The first ultra-budget IEM I've ever tried are once again the cinesine, sold for pennies that both focalprice HouseofDap.
The surprise of the building, pretty good for a product that will steal a few euro in their pockets, deserves a special mention. These small headset really have the body built of wood and appear relatively well.
The chapter also deserves it sound a little deeper, though I can not speak of IEM decent or at least acceptable, I can say without doubt that its worth all the pennies and maybe twice. I do not see at all bad for a budget that can not exceed 10 euro, having very little competition in the Italian market offers us today. Of course for fifteen € makes us happy (a jvc air cushion rather than a cx200/300 are on sale at ridiculous prices), but we remain in a "budget risicatissimo" and in this personal view, I can only reward and advise these Kanene.
The company wins and convincing when it comes to spend 3-4 € (including postage, incredible is not it? And there's also recommended other end of the world).
the next.