When you decide (I did it quite late, either for lack of time di voglia purtroppo) di usare il firmware open source RockBox si scopre che le potenzialità sono davvero immense. Non voglio dilungarmi sugli effetti di enfatizzazione audio che possono essere usati, poiché il mio amore viscerale è per il clip+ liscio senza alcuna modifica, quanto vorrei precisare che le funzioni aggiunte sono utili nella pratica quotidiana.
La possibilità di ricaricare il lettore con un qualsiasi caricatore da muro usb, l'immediata lettura dei file su micro-sd e la gestione delle playlist sono tra le opzioni che più amo di RockBox.
L'uso di una in ear come la Hifiman RE252 mi permette di evitare qualsiasi giochino di equalizzazione/crossfeed/etc., ma nel caso ci si trovasse a convivere con una cuffietta non perfetta for your needs, you can easily and quickly act on audio performance.

The menu is in Italian, of course, the current release is stable and I have not had any problem with the dual boot, for any information or help installing RockBox I'm available via email:) I know that may not be easy for those who approach to computer or just not familiar with flash / firmware, and more. Returning to

lettorino itself I would advise the purchase regardless of musical tastes, or the precise requirements, once adapted and added the new firmware is practically all you need. Compared to the readers

cowon is better in terms of mere sound quality, especially for those who do not need the different emphases (apart from the BBE, reverb and the bass Mach I am still against the use of the infinite variety of options proposed by cowon). The equalizer

base? Bad, if you need it you have to use to RockBox, there is no chance that you will accept the firmware from Sandisk equalized sound. I say this not because they are fixed or at least demanding, no doubt the sound is degraded by a good 40%.


One of the downside is no doubt that it is not very powerful, able to drive very well over these RE0 but not doing very well, absolutely no real use with headphones, my poor alessandro MS1 (then MS1000) have not appreciated at all.
Chapter in Head Direct coupling I spend hours and RE0 + Sansa Clip, if you read all of the colors when it comes to impedance, I read also of concern to the 55 ohm balanced armature Soundmagic PL50 and more than smile about the preconceptions of others I may not.

Impedance is one of those buttons that makes me jump out of his chair, few really know what it is and people often prefer to brand a product as "unfit" portable listening only because it has a plate impedance of higher than normal . Well do not worry: the pilot clip + RE0 and the pilot really good!
When you are in front of people who will fill the mouth with words that do not understand and you frighten speaking of 40/50 ohms smile and move on, it does not have the slightest idea of \u200b\u200bthe matter. The need to amplify the specific case of coupling a small amp to clip, there's only if you want to listen to headphones themselves, for the rest of the clippin smooth enough and does not need aid.

As usual, any questions or requests for help are available via email or via pvt forum:)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Turn Monitor Into Tv Xbox

Update of October 13, 2010

Danger! Charlatans out there.
After a long pause, I'm back to you. I posted a new thread titled 'Charlatans: a "concrete" abstract danger' . A title seems contradictory, but read the posts and everything will become clear. This time, the analysis focuses on an important legal aspect of the Bill, namely the fact that it has or has not the "preliminary characteristics" to be a state law. I will talk about the different types of crime covered by our legal system and find that the Bill seeks to introduce what is technically you define a crime of abstract danger . I will try, finally, to explain why there are the necessary requirements for the crime of quackery that I proposed could fall into this category.

Hold on and get to the end of the post!


Turn Monitor Into Tv Xbox

Update of October 13, 2010

Danger! Charlatans out there.
After a long pause, I'm back to you. I posted a new thread titled 'Charlatans: a "concrete" abstract danger' . A title seems contradictory, but read the posts and everything will become clear. This time, the analysis focuses on an important legal aspect of the Bill, namely the fact that it has or has not the "preliminary characteristics" to be a state law. I will talk about the different types of crime covered by our legal system and find that the Bill seeks to introduce what is technically you define a crime of abstract danger . I will try, finally, to explain why there are the necessary requirements for the crime of quackery that I proposed could fall into this category.

Hold on and get to the end of the post!


Monday, September 6, 2010

Keratoconus Treatment Intacs Price

Govibe Single

Un portachiavi, ecco come si presenta questo affarino platicoso e nero, in dotazione anche il cordino e manca solo la pila per scoprire che... È un fiio E3 che suona meglio, niente di più e niente di meno.
Guadagno in volume? Lo abbassa! Ma ha una peculiarità che va sottolineata: il warm sound che produce va a nozze con le RE0 e difficilmente si smette di usarlo tra un clip+ e le stesse Head direct qualora lo si abbia tra le mani.
Funziona con la pila AAA, ha potenziometro per il volume, pulsante di accensione and nothing else. Promoted to the sound without a doubt, because it serves as an equalizer with EQ lettorini that have not or have pity (I said clip +?? ). Useless with the cowon of course, but to really appreciate the residue.
comes with an adapter for iPod line-out, a strap to keep it as a key ring (or tie it to the reader? It takes imagination! ) and a cable for connection.

How does it sound:

RMAA Pay no attention to graphs that are in the network, something went wrong because this baby behaves exactly the opposite of what is shown HERE .

The perception of warmth in the sound of the single is clear, the sound of the clip changes from analog and slightly cold to warm and enveloping, the highs are more timid and backward and found it perfect for RE0 . Sin, sin, sin (three times, as he should do penance who has designed and did not think an amp needs to power and volume) that not only increases the perceived loudness, but even the lower a bit '. I do not understand the meaning of this choice and at first I thought it was probably not guilty of battery power. Unfortunately, this is so nice sounding little amp with RE0/RE252 how little power in the pilot. Unsuitable for Hippo, unless you seek even lower and reverb, I see it as an excellent choice for those who do not complain at all deficiencies in the volume of your mobile solution.
Another small detail that I noticed in the tests was the fact that only single, in the various test including fiio, is able to soften the difficult passages in cui le IEM tendono a dare sibilance.
Pregio o difetto per l'utente finale, questo dimostra una volta ancora che è nato come "equalizzatore portatile" e non come vero e proprio amplificatore.

Il fatto che si presenti come portachiavi mi ha fatto sorridere, non si può dire che l'idea sia poco fantasiosa, le dimensioni sono ridicole e il suono subisce un sostanzioso cambiamento. Spero di aver reso l'idea, questo amp non è inutile in quanto a colorazione del suono, lo è solo per la questione volume.  
Agli interessati la scelta, io lo ho usato molto nei giorni in cui avevo le RE0 in prova perché il mio clip+ non ha un equalizzatore decente e l'unico modo per dare un pochino di vita ai bassi delle Head Direct è appunto un piccolo amp che non infici la resa e non rovini le qualità di questa bella cuffietta.
Almeno per me.

How To Make Sequin Softball Headbands

Hippo Box

metal chassis, weight, certainly not indifferent but impeccable construction, this is how you hippo has the box, a competitor of thickness in the tide of portable amp released in these two years.
has a rechargeable battery, yet I could not download it once so I can not say anything on autonomy.
has a dial to increase bass and one for a boost of volume, no pot, and we must adjust the volume from the player.
It has a power button, if inserissimo a jack into the amp will turn out to be only showing a bright blue LED.
comes with an adapter for line-out ipod and a cable for connection to the reader.

How to play:

is my favorite use for a "general" does very well with Alex, and thanks to the gain volume, I can not exaggerate a reader. No detectable background hissing with RE0, the Ale and the Hippo, mild and not disturbing the RE252 that IEM are very unpleasant memory from this point of view. To give a concrete example RE252 + hippo produces a hissing (noise) with only the smallest of the RE252 cowon i9. With the in ear
widens the scene, he puts in the middle and back high and low light, the hippo with the selector to buy more than three dots charged with two dots instead I was a bit 'too unbalanced and certainly more suited to music that I love (drum & bass?). The RE0
shines with the hippo, bass and gain assets allow to obtain a pleasing result and certainly to be considered if you have the desire to change the character itself, and because we are timid in the low and because it wants more headstage.
The "gain" active does not affect the frequency response, which remains exactly the same, I would certainly have preferred a pot but you can not have it all.

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Govibe Single

Un portachiavi, ecco come si presenta questo affarino platicoso e nero, in dotazione anche il cordino e manca solo la pila per scoprire che... È un fiio E3 che suona meglio, niente di più e niente di meno.
Guadagno in volume? Lo abbassa! Ma ha una peculiarità che va sottolineata: il warm sound che produce va a nozze con le RE0 e difficilmente si smette di usarlo tra un clip+ e le stesse Head direct qualora lo si abbia tra le mani.
Funziona con la pila AAA, ha potenziometro per il volume, pulsante di accensione and nothing else. Promoted to the sound without a doubt, because it serves as an equalizer with EQ lettorini that have not or have pity (I said clip +?? ). Useless with the cowon of course, but to really appreciate the residue.
comes with an adapter for iPod line-out, a strap to keep it as a key ring (or tie it to the reader? It takes imagination! ) and a cable for connection.

How does it sound:

RMAA Pay no attention to graphs that are in the network, something went wrong because this baby behaves exactly the opposite of what is shown HERE .

The perception of warmth in the sound of the single is clear, the sound of the clip changes from analog and slightly cold to warm and enveloping, the highs are more timid and backward and found it perfect for RE0 . Sin, sin, sin (three times, as he should do penance who has designed and did not think an amp needs to power and volume) that not only increases the perceived loudness, but even the lower a bit '. I do not understand the meaning of this choice and at first I thought it was probably not guilty of battery power. Unfortunately, this is so nice sounding little amp with RE0/RE252 how little power in the pilot. Unsuitable for Hippo, unless you seek even lower and reverb, I see it as an excellent choice for those who do not complain at all deficiencies in the volume of your mobile solution.
Another small detail that I noticed in the tests was the fact that only single, in the various test including fiio, is able to soften the difficult passages in cui le IEM tendono a dare sibilance.
Pregio o difetto per l'utente finale, questo dimostra una volta ancora che è nato come "equalizzatore portatile" e non come vero e proprio amplificatore.

Il fatto che si presenti come portachiavi mi ha fatto sorridere, non si può dire che l'idea sia poco fantasiosa, le dimensioni sono ridicole e il suono subisce un sostanzioso cambiamento. Spero di aver reso l'idea, questo amp non è inutile in quanto a colorazione del suono, lo è solo per la questione volume.  
Agli interessati la scelta, io lo ho usato molto nei giorni in cui avevo le RE0 in prova perché il mio clip+ non ha un equalizzatore decente e l'unico modo per dare un pochino di vita ai bassi delle Head Direct è appunto un piccolo amp che non infici la resa e non rovini le qualità di questa bella cuffietta.
Almeno per me.

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Hippo Box

metal chassis, weight, certainly not indifferent but impeccable construction, this is how you hippo has the box, a competitor of thickness in the tide of portable amp released in these two years.
has a rechargeable battery, yet I could not download it once so I can not say anything on autonomy.
has a dial to increase bass and one for a boost of volume, no pot, and we must adjust the volume from the player.
It has a power button, if inserissimo a jack into the amp will turn out to be only showing a bright blue LED.
comes with an adapter for line-out ipod and a cable for connection to the reader.

How to play:

is my favorite use for a "general" does very well with Alex, and thanks to the gain volume, I can not exaggerate a reader. No detectable background hissing with RE0, the Ale and the Hippo, mild and not disturbing the RE252 that IEM are very unpleasant memory from this point of view. To give a concrete example RE252 + hippo produces a hissing (noise) with only the smallest of the RE252 cowon i9. With the in ear
widens the scene, he puts in the middle and back high and low light, the hippo with the selector to buy more than three dots charged with two dots instead I was a bit 'too unbalanced and certainly more suited to music that I love (drum & bass?). The RE0
shines with the hippo, bass and gain assets allow to obtain a pleasing result and certainly to be considered if you have the desire to change the character itself, and because we are timid in the low and because it wants more headstage.
The "gain" active does not affect the frequency response, which remains exactly the same, I would certainly have preferred a pot but you can not have it all.